Dear [Whomever]

Dear me,
Stop being so paranoid and thinking every letter on here is about you,
Paranoia doesn't suit you.
Sincerely, me.
Dear pains,

Go away.

Thank you,
Fed up girl.
Dear Blizzard,

Yes thats right, keep snowing. :cyndi: I won't mind a bit so long as I don't have to drive through this crap tomorrow morning. Just keep that in mind please.

Er me?
Dear Memories.

STFU. Yepp, I said it.

Sincerely, haunted.
Dear Dad.

Twelve missed calls later, do you not get that I'm ignoring you?

Sincerely, your stressed daughter.
Dear Family Guy,

How I dream to sometime voice a character on your show. I'd be one of my lifelong dreams.

Sincerely, A huge fan!
Dear Internet Connection,
STOP BEING ON AND OFF! Just keep working! Don't be all on again, off again.
Sincerely From,
Computer Lover
Dear gingerbread cookies,

You smell so good!! It's too bad that you're for my sister's bake sale.
Maybe I'll just have one. No one will notice, right?


The girl who just spent hours baking and icing you

Dear internet,

Thanks for finally deciding to be back to normal.

The girl who was very frustrated but is now not
Dear Body,

Make up your gosh darn mind! Choose a temperature... It's getting awfully frustrating taking on and off my covers because of you.

Dear Current,

Why do you enjoy making my life hell? Why are you somehow the victim? How do you make me care so much about what you think? I've put on happy face, I've tried to make nice. I've even tuned out the horrifyingly loud kissing noises in the back of class. You have him, be happy. But don't rub it in my face. I don't love him anymore, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to see the two of you together. We were together for two years, and the sort of relationship we had will last a long, treacherous, while. It will still sting when I see you two against what used to be "our" locker between will still churn my stomach when I hear your voice - it grates my ears to hear it. Because it reminds me that this isn't a nightmare. You're really here, you're really in my sanctuary, and you're really with my ex. It's bad enough I have to tell people to stop telling me the things I'm thinking myself but refuse to say aloud because I know I'm bigger than that. Why must you assume that I'm taking the low road? I've been impeccably easy going about all of this - some have said too peachy-keen in fact. But I despise drama....and yet it seems to follow me everywhere. Your words to me the other day.....they hurt so bad. And they hit home, exactly where you wanted them to. MINE. He's MINE, you said over and over and over. You called me a stalker...a *****....stupid...your sister called me fat. I've never once said anything ill towards you or about you - in fact I'm the one always deflecting it. I realized after a conversation with the guidance counselor - when I came to school with tear stained cheeks and a copied & pasted conversation - that more than likely you were just hurting because it's the holidays, and you hate not having your Mom there anymore. And that realization broke my heart even more than your words did. I couldn't imagine how it feels to lose a parent, and I want to try to be your friend. From what I hear about your taste in literature and opinions we'd have a lot to talk about - a lot in common. Maybe in a parallel universe where I wasn't depicted in your mind as a crazy ex-girlfriend, and I didn't try so hard not to be jealous we could have been really good mates. But you're always on the defensive, so paranoid that the rug will be jerked from underneath you. Well, in my breakup that proverbial cloth really was ripped from beneath my feet - and I was left to tumble in a free fall into complete and total engulfing darkness. He was all I had known for two years - and out of nowhere he was gone. He called me horrid names afterward to make me feel even lower than he'd already knocked me down, was apparently giving you the wrong idea about how it had been between us to make him seem like a victim. I worshiped him. And he treated me like crap. But I stayed with him, because I - pitifully, pathetically, pathologically - loved him. So now that you know (ha!) maybe we can put it all behind us. And you can stop making me depressed...and wanting to miss school...because I don't want to see your stupid faces there xDD

The "Stalker" Ex-Girlfriend
Dear USPS :mad: ,

You are liars! Why would you say you attempted to deliver my package when I was home at the time that said delivery was 'attempted' and there was neither a ring on my buzzer or a knock on my door.

Now, I have to walk all the way to the post office, which is a ten minute walk away, in the freezing cold, on my day off!
So, thank you <_<
I really appreciate it.

disgruntled person
Dear College School (I don't want to put the name)

You should accept my THEA test scores or else you will hear a word from me. I freaking stayed at the testing center for 5 hours to just take that test to be accepted at your school for me to be a nurse, understand that!!!

The girl who is very eager to go to school :)
Dear Time,

I am sleepy and tired but I seem to mess you up. Now I'm gonna be up all night and tired in the morning. I hate when that happens, hate when I feel less energetic in the morning and coffee doesn't even help. Without milk it doesn't, which reminds me I have to shopping tomorrow. Ugh! I just hope I'm leaving in the afternoon for vacation and not late in the evening. It was so dark the last time we left, the skies look purple black instead of regular night with stars filling the skies. It was actually pretty, the night clouds and purple skylines. I wish I had a camera to take pictures of it the next time I see it. Oh well!
~Girl with a messed up time
Dear Christmas,

Please hurry up. If I have to wait any longer theres going to be some serious problems.

dear mother,

just eff off! i might be sixteen but i've been taking care of YOU since i was seven so you have no right to write me off and get mad at me for asking a question. thank you for making this christmas freaking fantastic you sour jerk!


your daughter.
Dear Nobody in particular

I like a boy, who I think might like me. One Big Problem. My friend likes him too.. She told him (well he found out) she likes him a year ago-nothing has happened. He is in all my classes- we talk, mess, flirt and I think he might like me. One of his closest friends (who is a legend) knows, but hasn't told him, as we are friends also. Does he like me-or what, should I tell him? My friend knows I like him, but is under the impression that neither of us stand a chance, but I think I do. What happens if he likes me- will my friend hate me?

Also, the above friend and I are in a trio. The third party is my closest friend, but the other girl knows her longer. I feel bad, because The third party and I are best friends, I want my friend to be angry with me!
I mean, I'nm stealing her best-friend and her crush (though I think I liked him first)

I don't know what to do, I want help, but I don't know who to ask..


Dear Mother Nature,

Could you slow time down so break last longer? I mean don't slow us down just time make the days longer then they are now, but maybe you could hurry up eBay and let me win the Duduk already :) I guess I'm contradicting myself there but I want the Duduk but I don't want this week to be over and have to go back to school!!!

Dear.....Future Rat,

Tell me to text you the next night....and you ignore it or offer weak conversation. I don't get you. I'm not going to waste any more time being your 'friend.' Friends don't ignore or ditch plans to grab a quick bite on my lunch break or just stop by for a visit. My work is five minutes away from where you live and work, and you have absolutely no bloody excuse. Is it because you don't want to be seen with me during the day light hours?

Meh, wouldn't make sense.

Dear UPS Man,

I want my game. We paid extra money for one day shipping for a reason, I daresay that if I don't get it when I paid for it to be here, there will be issues. :glare:

Unsatisfied Customer
Dear Me,

Why are you so sleepy?
Maybe if you slept at night this wouldn't happen <_< .

*yawn* the Sleepy Girl
Dear Day,

Get here already. Without you, the presents under the tree remained unwrapped, and can't take down the tree without that.

Happy girl
Dear Life,

You just won't let me take a breather will you?


The Patient Gentleman Who's Waiting for a Breather
Dear Costume Lady for Musical,So I'm pretty sure I was all excited to work with you, though I'm going to miss our old Costume Lady who was AMAZING!!! You seemed really nice to everyone and you've been everywhere and done everything on this earth! So why it is today I am forced to go with you and I see this person who has that Fake I'm really nice cause I care about you attitude to everyone but me? Like honestly? I don't like people who are fake, I avoid them so I'm avoiding you and the rest of the awful teachers we have for musical by quitting so I don't have to sit there for two hours doing your dirty work for nothing while you get payed to sit there and be awful to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean seriously my friend and I are organizing the toliet paper cardboard rolls you made us cover in tinfoil and the rest of the chorus members are throwing stuff at us and ruining all the work we just did and I say "Guys stop! You're ripping the tinfoil off when you do that!" and you just go "Oh it's okay we can fix it later" sticking up for the kids who were trying to basically bury me in them. so they go "Yeah Stephanie," in the what-now tone. And you just there like =yeah what now= Really? Cause you're suppose to be like in your 50's yeah maybe 60's the whole I do Zumba but my hair's gray and talk about women iin their 70's as if they are old id sort of throwing me off cause I'm pretty sure they could all be your sisters. Yeah, I went there cause you went there first. OH What Now Costume Lady?! Guess what I'm not spending another day with you or ever speaking to you again, cause I strongly dislike fake people.

Stephanie-freaking-Diana and you know it's serious when i pull out the middle name.

The whole color thing kind of lightened my mood, it was fun.. :)
Dear PARM1047,

You are one f***ing b!tch you know that right? I swear what gives you the f***ing right to shout at me and give me the abuse that you just gave me. I did not need that, it's you own f***ing fault that the name is wrong on the parcle, you should have rang us when you got the f***ing email so we could have changed it in time but no0o0o0o0o000o0o0o0o0o0o00oooooo.

I'm in f***ing tears now and can't stop shaking, I hope you're f***ing happy :glare:

- Only f***ing human.
Dear Semester 2 timetable,

:woot: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday and Friday off with a early finish on a Thrusday, you spoil me :frantics:

- Happy Student (but still pissed off from above)

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