Destination unknown...

Avadia Price

Well-Known Member
Avadia Price was bored. Usually she had something or another to do, or keep herself amused. But today she was B.O.R.E.D, bored. Her long black hair fluttered in the slight breeze comeing from the window. Not long ago, she had been in another common room, in another school, in another country. Change was bad, Ava thought. But maybe this time, change could be a good thing? Whatever. the pale Ravenclaw girl thought. Change hurts, in ways no-one could imagine.

Still, new school meant new places to explore. And a new forbidden forest. The words 'forbidden', 'prohibited' and 'out of bounds', meant the same as 'fun', 'an adventure' and 'exiting'. It was worth a shot to go there, who knew if there was something interesting there!

Avadia trudged up to her dorm room, and got changed in green clothes. Camouflage wa always good in forests. She skipped over to the door, glimpsing her scarred face. Stupid scars. she thought, she had gotten them from a car crash, the second one she had been in. Why do I always get the injuries? She wondered, thinking about her youngest sister, Naomi. Both car crashes Avadia had been rushed to hospital. Both crashes left Avadia with horrrific sacrs on her face, masking most of her beauty. Even though Naomi had half her face burnt to a crisp, Ava was still slightly mad. Then the image of her sister, plunging into the fire, screaming was enough to make Ava feel ashamed of herself.

She usually wasn't a vain person, but she hated her scars. She walked out to the common room, then out the portrait hole, to the towers. The usually long walk down the millions of flights of stairs, was cut in half as Ava decided to slide down the bannisters, like she usually did when late for class. The familier feeling whooshing down, hair flying was oddly satisfiying.

Avadia skipped outside, and headed to the forest. She looked around, hoping no-one had seen her enter the dense trees, probably not, but you couldn't be too sure. She climbed up a tree, and stared out into the forest, amazed at its sheer size.
Taylor had been having a lazy day. She had been taking a stroll in the gardens to let her mind heal itself. One glance at the forbidden forest and her whole being was swimming with curiosity. She was a Gryffindor, they were supposed to be brave and an adventure lies waiting for her in the dark depths. It was a reasonable day, she wouldnt get lost. She changed her path and walked out of the gardens and towards the forest. She noticed a girl at the edge, before said girl walked in. Taylor smirked as the girl looked around to see if anyone noticed her. Doing the same thing, Taylor looked more carefully. If the girl hadnt noticed her, Taylor couldnt be sure who might see herself. After a thorough check she advanced into the forbidden forest. The girl had climbed a tree, so Taylor strolled up to it, never looking up. Once she was sure the girl could see her, she said, without looking up. "What brings you to the forest today?"
Avadia swung her legs over a branch, and sat down more comfortably. Her hair whipped in the breeze; it was rather windy up there. She thought she heard a voice, and looked down. Damn she thought, she hadn't been as sneaky as she had thought. Usually Avadia could come and go without beign seen, but with bigger schools came more people. She sighed, she looked at the girl, her expression unreadable. She jumped out of the tree, three or four metres were nothing compared to jumping off the second story of her house, a feat she had done many times. She landed perfectly, bending her knees slightly, like she had been taught to do at Gym.

She grinned at the stranger. "Bordom." she said simply, her scars promenant amongst her pixie-like features. "Avadia Price." she said, holding out her hand to Taylor.
Taylor turned and smiled when the girl jumped down. She looked up to where the girl had been sitting and then back at the girl. It was quite an impressive jump, considering she landed so gracefully, after jumping from about three metres, Taylor guessed.

"Impressive." Taylor commented. "Im Taylor, Taylor Mercer. First year Gryffindor." She took Avadia's hand carefully, but firmly. "Nice to meet you." She gave her a smile, before taking her hand away again after shaking it. She glanced behind Avadia, the forest was huge. It appeared as though it would just continue into nothingness. Taylor looked back at the girl, she hadnt noticed the scars before. Taylor briefly wondered how she got them, but discarded the thought. It would be rude to ask.
"Gryffindor, aye?" Avadia smiled. "I'm a Ravenclaw, wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." she recited, with a slight smirk on her face. Most people thought Ravenclaws' were jerks, but most Ravenclaws Ava knew were wonderful, and as essentric as she was. Ava followed Taylor's gaze to the forest, and smiled. "It's pretty big isn't it?" she said. "Bigger than the one in Scotland." she added as an afterthought. She noticed Taylor had glanced at her scars, probably wondering how she got them. By now she was used to people looking at her face. Most people didn't ask, and Ava got annoyed by that sometimes. In her opinion it was better for people to ask her straight away, but politeness made most people think twice.

(I have to go now, but I'll be back on tomorrow! :hug: )
"Yup, a mighty lion." She joked. "Ravenclaw," She pondered. "My cousins a Ravenclaw. Good people." She stated, meaning it. She smiled when Avadia pointed out how big the forest was, almost reading her mind. "So your one of the exchange students from Hogwarts Scotland then?" She questioned. She knew there were quite a few after it closed down that had come here, but she hadnt talked to one yet. "Whats it like there? The same as here?"

She suddenly realised she was looking at Avadia's face longer than was neccessary, but curiosity was eating her. She decided to ask, she tried to as nicely as possible. "If you dont mind me asking and of course you dont have to tell me, but how did you get the scars?" Her tone gentle. She didnt want to upset the girl if it was something personal.
Avadia laughed. She looked at Taylor when she mentioned her cousin was in Ravenclaw. "Oh? Who's your cousin?" she asked sweetly. She nodded. "Yep, flown from the other side of the globe!" she joked, grinning. Actually she had lived in New Zealand all her life, and had changed schools on her sisters' wishes. "Yeah..." she said slowly. "Kind of, this school has way more people, and bigger grounds." she said, stressing the 'way' a little. Hogwarts Scotland had been pretty small, and not as many people there. "A lot easier to get into trouble." she said, smiling at the memory of the night she last snuck into the forest with Zach.

She smiled kindly as Taylor asked her about her scars. "No, not at all." she said. "I got them in a car crash, well... two crashes actually." she said with a grimance. "The first one was years ago,just after my parents died. My sister and I were in the car, she was fine... I had to be cut out of the car." she said, wincing slightly at the memory. Once she started talking, the rest of the story came out. "My hair was burned off, and I'd had to wear a wig for ages." she smiled; she hadn't minded the wig much, in fact she had liked being able to take off her hair to brush it. "My aunt died in that crash, my older sisters were left to look after us. They were sixteen." she said.

Avadia couldn't imagine being responsible for two young girl at the age of sixteen, still in school too! "The second one wasn't as bad, some glass cut my face. Not to bad." she said thoughtfully. "My sister, Wish was terrifired to fire then, she had a major incident last holidays." she said. "Her names's not really Wish, its Naomi Melissa." she added. The name 'Wish' was from Naomi's middlename, Melissa. When Ava had been little, she couldn't say Melissa, she said Ma-wish-a instead.
[hope you don't mind? ]

Jenna was wandering around the grounds when she came to the edge of the forest. Jenna looked over her shoulder nervously, waiting for someone to jump up and yell 'Aha detention for you!' Jenna shook her head and rolled her eyes at herself and took a deep breath and began to walk through the forest as she got deeper into it she heard two voices, female, young and seemingly carefree.

Jenna grinned inwardly and walked towards the voices. When she reached them she saw two girls, one was a Gryffindor and one was in Ravenclaw. Jenna cleared her throat so she wouldn't scare them and said, "Ermm hey." Jenna bit her lip awkwardly waiting for something to be said as she approached them fully, her normally smooth legs were scraped from low tree branches.
(no problem :p )

Avadia heard someone else walking through the forest, just as she finished talking. Her eyes widened, hoping it wasn't a professor or something worse. She looked around, breathing a small sigh of relief when she saw the blonde girl standing near them. "Hi." Avadia said softly, wondering if she had overheard what Ava had been saying. Not that she cared too much, if some heard, usually everyone heard.

She smiled at the girl, thoughts flying around in her head, as the pretty blonde girl approached. "I'm Avadia," she said softly, very aware that none of them should be in the forest. If two people had come in, who could say more people wouldn't come and find them?
"Bella Rigancy." She answered Avadia's first question. "Wow, so you prefer it here then?" She laughed a little at the trouble comment. "No trips to the forbidden forest in scotland then?"

Taylor had listened intently to the story, frowning slightly. "Wow, im so sorry. Must be hard for you." She stumbled through her sentence a little, completely unsure of what to say, she had nothing to give to make the situation better, so understanding was all she could have.

Another voice was heard and Taylor's reaction was similar to Avadia's. She jumped as she thought she was caught, but relaxed noticing a Hufflepuff girl she had met in the kitchens. "Hey. Its, umm." Taylor scrunched up her brow in attempts to remember the girls name. "Jenna!?" She exclaimed suddenly remembering it. "What brings you to the forest?" She smirked.
Avadia didn't know Bella, but she nodded all the same. She chuckled weakly. "Oh, we always got caught, but that never stopped me from trying." she said, a wry smile on her face. The forest had been fun, darker than this one, but fun all the same.

She blinked at Taylor's response. "Don't be." she smiled warmly, people always apologised for things that happen, it was one of the many mysteries of life.

She looked at Taylor, than the girl. Jenna. she thought, Taylor seemed to know this girl. Ava smiled sweetly at Jenna, trying to remember if she'd heard that name before. Of course, the sorting! Wilkonson she remebered, amazed at her memory. Usually she was terrible with remembering name!
"But of course." She chuckled when Avadia said she didnt stop sneaking around. Taylor had to agree, if she was in that situation, nothing would have stopped her.

Taylor smiled weakly at her comment about not being sorry. "Ok," She tried, before realising that was pathetic and added. "Still it must have been awful." Probably could have said something better, but that was all that came to her right now.
Jenna nodded her head when the girl said her name though wondering how she knew that, she didn't remember ever meeting her then said, "Uhm I'm sorry but I don't know either of yours." Jenna gave them a sheepish smile then said, "Oh nothing really... Trying to get over some fear that really isn't needed now." Jenna paused for a swift moment then said, "What about you?"
Taylor furrowed her brow slightly. "I met you in the kitchens, it was when school first started so you probably dont remember." She laughed. "I tend to have a crazy memory." She smiled. "Just exploring really." She once again looked around the huge space, that still felt confined within all the trees.
"Oh sorry.. things have been really busy lately.. Taylor right?" Jenna asked sheepishly then said, "You know we aren't allowed in here right?" Jenna smiled mischeaviously at the two girls hoping that they had a back bone, because she seemed to be growing one now.
Taylor let out a laugh. "Yeah i know that, which probably made me want to come in here more." She smirked. "I wouldnt dream of coming in here at night, cant imagine how creepy that would be." She said seriously, looking through the trees again. "But its daylight and we arent going to get hurt on the outskirts." She smiled again.
Avadia smiled sweetly at Jenna. "Avadia Price." she introduced herself. The wind had certainly picked up now, and her hair was fluttering around her face like millions of tiny butterflies. "Daylight doesn't make much difference." she said, with a puzzled face. True that no-one partrolled during the day, but it was a forest and forest were dark regardless.

She looked around at the trees. Avadia wanted to come back here... at night. She pondered the thought, weighing her options. It would most likely lead to a detention, but Avadia didn't care in the slightest. She had already gotten one detention the year before, for sneaking out into the forest at night, another one wouldn't matter!
Taylor pondered Avadia's responce. "Sure the creatures still live in here, but at least we are provided with some light in this place." She shuddered to think what it would be like not being able to see her surroundings if she came at night. Sure she was a brave Gryffindor, but the forbidden forest was not something she planned on witnessing.
Avadia shrugged. "Well I'm going to come back here at night sometime." she said. She was either very stupid, or very brave. Avadia herself didn't know which one. She hoped she wasn't stupid, but stupidity was sometimes a good thing. Stupid people had fun. And fun was the main thing. She wondered if she should actually come back, not tonight, but certainly some time.
Taylor's eyebrows raised. "Good luck with that. You must be brave, im a Gryffindor and i would never come in here unless i had at least three other people that were bigger and stronger than me." She laughed.
Robert, with his hands in his jeans pockets, walked through the forest. He had to make up his mind sooner or later, one way he would have to loose one. He heard voices up ahead, and went to investigate.

"Hey" he called when he saw three girls, all around his age. Robert started to look confused. "Ive been here 3 days, and haven't talked to any boys yet. Where are they all?" he asked them. "Im Robert, by the way" he added.
Taylor saw a boy join them. She smirked, "Yet another rule breaker, join the club." Her smirk turned to a smile, noting he was cute. "Hey Robert, im Taylor first year Gryffindor." She nodded in his direction.
"Griffindor? We could be friends!" he smiled at her. "Nice to meet you. Rule breakers hu? Where would the world be without us??" he asked retorically.
She let out a light laugh. "Why havent i seen you around the common room?" She asked, taking that he was a Gryffindor. She picked up a peice of her hair distractedly and began to play with it.
He smiled. "Im new. Only joined Griffindor yesterday or the day before, somthing like that." he replied. He noticed her playing with her hair and wondered. That's what Larissa did? Why do they all do that?

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