Debate Party

Elliot Archer

OOC First Name
Curly 15 Inch Unyielding Oak Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
<SIZE size="50"> Elliot Archer was the only one of the family which currently lived at home that actually was following the election coverage, her husband, Branson was not magical, and therefore had little interest in the thing itself. He also didn't have much of an interested in politics, and so it wasn't something that interested him greatly. But with a little bit of pushing a shoving the woman had finally managed to sway her husband in hosting with her a debate party as such. It was essentially a gathering people who knew her husband, her children or her. Anyone. Which was why for the occasion they were happy to have finally moved to their new home. It had been a long time coming, since Branson had finally found good work, as had she, and they were better off to the point that they could afford something more than an apartment in Auckland. They'd moved out the outskirts of a magical village on the south island, somewhere near Dunedin. Which had been quite a move, but with magic, it had been simple. She'd even enlisted the help of her nephew to help her. She and him had spent the better part of a weekend moving the stuff which had been a nice experience. Despite it being so many years that they'd known each other, Elliot still saw that the boy was nervous around her and her husband. She visibly remembered the conversation they'd had about Stefan's father, his life before them. The details he'd been willing to share with her and her husband. She shuddered at the thought, not quite at times believing that Mason had become the man from Stefan's stories, but there was little really denying them. Now, they were in their new home, it was a spacious two story house, with plenty of modern features, but was mostly magical. She was just putting the final touches to the drinks table when her husband wandered into the room. She glanced around at him and gave a warm smile.

"You got the radio?" She said, as he then produced the radio from his side, she walked over to him, and kissed him lightly on the cheek before wandering away and placing the radio on the mantle piece so that it would be visible and easily heard. She turned it to the right channel but it was not quite the time for the debate, they were running a little ahead of the schedule that they'd put in place. She smiled at the man who stood in the centre of the room, looking smart for the event, but a little lost. The people who were coming were all magical. Since they all had magical friends, despite the fact that Branson was muggle. She had extended invitations to her brother and his family, since she'd heard that their middle child was at school with Tybalt. She wasn't sure if they were coming, but it would be interesting nonetheless. She glanced around the room, smiling happily. "Perfect!" She smiled happily at her work, and then at her husband. "Did you find out if Stefan and Kate are coming sweetie?" She had extended the invitation to the man, that she doubted would come. She'd told him that a lot of people would be at this thing, which meant he didn't need to be there. She listened to what Branson said and nodded. "Lydia? You ready, people will be arriving soon" She called to her daughter who was still upstairs getting ready. she wasn't sure how many would come, but regardless, this would be nice. She'd made it appear like a really open invitation. She trusted that people who did come would know them, but she wouldn't mind the friends of those people tagging along. This entire thing was to listen to the all important debates.

Alright, this topic is open to anyone who knows any of the Archer's, So anyone who knows Tybalt, Lydia, Ailsa, friends of Stefan who might've met Ty's parents. If you really wanted to join this, but your character doesn't know any of the characters mentioned, PM me, perhaps we can work something out! It's all to listen to the all important debates!
Branson Archer Sr had been pretty happy to have finally found the kind of work he'd always been looking for. He'd work in the library for a while, and while it had been good, he had gone to university to be an architect, and he sort of wanted to make use of that degree. So when the opportunity to change profession had occurred he'd jumped on it. And in the long run it was proving to be incredibly useful. He was so looking forward to this, and he was feeling truly happy for the first time in a while. He'd always been taught that the father was bread winner and all that, and not being able to provide every whim and wish had been difficult. Moving to New Zealand had been incredibly tricky. He couldn't quite get over the fact that they'd been in New Zealand for so long at this point. it seemed just yesterday he was sitting in the car they'd gotten upon arrival telling his children a few lies about what they were doing in New Zealand. he was sort of sad that they weren't able to grow up where he and Elliot had grown up, but it was better this way. He realised it, all he had to look at was his son, the boy remembered who would come home from school out of breath and scared was now a young man, who would achieve far more that Branson ever had. Branson had heard his son talk about their eyesight with Stefan. He was the only one of the family who seemed so keen to change it. To make it better. Where he and his nephew Stefan, were reserved with things how they were. Branson figured it was the way in which they'd both been brought up had given them a different outlook on the family gene.

With the radio in his hands he walked back to where his wife was putting the final touches on the room. He smiled happily watching her work away. And he couldn't help but smile. He loved her so much. Suddenly she turned to face him and his smile grew. it seemed like things with them had finally been right. It seemed like they were finally in a situation where things were actually good. It had been tricky, but things were good now. They were truly good now. He was just so happy. He handed his wife the radio and then smiled happily. He couldn't wait for all of this to get started. He had little interest in the whole politics side of things, but he was looking forward to spending time with his wife and her brother, who they didn't see that often. He stood watching her as she set up the radio, and the sound drifted through the room. He couldn't help but nod along, it really was perfect. "You've outdone yourself honey" he said to her brightly. She really had. At the next question he shrugged a little, "I think Stefan was working later today, so I'm not sure. And with Kate, I don't know. They were a maybe" He told her. Watching at the seemingly stressed over all the last little details about it. Branson was just so pleased with how things were now. He was so happy. there was no other way of putting it. He glanced up as his wife yelled for Lydia. He watched as his youngest child then jumped down the stairs to greet them in the main room. She was dressed nicely, and was excited, he didn't think she would be that interested in the politics, but Lydia was looking forward to spending time with Eilidh, her cousin, Ailsa's sister. Everything was perfect. "Look at my girls, they look beautiful" He told them brightly, wrapping his arms around his wife and smiling brightly. This would be fun he was sure.
Lydia Warrick was very excited. For reasons that she couldn't quite explain. It was all fun and games recently for her. The fact that she was getting ready to go to Hogwarts in the next term was the only thing she thought of recently. She was feeling pretty excited about all of the things currently happening in her life. She was finding new things to do, and was happily going to muggle school not so bothered with the lessons and all that most because she knew what was going to happen in the next year. It was all going to be good fun. She was sure that this would be a lot of fun. She been very excited to here that her magical cousins would be at this party. It was interesting her so much that she would be be able to spend time with her cousins. She didn't get to seem that often, and suddenly Ailsa was in New Zealand. Which was perfect. her and Ailsa were always talking about quidditch, and maybe finally she'd be able to play quidditch with her. Maybe they wouldn't be able to play now, since the important thing right now was the fact that there was the election, but Lydia was ten years old, she wasn't interested in the election in the slightest. It was just the one thing that she knew this party was for. Regardless of this, Lydia was brimming with excitement. With that thought she finished getting ready and tidying her room. She knew that while the party would not come up here, she wasn't going to put it past her to show her cousin's the room that was hers, so it had to be tidy. This was a brand new house, so Lydia wanted to do her bit to help the house keep tidy. It was all in the name of doing more.

A voice sounded underneath, Lydia strained to hear it, and then realised it was her mother calling her down. Lydia was mostly ready, she was sat in front of her mirror trying to put on the little bit of make up she had, just in the way that her mother had shown her. She was pretty pleased with how well she was managing, and without ruining it or making her look bad. That was the idea surely. With that done, Lydia those products away and then rushed down the stairs. She barely remember their time in America, Lydia was the only one of her family who didn't have a really thick southern accent. Hers was a mixture of American and New Zealand. She was however happy with this new house. She finally had so much space. There was a backyard and everything, she was tired of going to Stefan's to be able to practice. She loved her cousin, but it meant having to see if he was in, and her cousin was busy a lot of the time. She smiled happily as she stepped into the room where her parents were waiting. She smiled at them happily. it was all prefect. Then of course her father had to ruin the moment by saying that they looked beautiful. Lydia blush furiously. Not that her dad would see that. "When are Mhairi and that getting here" she asked, clearly wanting to know when her cousins would get there. She was keen to hear the debates sure. She wanted to be like her mother, and know about things like that, but it wasn't going to hold her for long, she was young after all, and the thought of having kids her age around was the thing that was exciting her most about this.
Tybalt Archer had last minute decided that he would go back home for Christmas. And this meant that the moment that the school term was over he'd headed back home, well, to their new home. His stuff had mostly been in boxes when he'd arrived at the new home. Mostly as his mother had thought that he would rather be the one that would be happy to undo the boxes and all of that. Ty had been more than happy at the prospect. He'd been working so hard over the last term, that he was pretty pleased of a small and easy task such as this. He was pretty pleased with how things had gone in the end. Despite the trickier start, Tybalt had been happy with the end, and these debates were important to him, mostly since he wanted to do something with his club that was for students. That resembled it. Which would be interesting to say the least he was sure. Tybalt had spent the better part of this day putting the finishing touches of the room that was his. He didn't have many belongings that were recent, so his room, didn't really resemble the seventeen year old teen, but someone younger. It was still however very much his. It had been after he'd done with that, that his mother had given him the task of fixing the front of the house. There wasn't much to be done, but he had put some table and chairs outside for those who wanted to sit outside. Plenty of space for kids if they started running around. Which was what he wanted really. What he imagined his family wanted. Tybalt already knew that Stefan wasn't going to be coming to this party, and this was annoying for the teen, who had been looking forward to spending time with his cousin.

With all of that done, Tybalt just glanced around at his work. This place was very different from the last home that they'd had, that apartment, or even the place before it. It was good, he felt like they could finally settle here. Tybalt knew that his family had been through a lot, and unlike in the other houses, he noticed the odd pictures of Mason, the brother that Tybalt had had, who'd died more than ten years ago now, It was so long, that Tybalt couldn't actually imagine what his brother had looked like. Lydia had been told the story, but she had no idea. Ty sighed slightly, and then told himself to smile. Now was not the time to think of such things really. He smiled, and headed back inside. Having to walk through the spare room, which he though was used as a dinning room, to then be able to get to where his family was. He watched with careful eyes as his father hugged his ma, and then complimented his girls. Tybalt knew he annoyed his father with the constant bitterness about their eyes. He knew that his father still saw the beauty in the world, that he didn't need colour. But, the gryffindor had sort of decided that he'd at the very least find out why it might happen, and why it was so dominant in their family. "You don't look too bad yourself da" He said with a smile. Heading into the room to greet his family. "It's looking great ma" he complimented her brightly. The noise of the radio filled the room, now, all they needed were for people to arrive. He knew it was only a matter of time before Ailsa and her family got here, maybe he and Kalvyn would have a couple of things in common. If not, he hoped some of his friends would come. He was interested in the debate, but he didn't exactly want to be sitting alone.
Ailsa Vacarius was at the front of her family, walking the quickest. She had been ready first. Where Ailsa had thought she would spending her first christmas in New Zealand alone, her family had decided that they would split their time between New Zealand and England. Spend one week in one place, and one in the other. This suited Ailsa fine since it meant she got to spend time with her family and also back home. She loved New Zealand so much more but she did occasionally miss little things about her home. Currently they were staying a lovely little hotel, it was a nice little place, and they had a room for the adults and a room for the kids. Which would've been nice, if Kalvyn had allowed them to have any fun, which of course he didn't. He was so studious, his head was constantly in a book. which Ailsa found a little boring, but it had been good to spend time with her younger sister with whom she got a long with a lot better. It was all incredibly interesting really. She was excited by it and looking forward to being able to spend time with her cousin Lydia at the new Archer house. The fact they were going to listen to politics was just a small downside about it. A downside that Ailsa was sure that her and the other kids around their age would be quick to ignore and just have fun. That was what she was holding out for. In any case, she knew that Lydia was much more like her, than her brother was. They loved sports more than classes, and loved quidditch above all other things. One thing that she hoped to be able to do in house at some point during the night.

Ailsa was the first to let go of their parents, when they arrived at the house, via apparition. She wasn't sure what this was going to be like, but it seemed that everyone was pretty happy about it. The two families despite being magical had spent little time together which was a pity really. Ailsa herself wasn't bothered, she kept in contact with Lydia quite a lot, and was happy she'd finally see her again. She was kind of hoping that when her cousin started at the school that she would be in Gryffindor too. That would be good. She knocked on the door and smiled happily as she was greeted with the sight of her elder cousin, Tybalt. It was a good sight, but after a quick greeting Ailsa had headed further into the house. Where she noticed the sound of the radio in the background, then noticed her aunt and uncle, and the finally Lydia. Ailsa squealed happily and then rushed to give her cousin a large hug. She was so happy to see her. "Lydia!" She exclaimed happily breaking away from the hug. This girl was only slightly like the girl that she remember it had been so long since she'd seen her. Ailsa smiled at her aunt and uncle greeted, definitely not as warmly as she'd greet Lydia. With that however done, she wandered back to Lydia. Who was stood with Eilidh. She smiled at her cousin. Not sure how long they could wait around in this room before it would be okay for them to leave. "How've you been Lydia, excited for Hogwarts next year? Do you know which house you want?" She asked hurriedly, glancing at her younger sister to show that while the questions were addressed for Lydia, that she too could answer them. Ailsa was so happy that Lydia's mother had decided to have this party, it was the best thing ever.
<SIZE size="50">Jeremy Evans had stayed in the UK ever since finishing up with school in the country. he had settled into a life there that he loved and found truly amazing. He loved his wife and his three beautiful children. But, the one problem he had was that he was so far from his older sister. The older sister that had held them together after their parents had died. It had been a hard task, he knew this, but he was still eternally grateful that she had. He didn't see her that often any more, so much less over the past few years, mostly because of how busy both he and she had been. It was annoying certain they were grown adults who couldn't make time for each other. But, that being said he was glad that his eldest daughter had swayed him and his wife into letting her go to Hogwarts New Zealand, it had reopened doors that Jeremy had thought had been a little more closed than open. Which was good. He missed his sister, and spending time with her even in this small capacity was something that he wanted to do. it would be good he was sure. It would be good fun. He couldn't wait to see her again. He was really excited for it, but nothing in his face showed that he was. To most he was the picture of calm. He was the vision of calm. He couldn't be as excited as the youngest two. Though he though Kalvyn could do with a little bit of cheering up. He worked hard that boy, and Jeremy was proud, but he wanted to also have fun. Taking one last glance at his wife, he put his arms around his two girls and then with his wife apparate to the front door of his sister's new house. Things had been tricky over the past few years for his sister, but he was glad things had settled.

As soon as they'd arrived, Jeremy had felt his daughter just bolt off towards the door. She was clearly the most openly excited about this trip. Jeremy followed close in behind her. Incredibly taken aback by the man that stood in front of him, the boy or man was Tybalt, he could see it, but Ty looked so incredibly like his father. Especially when his father been that age. The startling blue eyes and the build. He greeted the boy warmly. "Tybalt, you've grown a lot since I last saw you" It had been many year since he'd last seen Tybalt, at least in person, since he'd seen pictures though they didn't really show the full scale of the growing up that the boy had done, Jeremy moved past the boy after having shook his hand, spotting his sister easily in the next room. "Sis, look at you" he greeted warmly, walking over to them, spotting Lydia and Ailsa already getting a long. he was glad that Ailsa had the Archer family in New Zealand to help out where he and his wife could not. "And you too Branson, congratulations on the new job" He said happily. "Right, drinks!" he exclaimed happily, motioning for Branson to join him at the drinks table. Knowing that the man would want a little company, since he wasn't likely interested in the politics, and while Jeremy did take an interest in it, it was Mhairi who was much more interested in it. She was the one who loved it. "Beer good with you?" He asked Branson before opening a beer for each of them.​
It was funny to Mhairi Evans, she had been teaching for a fairly long while now, she had briefly taught at a magical school, but recently she'd decided to switch, now she taught a muggle secondary school in the local muggle village and yet magical election stuff interested her more than their muggle counterparts. She liked it a lot more. She taught social studies, and found it much better than teaching magical students about astronomy. She'd always thought that that path would lead her to the sciences, but really for Mhairi it wasn't to be. She was loving her new job, and she liked being able to come home at a reasonable time, and never having to worry about many little things. Plus, she was sure that her son was thankful that Mhairi was not the professor teaching him. Mhairi had however been surprised when her daughter had declared that she had wanted to go to Hogwarts New Zealand. Of course she had heard wonderful things about the place. It was a good school, and it didn't appear to have any real issues. She was very happy about the fact that there was an upcoming election in New Zealand, and that being the entire reason that Mhairi and her family were heading to Jeremy's sister's for a debate party. She loved a bit of election stuff. It was good fun, and while she didn't live in New Zealand, she still had to look out for her child which was why she had decided so happily to join her sister-in-law's party and enough herself there. Mhairi had been reading up about it a lot and was super looking forward to being able to talk about it with Elliot and any one else who might be at this party. She had her son clutch on tightly, he was not a huge fan of apparition and with a loud click the family apparated directly in front of the house.

Mhairi smiled at the house, it wasn't like anything she was used to back home, but it was certainly nice. It had been a while since she'd seen any of the Archer family, she knew that so much had changed during that time. That her sister-in-laws family had been through so much over recent years, and she wondered if any of this would show in the family tonight. Mhairi was only a step behind her husband Jeremy as they made their way to the door. It was Ailsa who knocked and Tybalt Archer who answered. She noticed that her husband was fairly shocked by the man who stood in front of him. It was true this person was not the little baby boy they had last met. It was annoying that despite all the magic they hadn't made more time to see one another. Mhairi moved into the house and smiled happily when Jeremy headed straight to his sister. She noticed that Kalyvn stayed with Tybalt and Eilidh went straight to Lydia. She was a little younger than the two other girls but that wouldn't stop her trying to keep up. Mhairi just smiled happily. She could hear the radio, the debates would be starting fairly soon, and it was as this was said that her husband lead away Branson to the drinks table. Mhairi put an arm around Elliot and smiled. "Tybalt has grown so much since I last saw him" she said with a smile, "As for these elections, I've been trying to follow it, but I think for now, the best candidate seems like Carter or the Kingsley man. Both of them seem to know what's best for New Zealand. And that Brandt woman seems strange, I don't really like her. I guess we'll see. What are you thinking so far?"
Kalvyn Evans was possibly the only one of his family who was not excited about this party. He had no plans to listen to the debate. While he was studious he wasn't exactly the type of person who really enjoyed politics, he liked maths and numbers, he liked astronomy and that kind of thing, this is why he was not so keen on this entire party which they had been invited to. Mostly because of the fact it was for the debate, and as a student in Ravenclaw he was going to have to be the one who gave important information and things like that. He had had to read up about it all. The only thing that he was looking forward to was seeing his older cousin. Kalvyn didn't know much about the other boy. He was mostly just looking forward to talking OWLs, and classes, he knew the boy was a prefect, and as a fourth year, that was what his sights were on for the next year. He wanted to talk to someone who was as studious as he was. It was just nice that at least one member of his family was studious. His parents were, but they weren't students at Hogwarts any more so he couldn't talk about it with them. And at least with his older cousin, perhaps they could have an actual discussion about which Hogwarts was better. Since having one with Ailsa was pointless. it was like having one with a brick wall that wasn't ever going to budge. So, there was even little point trying. But, perhaps with someone older he'd get the chance to talk about it with anyone else. Kalvyn had stuck with his mother as they apparated to the house. He didn't remember much about his cousin, they talked less often now that they had once. The move that they'd made had widened the gap between them.

Kalvyn was a step behind his mother as they walked to the door. He could already make out the sound of the radio filtering out into the front of the house. He didn't pay attention as his family headed into the house, and only was brought back when Eilidh shoved past him to get into the house. Kalvyn shook his head in amusement, and then headed into the house. Greeted with the site of his cousin. Who was now much taller than Kalvyn. Kalvyn was not a short boy, but he'd not quite grown to his full height, the growing process had been less kind to him than it had been to his cousin clearly. Which didn't bother Kalvyn much, he didn't need to be tall. He followed his cousin into the house, "How was your term?" he asked the older boy, knowing that his term was likely more difficult than Kalvyn's that had been simple. Kalvyn had achieve perfect grades for his classes during the term, he hoped that Tybalt would be the same. He looked around the room, waving slightly to Ty's parents. Watching his two sister zone in on the youngest Archer in the room. He glanced back at Tybalt. "Have you been able to follow the debates while at school?" he asked him, since for him in Hogwarts Scotland it had been a little trickier. Mostly due to the fact that they were so far from the place and their news was mostly about the UK and Europe. "I've been trying to keep up, it's been tricky, I personally think the Mattias guy is the best option, if anything he's got the most life and travel experience. In a world where we can travel so easily, surely that's a really important thing."
Eilidh Evans had been enjoying being home alone with her parents a lot. It was proving very good for her. She loved having the full attention of her parents. Of all the Evans' it was perhaps Eilidh that was most spoiled. She had everything she wanted, especially in these last months. Which was why for her she hadn't been annoyed at the whole debate thing, but she wasn't happy to have her siblings back at home. Sure, it meant she had people to talk to, but she didn't want to. It was a little more fun but that was it. She wasn't at all interested in finding out how their terms had been, no, that kind of thing was boring. That was pointless and really just so incredibly boring. Eilidh was smiling to herself, with other people, and another family she was more than happy to spend time with it would be fun to say the least. She like her elder sister Ailsa wrote to Lydia and the three were pretty good friends she reasoned. She had been looking forward to meeting Lydia again, the last time she'd seen her she'd been too young to remember and they didn't talk about it a lot, mostly as it had been the funeral of Lydia's eldest brother. That wasn't something they talked about. Mostly since none of them had known the boy. It was a sort of depressing fact, and Eilidh was excited to meet her cousin properly. Both of them. Ever since Ailsa had gone to Hogwarts New Zealand, Eilidh had wondered which place would be best for her. Which house she would fit into. Eilidh was in the arms of her father as they were apparated to her cousin's house. As soon as they arrived, Eilidh just took the time to take it all in. Admittedly she was beginning to see the charm that New Zealand had to offer, perhaps her sister wasn't wrong to go to school in this country.

Eilidh was much less excited that Ailsa, but she was just nervous. She hadn't really ever been to family gatherings. She wasn't used to it. And much less when they were for something political. Eilidh loved the idea of having power. She thought it would incredibly fun, but she didn't see the point of being elected, if you really wanted power in her mind you should just take it. She was the one of the family who was last to walk to the front. Her mind wasn't following along, but she bumped into her brother who had stopped walking. She brushed past him and smiled warmly at the boy who held the door open. That must be Tybalt. She glanced at her parents warmly greeting the Archers. She just went over to Lydia and gave her a warm hug. "Lydia! It's so good to see you" she told the girl politely, she was happy to see her. It had been too long. She watched as Ailsa then came back to greet them, Ailsa addressed her questions to Lydia, but seemed to extend them to Eilidh, "I can't wait till I get to go, I can't wait to get sorted and get a wand and all that" she said excitedly, imagining that Lydia was probably on the same boat as her. "I think I'd make a good Ravenclaw, like Kalvyn, or maybe a good gryffindor like you Ailsa" she told the pair. Eilidh saw herself much more as a Slytherin, but she wasn't about to tell them that, she didn't know how well it would be received. "I'll get us some butterbeer!" she told the pair, pushing past her father to get to the drinks table and making three drinks of butterbeer, going back to the other two to hand them the drinks. She could hear in the background, the sound of the debate beginning. This would be good she was sure, "here, I figure we can stick around for opening remarks, then just go out back for something more fun"

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