Day 1

Grande Fuego

Well-Known Member
Bois D'Arc Wand 12" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire

With a backpack on his back, with any supplies that he could need Grande Fuego apparated from his house to Marseille. He arrived right in the center of the city. Coffee shops and stores lined the street he was walking on. He had just finished with school. He was ready to go on and do what he wanted. With all that had happened behind him, and his life ahead, it was safe to say that Grande was ready to have a long Holiday. He had decided at the start of the year that he would take a year out, to himself. That didn't mean that if he came across someone that he wouldn't invite them along. They had just to be magical. And have a sense of fun. Grande smiled to himself as he looked around himself, with each step that he took. He hadn't been to Marseille in such a long time. It seemed like years since he had last been to this city. It hadn't been so long. But it become increasingly lower amount as he had gotten old. Now, All he wanted to do, was see the world.

Grande spotted a cafe at the corner of the street, and decided that he would begin to do a little bit of planning into what he was about adventure into. He took a seat and ordered a espersso. He wouldn't be there for long. He'd seen Marseille, there was so much more for him to see. He put his backpack between his feet and took out a small bit of paper and a pen. He wrote down the names of some cities. Paris, London, Berlin, New York, Washington D.C, etc. All the cities he would see in the time during his exciting journey. Grande, continued to write down the cities of the world on the bit of paper. With the amount that he wanted to do, it would safe to say that he would spend only a day in each place, two days at most. Grande smiled at this. It would be the most amazing journey of his life.
Christelle had always wanted to travel but she had thought that the moment she finished school, she'd be in a permanent job. Yet, for one reason or another, Christelle had put the idea on hold which was something she rarely did. She was desperate to see the world before she got tied to some sort of job or relationship.. Christelle, surprisingly as she was a fairly attractive girl, had never had a boyfriend before and was completely ignorant to the idea. Her studies had always come first and it was this which had won her the honor of being Head Girl the previous year. To clear her head, Christelle had apparated from her home in Montpellier to Marseille, somewhere not too far away. She'd already packed her bag, which appeared to sit heavily over her shoulder, just in case she chose to escape it all. Little did she know how much she would need it.

She arrived in a back alley and emerged from it casually, heading for a corner cafe she had often visited. How thankful she was of the charms she had placed on her bag to store more and to weigh less. The core subjects at school, happened to be the ones Christelle was best at. Of course, she had enjoyed the other subjects immensely, especially Ancient Runes. But now she was arriving at the charming cafe, her hopes high for her future. She was not the spontaneous sort, not the sort to suddenly run away with a stranger to mysterious lands and such but then, Christelle felt that today was different, that should some handsome man ask her to be his bride, she would say yes, that should she be given the chance to leave for some adventure, she would. It was just then that she saw a vaguely familiar face.

"Grande Fuego?" she asked, looking at the boy she had had some familiarities with at school. They were in classes together and Christelle rather liked the guy. Her eyes instantly found the paper he was writing on and, within a second, she had memorized the gist of it. "Planning a holiday?" She joked, taking a seat near him, glad to have some social contact once again after a summer alone. Well, it was lonely trying to get to the top and the best friend she'd had was now married with a child. It was really quite depressing.

As Grande wrote down the different countries he grew more excited. It just seemed like it be such a year. He grew less aware of his surroundings, and without looking up thanked and paid for his drink. It was only when a shadow of a girl covered his work, that he looked up. At first he couldn't tell who it was. Grande had a very bad memory when it came to faces. He smiled at the girl, before recognising her by her voice. He nodded slightly when she said something about the bit of paper, that had close to 20 cities written onto it. Grande wasn't sure if it could be called a holiday. It was, of sorts. He wasn't working, which was a difference from the norm. He was going to different places apart from in France, so in a sense it was a holiday, but since Grande had little intention of staying long in any particular place, it was more an adventure of epic proportions than just a holiday. "Yeah, of sorts." Grande replied with a smile at the girl, who had been in his year and the head girl.

Grande was a closed off kind of person, so he didn't know most of his year all that well, but he had always thought that compared to most the head girl, was a nice person. It didn't bother Grande. He had assumed that after school was out, he wouldn't meet many people again. But surprisingly to him, he was quite happy to see Christelle. "I'm taking a year out, and seeing as many cities of the world as I can. Oh, can I get you anything?" Grande motioned towards the bar inside the store. Grande pushed his chair out slightly, while taking the smallest of sips from his drink. He then noticed that like him, the girl had a large travelling bag. "Also going on Holiday?" Grande asked.
Christelle shook her head in polite decline to his first question. She had made a point to fill her stomach with food and drink before she had left the house, knowing that it may be the last decent meal she would have for a while. "Oddly enough," Christelle said, finding the likeness of their objectives, amusing. "I was planning to take a gap year and travel round the world. I thought it best to get it all out of my system while I am still young so I can be a boring old lady in the future." Christelle didn't normally think the idea of spending the rest of her life as a ministry official 'boring', but times were changing and she was beginning to seek adventure, to stop just dipping her toes in the stream of life, but to seek out the ocean from whence it came and dive in head first.

She observed the list of places Grande wanted to go. "That's quite a few places," Christelle began in a tone of admiration, "I don't really know where I'm going- which is rather foolish of me.." It had been ridiculous to set out without a map or a list, even though she wasn't sure she would be leaving that day. Christelle had packed everything else but a map. It was vital that she made a list or something so she could at least know where to go, rather than just popping from one place to another. Thankfully, she did have plenty of galleons, just in case. "Are you going alone?" Christelle asked, suddenly thinking of how lonely she, herself would be without her sister or her family to bother her.

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