Destination unknown...

Taylor smiled at him. She brought her arms around herself. It was getting windy and she wasnt wearing anything warm, so she decided to call it a day. "Well it was nice meeting all of you, aside Jenna who i have already met, but you cant remember so this can count." She laughed and gave Jenna a look. "We should catch up again some time soon." She looked at Robert. "Im not friends with nearly enough Gryffindors." She waved them goodbye and headed up to the castle.
Robert smiled at her again. "Who is?" he asked. "Friend are what makes the world go round" he said, mentally slapping himself for being repetishiously boring. "Taylor, i'll come with you, im heading that way" he added. "Don't mind do you?"
"Not at all, it will be good to have company on the way up." She said with a raised voice as she was already a few metres away. "Bye guys." Waving one last time before slowing her steps so Robert could catch up.
Avadia watched in amusement as another boy joined them God, this forest must be popular for first years! she thought, a odd look on her face. She snapped out of her dream-like state, and heard Taylor say good-bye, and start walking off. "Oh, bye." she said, her ringing voice like a choir of bells.
Sern had heard some commotion near the forest and his curiosity was roused. Making his way silently along, Almost cat like, where the noise had come from. He came just in time to see two people leaving. Standing just a ways behind the girl that was left he wondered what do do.
Avadia closed her eyes, wondering what Jenna would do. Avadia didn't really care if Jenna left, or stayed. Though being alone was always good. She concentrated on her breathing, listening for any sound in the dark trees. She heard a rustling, it sounded like a person, or a lage animal. Avadia listened as the 'thing', whatever, or whoever it was, went behind her. She figured it was a person, no animals moved like people, not in that way. Sound for Avadia was important, being almost blind, she relied on her other senses. "I know you're there." she said in a low whisper, just loud enough for Sern to hear her.

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