Closed Day on the Town

Basil Kinnek

Eldest- Jokester- Bigonville Bombers Beater
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Basil was enjoying his time in New Zealand. He had a nice attic set up, he liked helping out on occasion at his brothers private practice. And he really, really loved his new niece. Casper wasn't going to be having any kids any time soon, but little Georgie- he hadn't been expecting her, but she was here now, and he absolutely loved to spoil her. He stole her as often as he could. Today, he and his mother were out for a walk, and he was pushing the stroller along happily. "Gods, its a gorgeous day," He commented, stopping to pick up a toy that Georgie had dropped, offering it back to the little girl and smiling up at his mom. "Thanks for coming out with me, ma,"
Martine loved living in New Zealand. it was nice given all of her family was around with her. The family was bigger than she had imagined it would be, but she was thankful. Georgie and Miran were both welcome additions to the family. She just had been struggling a little, she didn't have any friends in this place. She hadn't quite managed to get out too often. "Of course, sweetie," she told him easily. She always welcomed spending time with her children and Basil was such a sweet boy to her. Looking after her, even though he really didn't need to. "You know I love spending time with Georgie,"
Basil chuckled and stood, shifting to walk beside his mom. "Just Georgie?" He teased her, running a hand through his hair. "Though I must admit, she's the best lady ever," He cooed at Georgie, straightening again after and stretching out. "So, how are you?" He asked. "You have all the monsters back, they're all happy and healthy and adoring you," He winked playfully. "Are we ready to move on yet?"
Martine gave a little laugh at what he said. "She's just at the cutest stage," she countered, but she reached to place a hand on his arm to give it a light squeeze and at least reassure him that she was joking. Mostly joking. "Move on?" she repeated softly, and then looked down at Georgie. She loved having all her kids and more back with her, of the relationship she'd been allowe to have even with all her mistakes. "I couldn't, for one, I have no idea how to meet anyone, and I just..your father was the love of my life, and I'm just happy to have my kids back, I don't need more," she said.
Basil raised a brow. "Mom," He spoke softly. "You're allowed to have a life for yourself. You've spent so many years blaming yourself, punishing yourself. You've got all of us back now, you've done all you can to make amends." He reached into the diaper bag and pulled out a few event flyers he'd gathered. "Here. There's one for a book club, one for a remodeled pub, a few for some shops around town with events. You should go out." He gave her an impish grin. "Unless you just want me to bring the team over with all their mothers."
Martine looked at Basil and then away. She knew in part he was right, and she was always trying to not, but she couldn't help it. She knew she'd always carry with her her mistakes, especially given all she'd learnt about her various children's struggles which had been entirely her fault. She looked at the leaflets and nodded. "I'll think about it," she said softly, though she was unlikely to go a great deal. She wasn't feeling that confident about herself, or in herself. "What's been going on with you?" she asked, shifting the focus to him.
Basil raised a brow, and looking at his pamplets he'd gathered, he took out the one for the book club. He held it out. "At least go to this one," He countered instead, ignoring her conversation shift. "You can talk about books and not get as personal. Just go out once or twice a month, huh?" He asked, and tapped it with his finger. "It's not that far from Cas' place. You can swing by to see him, too, if you want." He ducked his head, trying to catch her eye. "You can't fool me, mama. It's my job to look out for you, you know. Since dad can't." He reached up with his free hand, trying to knock a curled finger under her chin.
Martine looked at the leaflet he was holding out to her and she took it, but wasn't sure she could or would go. English was a language she was fine at , but she hadn't ever had to discuss things in it. If anything, an art class or group would be more suited. "I'll think about it." she promised him, and she would think about it. Seeing Cas after or before would be nice too. "I know, and you do such a good job. You are a wonderful son, Basil," she praises him easily.
Basil smiled, satisfied enough for the time, and turned his attention a bit more back to Georgie, reaching down to adjust her blanket around her. "I know, I'm the favorite," He teased, knowing she didn't have any- though he'd argue for Caspers spot as her favorite child. "What do you think about some lunch, ma? I'm starving." He announced dramatically, throwing the woman a playful wink. "Then we can sit and gossip to our hearts content."
Martine smiled at her son and gave a little shake of her head. "I could never have a favourite, you're all my beautiful children," she replied, and she really didn't have a favourite, all of her children were amazing, though she did have different connections with all of them. "Okay, let's do lunch," she agreed, "I have some thing for Georgie in the bag but we should pick something child friendly," she said, knowing that she probably didn't have to.
Basil chuckled and angled the stroller, heading towards a nice family restaraunt he'd seen a few blocks away. "So tell me, Grams. How are you liking having a new tiny thing around to spoil?" He asked. He had to admit, he hadn't thought Miran would be the one to give them a baby first. At least, not out of wedlock. He'd expected to take that role- he remembered thinking for a minute when she'd first arrived that she'd been his. He kept a slow pace, enjoying the scenery as they walked along.
Martine lightly went to tap his elbow at calling her Grams, though she knew it was true, she just hadn't fully settled on if she wants to be grams, gramma, grammie, or any variation. "Who doesn't love a baby," she said with a smile. "And Georgie's a good baby," she said fondly, looking at the girl in the stroller. She knew that having Georgie helped her, it kept her more occupied and busy than if she didn't have her.
Basil chuckled, as Georgie had tossed her things out of the stroller again. "Says you, I'm the one picking up after her," He teased, putting the toy back and pinching the girls cheek a little, smiling a little wider at her bright giggle. "Though she can be pretty cute. She's got plenty of us to look after her," He ruffled her hair before straightening. "I wonder which of us will have a baby next," He mused. He hadn't seen any girls lately. Cas wasn't one to pull up a baby without any warning- especially since he'd need the thought to get one.

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