Death Eater Planning

Asparuh Zhefarovich III

Ex-Death Eater / Horcrux Creator
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 17" Core of Crow's Feathers and Poplar 16 1/2" Core of Basilisk's Fang
October 31st, 1949
There was a meeting to be held at the Snow Manor, a remote area that basically only those that the Snow's had revealed, and it was a pleasant place to call a meeting for the death of an Auror. Asparuh stood in a rather large room, perhaps what the owner of the manor called the Meeting Room. It was much different that what he had at his own manor. The room was large, without windows, and had many couches and armchairs for those about to gather around. This needed careful planning, and the only Death Eater in his own family able to attend was his son Axel. He was specialized in the Auror deaths, but maybe there would be others around willing to take care of the man than Axel. Asparuh would not be attending the actual death, and will not be the cause of it. However, with as much experience behind him since the early 1970s, Asparuh would have some clever ideas on how to approach this situation at hand with precision and success.

The fireplace was lit, the light of the fire danced upon his thin, firm features. His face was emotionless, and it appears that, other than the owners of the Snow's Manor, he was the first to arrive. Asparuh had claimed a spot in an armchair close to the fire, his black robes embraced his large body, and he stared forward without a single emotion upon his eyes. Asparuh had not had a pleasant week, and planning someone's death would give him great pleasure of mind. Asparuh folded his arms across his chest, and he sat patiently. This family, it was odd but it was a blessing that Asparuh was even in their home. It was not often someone would see Asparuh inside of a person's home that was not blood related to him. Though through marriage, Asparuh had to be here to check up on some things as well. After all, having control over certain people was in fact a tiring job.

Asparuh's cold, lingering gaze landed on Alphonse, whom still had some bruises and such from Asparuh in the past, but it was hard to tell unless that said person was around when Asparuh did almost kill him. Asparuh inquired harshly, "When will the others' arrive?" Asparuh had years to have his patience grow, but after waiting for so long, one can only hold up. Asparuh needed not to use his Legilimency ability to speak to Alphonse. There was probably more in his mind than Asparuh needed to see, especially if it concerned his daughter Nataliia Snow. There was no telling what he was thinking of her, or else Asparuh would end up infuriated and probably killing the man this time. Asparuh blamed everything upon Alphonse, and even Arnost for setting those two up to begin with. Asparuh fell silent once more, and he waited for the others to show up.

OOC: This is an Admin approved plot, the roleplayers have been listed, and if you are not apart of this plot, then you will not post here. You may read it, but you can not post in it.
Nicolette was both shocked and honored that she was one of the selected Death Eaters allowed to attend a meeting of some sort, all she knew was that it specialized in a murder or attack of some sort and she was probably only needed for her skills in the Medical field, or maybe it was her ability to track down information, point all together was...she thought it was pretty that she got to be a part of it. Despite the fact that she was seven months pregnant, her body seemed to be perfectly fine, and her mood was chipper, so it was probably no shock to anyone when she walked into the room with a small smile on her face and sparkling gold eyes, she had been in this room so many times before that she figured she knew it as well as she knew the back of her hand.

"Hello everyone!" She said in her usual bubbly tone and headed to her favorite creamy white colored sofa and slowly sat down, patting her stomach once she was settled and comfy. Her eyes shifted to the fireplace as she tried to think of who else might be here, she hoped it wasn't a lot of obnoxious people or surely they would effect her mood, which in turn would cause Damianos to get upset. Then again if they were all being gathered here to plan someone's death, she figured that would have to have some level of maturity, or at least enough to keep themselves contained until the end of this meeting. 'I wonder who's going to be the unlucky person to have to do the killing?' She was pretty sure she wasn't going to be put out to do it, due to her pregnancy, but someone was going to have to be thrown out into the loop. Add it had to be someone trustworthy enough not to spill everything either in case they were caught while attempting to do the deed. "Leon should be here soon by the way, as for the others..I have not a clue." She waved her hand boredly and leaned back into the couch, ready to get this meeting underway so she could head back to the Styx Manor to eat then take a nap, this baby was exhausting her, luckily it wouldn't be soon before he was born.
Alphonse wearily eyed both Asparuh and Nicolette as he calmly sat in another cream colored armchair acrossed from Asparuh. He trusted the both of them not to be foolish and wreck his home during this meeting, he just hoped the others invited for the planning would do the same and respect that he had given up his day and his home so they could pull this off, it was an important step for the Death Eaters and he had to admit that he was feeling honored to be in the presence of many of his teammates and family members, as he sat in silence he nodded at Nicolette when she relayed the information about his brother being along soon, he was actually surprised that Leon wasn't here first, the poor boy seemed beyond excited to have his first Death Eater mission thrown our into the open, which Alphonse found kind of funny. "Honestly no clue." Alphonse stated calmly as his eyes shifted to the fireplace, eager to get this meeting underway so he could figure out what was going along and stop having to worry about paperwork and such.
Today was a great day of pride for Millard, to have been chosen as one of the select few to be part of one of the biggest DE missions, was such an honor for the young Death Eater and one he would gladly take part in. After recieving the details of when and where the secret meeting was going to take place Millard made his way to an unmarked floo connection so no-one could track him. Clearly speaking the name of the secret location Millard let the green flames engulf him and in no time he felt his body falling through many different passageways until his feet solid ground again.

Stepping out of fireplace Millard saw three people in front of him he quickly cast the scourgify spell on his clothes and the small bit of ground around him that he soiled before moving on into the room. Millard was unsure of who the people were but gave them all a nod of acknowledgement and respect, seeing that they were clearly his superiors. "Millard Lurken." he introcduced himself, unsure of what to say to the three in the room.
Ioan stepped through the doorway of the Snow household, standing tall and proud, though his usual arrogance was toned down considerably. He had nothing but the utmost respect for the people who would be attending this meeting and considered it an honor to be considered worthy to assist in planning a mission. As Ioan entered the room where the other death eaters were waiting, he looked much more serious than usual.

"Ioan Finch" he said, introducing himself to the others as he nodded his head in greeting. Ioan stepped over to an armchair near the others and took off his leather jacket, placing it on the back of the arm chair before taking a seat. He glanced towards the doorway wondering where Adrianne was. He had left before she had, but knew she should be arriving soon. He was proud to call her his girlfriend, especially considering that she was only in training and had still been invited to join the planning as well.

Glancing at the others, Ioan realized that he only knew one person, Millard. The pair had attended school together some years before. The other gentlemen he knew by reputation, but the lady he didn't know at all. It didn't matter though as they were all linked by one thing that meant everything to Ioan- they were all death eaters.
Drake appeared at the façade of the Manor. He rubbed his hands together, implying a sense of mischievousness. He murmured to himself, before opening the doors of the mansion, entering it swiftly and silently. He found himself, unsure of where to go. The entrance of the Manor was cavernous, and Drake was looking left and right. He decided to go with instinct and took a left, looking around at the decor. After a couple of minutes, he could hear voices, in the not so distant room ahead of him.

He cleared his throat, straightening his smartest dress robes. He moved his hair out of his eyes. He walked in through the door, noting Asparuh's presence. Drake, like many other Death Eaters looked up to Asparuh with respect, which he deserved. " Good day Asparuh" Drake said to him, before bading hello to the others, even though he didn't know any of them. He took a seat, waiting patiently for everyone else to arrive. He couldn't wait for the "assignment" to happen. It was going to be too much darn fun, but careful planning and consideration had to go into it. Drake was going to listen to every last detail, no matter how minute it was. It could help him be successful or if he forgot it, then he would have to prepare for the worst.

Drake was so excited. It was better than Christmas as a kid in his book. It was so much fun, to have someone at your mercy. You, who control their life, how much more they live it for. One swift and quick decision, and it was yours to decide.

He smiled politely at the others, not caring what they thought of him. He had respect for them all, as there was one thing that united them all together. He itched his forearm casually, looking around the room, noting there was no windows. His wand was snugly in his robe pocket, and he listened to the small talk that was being made around them, waiting imperturbably.

The time had come. Edith grabbed her coat, bag and wand from the shelf by her door, and exited her home in the New Zealand country-side. She had been awaiting a meeting with her fellow death eaters, and this seemed the perfect opportunity for her to do so. She approached the forest by the side of her mansion, which was located in muggle village and approached her covens patch, she stood quietly and thought for a moment, then a loud 'pop' occurred and she had apparted. She arrived at the gates of the Manor, she approached with caution, feeling as though being watched, her hand clutched round her wand in her robe pocket.

The cloak she was wearing covered half of her face, and as she approached the doors, she couldn't help but have a feeling of unease and yet there was also excitement in her atmospheric shell as she turned left to approach the door where she saw light flickering and shadows moving. She knew people would judge her by her age, but she didn't care - they could keep their thoughts to themselves. She entered the room where everyone was sat, and took down her hood, giving a serious look to others, she took herself a seat and looked around the room, almost giving a glare. "Edith" she said, pausing for a moment, as something in the corner of the room caught her eye. "Oakwood" she continued.
Junior was so excited with the fact that he had been invited to a Death Eater meeting. It hadn't been very long since he became a Death Eater so he wanted to make a good impression. He picked his jacket up off the back of the sofa and kissed Cloe goodbye before walking out the door to his flat. Once he was outside, he apparated to the secret location.
When he arrived, he walked through the front door and towards the voices of people. He didn't recognise anyone in the room except Ioan. Once he reached the group of people, he announced himself. "My name is Dervish Green Jr." He didn't know if anyone would know his dad and he didn't even know if his dad was going to be there. Ever since marrying Cloe, he had spen less and less time with his parents and siblings and it wasn't going down well with any of them.
Junior nodded in Ioan's direction before sitting down on a chair and glared into the flames of the fire before him.
Adrianne had been tending to Lorin before she left, making sure he was okay and that her friend was there to look after him.
Sophora was always late but fortunately it was only five minutes and Adrianne immediately left.

There was a loud crack as she apparated at the Snow Manor.
She walked to the door in her heeled black shoes, her long black flowing dress outlining her still thin body, her hair tied back tightly and dark make-up upon her face.
She stepped through the door, head held high. She may not have been of pure blood but she was still proud to be a member of such an organization.
Adrianne announced her entrance.
"Adrianne Sedgwick." She stated before walking to join Ioan, sitting beside him and taking off her silver-black shrug.
She smiled around at all her fellow Death Eaters, some she knew, some she didn't.
It mattered not. They'd know one another in time.
A wave of adrenaline tore through Aphrodite as she prepared for the first Death Eater meeting in a long time. She wore a red cloak that covered her growing belly as she left her apartment. Once she was sure she was out of sight of any nosy villager, she apparated to the gateway of the location of the meeting with a pop. She walked through the gated entrance of the manor, keeping her breathing at a minimal; not for fear of being heard, but so she could do the hearing. She listened intently as she entered the house for the sound of people, and she faintly heard introductions.

She was a little surprised that she didn't hear the clacking of her own feet, when she realised that she wasn't wearing her heels, which saddened her in a way. Entering the room, she recognised some, but many of the Death Eaters seemed very young, as though they were fresh meat. She could not remember her first mission as a Death Eater well, but she knew she was a young one. Now it seemed that they took them younger and younger each time she looked.

"Aphrodite Fox." She stated monotonously to the newer faces as she swept past them and sat down next to a blonde, very pregnant woman. She seemed very excited to be here, and Aphrodite laughed on the inside. This is no game. She thought to herself, but then brought her attention to Aspurah.
The meeting was finally taking place and Thorine was anxious to be there, her flowing grey cloak hid much of her gloriously swollen belly. She was now in her last trimester and felt completely amazing as if pure adrenaline was being pumped into her at every chance. She was not being rude by showing up later than the others, but when she did arrive Thorine noted the many faces already there. With a very slight smile she inclined her head in the direction of her unborn baby's father before making her way further into the room to the only person besides Arnost that she considered a friend and actually put some semblence of trust in.

"Aphrodite" she smiled not even bothering to give her name to those assembled. They knew her enough from the march on Obsidian, she certainly didn't need to wear any name tag announcing the grand daughter of Antonin Dolohov.
He apparated with a loud crack and within moments, James was at the door of Snow Manor, stepping inside and looking about, his eyes wide, a large black cloak slung over his shoulders.
The Death Eaters were sat around a table, most of them simply staring at one another.
James walked to the table, his eyes flitting to Asparuh. He had great respect for the man.. But James was a twisted being with a warped soul. He found the idea of a meeting a little boring and he would much rather have been out lurking the shadows surrounding Beauxbatons, killing muggles or- as he much preferred the idea of- taking Antoinette prisoner once more.
"James Dalton." He announced in his youthful sadistic voice that was soon to plague the nightmares of many.
James sat down among the his fellow Death Eaters, noting a few of the women; if there was one thing James did enjoy about meetings was the chance to have his way.
Axel apparated to the Snow manor, having come here because of his sister. He made his way into the room, dark robes upon his tall and massive body. His blonde hair was slick back, and he smirked when he came across into the room. Many others had already arrived, and Axel noticed just how young others were. Something that always confused him was the simple fact that the young ones had never met or seen the Dark Lord. Axel has once when he was a child, and that was all he had to go by. Axel went and stood by his father, and he folded his arms across his chest. Axel glared over at Alphonse, and it was no secret that Axel did not like him a bit. Axel inquired the group, "So, what is this meeting about anyhow?" Axel was anxious to have it done and over with, and he wanted to know why this meeting had to occur. After all, he was getting his divorce soon, all he was just waiting on was that Ylva woman to pop out the baby.
Most of everyone has arrived, as Asparuh mentally counted the ones who were involved. The planning is soon to go underway. He inclined his head acknowledgedly when those addressed him directly. Only one wasn't here, but the others can fill him in later. They could not wait forever or else this meeting would never get started. Asparuh glanced over the others, before he stood up, his massive form towering over the others. Asparuh stared down at the others, and figured that he better make a quick introduction of himself before he were to tell the others what the meeting is about, which should have gone without saying regardless. With black eyes gleaming, and a stone-cold expression, Asparuh started with a icy tone, "I am Asparuh Zhefarovich, and I have been in the Death Eaters since the beginning, for those of you who are too new to know."

He waited for that information to process. It was rather obvious that he had much experience within the Death Eaters. He continued, "It goes without saying that there is a threat out there to us, the Aurors. However, I do think that the threat is increasing, so we need a way to assist in striking fear into others, and letting the society around us know that we are not dead, so to speak." Asparuh had a few ideas, but right now he wanted to test the younger ones to see the worth in them. If they can even kill or torture. Asparuh had doubts with some of them, but which ones were not obvious. "Lessen the threat. One kill should do it. However, I want to see if anyone here knows which certain Auror I have in mind to kill. It will move the Aurors, no less." It should be interesting to watch from afar. Asparuh will not be doing the killing this time, though. He had much other plans going on.
Jonathan had arrived and nodded at the heads of the meeting, but chose not to greet anyone else. He felt it was best to remain quiet and observe while waiting for his orders to come from the heads. He was impressed that the target was the aurors, and a kill was the goal. He felt his wand hand itching, hoping that he would be able to get out and make a kill or two, but knew he would simply follow whatever orders were given to him.
Nicolette greeted all the arriving Death Eaters with nod and a soft smile, she knew most of them due to information that she had gathered on people or just from living around the Snow and Zhefarovich family for so long, point was she already knew them. Waiting until Asparuh was done speaking, she smirked and leaned back into the chair, the mans age really showed that he knew what he was doing in this thing. 'Thank god someone does.' His plan was almost obvious that he wanted them to strike one of the bigger known Aurors, the question was which one and who was going to do it. "I'm Nicolette." She finally introduced herself to those who didn't know her, she may have looked young but she knew that she was probably one of the oldest in this room, whether it showed or not she could care less.

"An idea for the aurors we need to be concerned about, There's the Head Auror Scott, Nicolas King, and Edward Stanton." All of the Aurors were a threat really, but those three were among the biggest threat to them, and if they wanted to make a large rise or threat, it would be in their best interest to strike at one of them. Her golden eyes seemed to glow in the light of the dark room as she eyed all the Death Eaters in the room carefully, hopefully they would be able to add in their input, seeing as one of them may be the one doing the killing, Nicolette certainly wasn't going to be the one doing it in her state. "However I do suggest we limit it down just to one for now, striking them all at once would cause more trouble than we need for now...what do you guys think?" A small smirked appeared on her lips waiting for them to finally get out of their shells.
Aphrodite grinned at Thoring before Aspurah spoke, and when he did, she chose to remain quiet, wanting to hear what somebody else would have to say. She covered her stomach with her cloak and crossed her legs as she listened to what Nicolette said, and thought briefly how it would be difficult to get Nicolas, so she piped up. "Nicolas King would be difficult to touch, considering he is headmaster of the school. I think we should go for Scott. Really shake them up." She added in, with her trademark malicious grin on her face. Her back had begun to hurt, so she sat in a position where she was a little slouched over so it wouldn't be as sore.
Ioan watched as the other death eaters arrived and waited for the meeting to begin. When Asparuh rose to speak, Ioan sat back in his chair and paid attention. The man had been doing this for years, and Ioan knew that they should listen to him as he spoke. His interest in the meeting rose as he realized it was a meeting to decide on someone's death. Finding out that it was an auror they were after, a smirk appeared on his face. When Asparuh asked which auror they should go after, two immediately popped into his head: Nicolas King and Scott Anderson.

Ioan sat up in his seat as he spoke. "I believe she's right. If we went after King, we would have to get through the school's protections in order to get him." Ioan didn't know exactly what those protections were, but knew they must be strong because the death eaters had never decided to attack there. "Besides, going after the Head Auror would surely be a blow to all of the aurors. It would take them a while to reorganize by which time we could be planning something else." He looked around to see what the others would say.
Thorine wondered why Arnost was not here and had to refrain from glowering at Asparuh in case once again he had done something to her beloved. She sat into a nearby arm chair, her hand caressing the swell of her womb as the baby kicked ferociously inside her. It was almost as if the child could hear the voice of the father speak and wanted now to answer it. As one and then another death eater spoke about their views on who should be killed Thorine sighed. Fingers clasped together she spoke softly so all ears would pay close attention. There was no point in everyone cackling loudly to be heard. Her friend Aphrodite had made a good choice in her opinion though there was nothing Thorine would have liked better than to have had a chance to take down Nicolas King. Interfering constantly in any business imaginable.

"He is not so save at the school, we have gotten to others there before" she spoke of course about the old fool Taggart who they had first tortured and then kidnapped from the school grounds, "Stanton is fine but not as well known I dare say as either of the first two suggested. King though a thorn in our side would still not shout out our cause enough, if we aim for the brains of the operation and not the heart we strike them where it most definitely hurts most. We have enough of our people in the ministry to do the job and do it well."
Junior listened as everyone in the room took their turn talking. It had taken a lot for him to get here seeing as he was meant to be on his honeymoon. He was glad that he had come though. The idea of killing someone was amazing but actually doing it was so much better. He had never killed someone but he couldn't wait for his first victim.
Junior heard the other people talking about Aurors and knew the names said. His mum and god father were both ministry workers and hisgod father was also a death eater so he had close connection with the ministry. "Seeing as everyone seems to agree that we're going to kill Scott, who's going to do it and how are we going to get to him??" These were the only questions in Junior's head so it was al that he needed to say.
Alphonse listened in closely to the conversation between the Death Eaters as he tried to make sense of what exactly what they were planning to do. 'I'm surprised Nicolette was even able to suggest something.' He sometimes forgot that she wasn't as useless as she first appeared. So it seemed that someone was going to kill the head Auror, at least these people had enough common sense to not all try and rush in at once to attack him, the less people that came the less likely they would be to make a scene and get caught. "As to get to him, try something simple like catching him as he's walking home or something, somewhere where he's alone and less likely to have others around." Alphonse calmly spoke out, figuring it was his turn to say something. He was unsure whether they wanted a huge scene or not, but if there were a lot of Aurors around they might have trouble, they wanted to make a statement...not throw themselves into Azkaban personally for stupid actions.

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