Death Eater mistress

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Ylva Kvalheim

Well-Known Member
Gd'evnin folks.

This is Ylva Kvalheim (p: ILL-vah VAL-hime) , and she's a Scandinavian Death-Eater-To-Be. I'm looking for some eligible bachelors who would like to have a share in a heart-ache free match with a woman who has cash.

As I mentioned in GD, this is what I'm looking for:
"She needs someone who is as equally uncaring as she is. A relationship based on mutual nonchalance, subtle flirting, linking arms for show and under the complete agreement of being with each other for propriety's sake. Ylva will take a younger man, but would prefer an older one (naturally).

Also with the knowledge that whoever dies first gets the others money."
It would be a very, very interesting match. She's no uggo (as you can see), and I'll be having a look at making her a pure blood. She doesn't mind kids as long as they don't talk to her except to ask her for things.So, young men and old, go ahead and drop me a line.</FONT>

- Kelsey Ruth​
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I have Gaspard Lorka. He's thirty-nine but turning forty in January. He isn't a death eater, however he is a murderer, of mudbloods and muggles. He has the aura of a DE but he doesn't want to be one because Voldemort is gone and feels it is pointless to follow Julian Faulkner.

He cares for no one, other than his eight year old daughter. He has three children, two from one marriage and one from an affair during that marriage. (Gaspard is a widow) He is quite wealthy and if she is pureblood that would be great, but if not mixed blood would do fine. :p

He isn't really the type to flirt but I can try, it'll be interesting because I've only used him as a family member in like two RPs :p

I like the idea of this, a lot by the way :)
Alexis: Gaspard sounds quite good, in my opinion. I was hoping that whoever replied would have a Death Eater with a child or two. I’d like to see the way that she’d react being a stepmother. Most of the time she’s entirely disinterested in children, but gosh help them if they’re clingy xD

Ylva flirts only to get what she wants in the end, so as soon as she and whoever she gets with gets to know each other, her disinterest will be apparent (unless it’s purely physical or if they piss her off). Don’t worry too much about flirting, Ylva will do the suave talking.

Be warned, though. She killed her last husband when she was bored of him (hence her being a widow and her mysterious wealth), so there might come a time when the need arises in her again. That will make for some very interesting interactions. Drop me a line if you want to work out the details :D</FONT>
Please don't hesitate to answer as well, anyone else. I'd appreciate it!​
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Well he is like a DE so that isn't a problem is it?

His kids arent' clingy at all in fact they all pretty much hate/are scared of him except Giselle, the youngest. Tee hee, I was actually looking for a way for Gaspard to die sooo I don't mind the thought of Ylva killing him at all. But lets have them meet, etc first, k?

Oh by the way his eldest is going to hate her because he remembers his mom while Giselle doesn't and Joceline isn't the daughter of Gapsard's late wife.
Yep, she's good with that. *ka-ching!* xD
I don't think she's that fussed on who she's with unless they're a muggle or muggleborn etc. and the usual prejudice's. She'll pretty much just ignore the kids.
How long would you like their relationship to last?
Maybe a year, give or take a few months?
A year of marriage that is :D
You want to start something?
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