Day off

Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
It was sunday, Marks faviourute day of the week. His day off. Had been to see to Riley and his family today which had been nice seeing as it had been about two months since they had seen each other last. He couldnt believe that lowan was going to school next year, had time really gone that fast. It was strange how time went faster the older you got. He wondered how fast it would go when he was fourty. It worried him so he shook his head to get the thoughts out of his head. He had better things to think about like what to do with the rest of his day. He didnt want to go back to England just yet and he was enjoying the heat here. Mark was making his was to this little cafe he knew about, it did the best food around and the best coffee's. He used to ge there a lot when he lived here and he had not found anywhere that topped it.

He walked through the doors and walked up to the counter. Another reason why he liked it here as well was because it was a young woman who owned, quite a pretty girl as well which he was pleased about and she always gave him extras. He gave the woman a smile when she walked towards him to take his order. "Could i get a cappuccino and a ham sandwich please." He said with a smile. The woman hovered for a second looking at him before she smiled and turned away to get his order. He waited at the counted for her to come back with his drink, it was pretty quiet in here at the moment, well there was only one other bloke in here and he was tucked away in a corner. He pulled out a stool and sat down next to bar and waited for his order to arrive.
Audrey Love was already growing tired of New Zealand, and she had only just arrived yesterday. She was here to visit her sisters, Lindsay and Karah. Karah had moved out and into an apartment with her boyfriend, and Lindsay and Alastair still lived in the house Lindsay had bought years ago. Audrey was staying with Lindsay but only for a few days to visit them all. She loved her family very much, but she didn't visit them often. The part-veela had a very successful career as a singer in Europe and America, and she loved it. There was always something to do, and Audrey was at the center of it all which was exactly where she wanted to be. It was much cooler in New Zealand than it was in England right now, so Audrey shrugged on her red leather jacket before heading outside. She was going to her favorite little cafe, not too far from Lindsay and Alastair's house. Despite the fact that people rarely followed her around here, she was well dressed in a fitted black shirt and dark jeans with a pair of expensive heels on.

Her blonde hair blew around her face as he heels clicked on the cobblestone street leading to the cafe. The young woman entered the cafe to find only two other costumers in the place after a quick scan of the place. She headed toward the bar where a younger man, maybe around her age was sitting. Audrey sat down, a seat away from him. She picked up the menu and scanned it over. It had been ages since she had been here. A waitress came over soon enough. "Um, yes. I would like a bowl of the soup of the day, a chicken salad, a chicken pot pie, a turkey club sandwich, and a side of macaroni and cheese. All to go, please." Audrey said politely, ordering food for her family, or at least the ones at home today. "Oh and may I have a latte while I wait on the food, please?" she asked before the waitress left. The young veela lived on coffee. Audrey glanced at the man beside her and smiled a smile that made most men speechless or at least that was her experience. He was attractive, and she could tell he had to be about her age. Audrey's emerald eyes caught his and a smirk appeared at the corner of her mouth. "Hello, I'm Audrey." she said, introducing herself to the handsome man.
As Mark waited for his drink and his food to be made he slid over the magazine which was at the end of the bar and began to read. He was enjoying the fact that he had the time to just sit in his favourite cafe and read. The reading part wasnt what he was enjoying most obviously just having time to do what he wanted was something he didnt get to do very often, he was always so busy. He needed to get someone to help around the shop so that he could have more time to himself. As the boy thought to himself the waitress came over with his drink and his sandwich. "Thank you." He said giving her some money and enough for a decent tip.

He had not even noticed the girl come into the cafe when he was reading. Hm he wondered if this was how logan felt, missing everything because he had his head in some book. He had a quick glance at her while she was odering. Wow now she was a pretty little blonde prize. It had been a while since Mark had seen such a pretty girl, he would be an idiot if he didnt at least say hi. Just as he was about to open his mouth he heard the girl speak. Her introducing herself before him, well this was a good sign to say the least. Mark returned her beautiful smile. "A pretty name to match the pretty girl it belongs too. Im Mark." He said back to her. He had not seen her in here before, but then again it wasnt like he was came here every day start to finish. Although he wished he had been here before when she was. "Do you come here often, iv never seen you here before and im sure i would remember a face like yours if i had." Mark said to audry with his most charming smile.
Audrey flashed Mark another bright smile as he introduced himself and complimented her in once sentence. "You know, I may have heard that once before. Pleasure to meet you, Mark." she said with a coy smile on her lips. Her voice was a murmur, something she had found men liked. He had an air about him that suggested he often flirted with women in this manner. Not that Audrey minded. She liked a man who could keep up with her. Not many could. Audrey got the sense that he would be one of those few. She could usually read others pretty well.

The blonde laughed as he asked if she came there often. It was a cheesy line though she had to agree that he would remember a face like hers. She wondered if it actually worked for him. Once glance into his eyes told her that it did. Audrey twirled a stray blonde lock back behind her ear. Playing with her hair was an old habit that she was hardly conscious of anymore. "Not as often as I did once. This used to be my favorite cafe." she answered, glancing up at his eyes that were quite beautiful. She was not unobservant to his handsomeness. "I'm in town visiting my sisters. I live in England most of the time." Audrey told Mark with a smirk on her lips. "Do you come here often?" she repeated, a grin on her face. Mark seemed to be interested in her, and she had to admit, she was interested in him.
Mark chuckled quietly to himself as Audry answered him. He liked her already, she seemed to have attitude and Mark did like a challenge. "Well of course you wuld have, i cant be the only guy in the worl to see that your beautiful, and not to mention you have probably had men falling over your feet for a while so you have probably heard it all." He replied with a smile. He took a sip of his coffee and left his sanwhich for the moment, he was now occupied with something much more interesting. It had seemed that his decision to come here today had been a good one, it had been a while since he had seen such a beauty and he was glad for it.

When audry laughed it almost sounded like an angel, he found it slightly amusing that she said that this place used to be her faviourite cafethere was one thing that they had him common, the more the better. As the girl continued with her conversation it seemed that they were both here for the same reason. weird. "How funny, this is my faviourite cafe too, iv been to a few but this place is still top of my list, i can never complain about the food here and the atmosphere is usually a good one but its very quite at the minute. Not that im complaining, i may have competetion otherwise." He said taking a look at the person still sat in the corner. Mark had noticed him looking over now and them but he could argue with it. It was only natural seeing as they were both beautiful to the normal person, well any person actually. When Audry mentioned that she lived in England a little smile appeared once more on his perfect lips. "Interesting again, im here for that exact reason aswell, but instead of a sister its my cousin and his family. But i use any excuse to come back here, i get bored of the bleak weather in England it always too cold for my liking when i lived in New zealand for so many years." He said to her. Him and his brother came here a lot, Logan more so than him as he had to look after his shop during the week but he had closed up for a few day while he was here. A holiday well deserved for all his hard work. "Well when i lived here i used to come here a lot but since i moved away its been a lot less, obviously although seeing you i wish i had come here more often now." He said looking her up and down quickly as he spoke. He ran his hand through his dark hair and stretched his arm. He was feeling a little tired after his restlest night sleep in a strange bed but he was in no hurry to get back, well not alone any way. "So how much longer do i have the blessing of your lovely company for, Maybe i can buy you a drink somewhere, something a little stronger than a coffee perhaps." He said smoothly. If he was honest he would like to get to know this mysterious beauty a little better, she seemed like the sort of girl that could keep him entertained in more than one way and it had been a while since he had met a girl like that. And he definately liked it a lot.
"Now that you mention it, there might have been some men at my feet. I didn't mention it because I didn't want to seem conceded the first time we met." Audrey told Mark, a fake serious look on her face. She was only joking with him, and she thought he would understand that. The blonde felt a connection with Mark. An unusual one that she could not explain. Audrey liked to have fun, and it seemed to her that Mark would be game for whatever she suggested. He was extremely good looking which meant that his looks matched her own. There was something in his eyes, a glimmer, that made her want to get to know him. Audrey typically lost interest in guys quickly. It took a special person to hold her attention. Maybe Mark would be the one to capture her attention, and possibly affection, for more than a few days.

The blonde singer was surprised to hear how much she had in common with Mark as he responded to her. She laughed at him as he said he was glad it was empty because otherwise he might have competition. "Maybe. I am rather enjoying our conversation though. Fate has interceded it seems." she said, a sparkle in her green eyes. "I like England, but you are right about the weather. It also rains a little too much. I spend a good amount of time in America though, so it balances out. My music is pretty popular there. Of course, both of my sisters wish I came to visit more often." she told him as she ran a hand through her hair, smoothing it out. She grinned at Mark's question, but didn't reply as the waitress was heading back their way. Audrey turned her attention away from Mark momentarily to the waitress as she walked over with the food that Audrey had ordered for her family. "Thank you." she said politely, giving the woman money. Audrey took out a scrap of paper and pen from her purse and wrote a quick note that she attached to the food. It told Lindsay that she would be home sometime later. That she had met someone she wanted to get to know better. Not to wait up. Audrey knew it would not thrill her careful sister that she had met a perfect stranger to go on a date with, but the blonde veela girl didn't care. Lindsay wasn't her boss. Audrey waved her wand and vanished the food to Lindsay's house.

Audrey turned back to Mark, a mischievous grin on her pink lips. "Oh, I would say you have the pleasure of my company for tonight at least. After that, well...we will see if you can hold my affections that long." she said wickedly. He was handsome, and she was only human. She liked have a good time, and she thought Mark looked like the type of guy who knew how to show a girl a good time. "What did you have in mind?" the blonde asked, raising an eyebrow at Mark.

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