Closed Dates Interrupted

Etienne Monet

Soft- Kind- Piano Instructor
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
7/1/2030 (29)
Etienne had thought long and hard over what to make, and had eventually decided o make Piperade with a bit of ham, some freshly baked bread, and a side of broccoli gratin. He'd skipped the wine, making a pitcher of fruity water instead. He had read that it was good for pregnancy. He had dressed up, not really fancy, but definitely something he looked nice in. He felt nervous, and he was pacing a bit as he waited for his date to arrive. What if Sophie decided against coming? He couldn't blame her if she did. Oh, but he hoped she didn't. He had a freshly picked floral arrangement in the center of the table, and he'd set a small gift on the table. He paced about the room. He had already rented this apartment, a small cozy place with two bedrooms and a small kitchen and living area. He hadn't yet decorated it much, but it was just enough to pass as livable.
Sophie had never actually been on a real date before, unless of course breakfast in the Great Hall at Hogwarts counted as one. It was an odd feeling, but Sophie was glad that they could agree on it just being at his house. After all, she couldn't bare anymore stares at her in public and it made her feel a lot more comfortable this way. She still wore a loosely fitted shirt and denim jacket however as they were clothes she felt more comfortable wearing, and she just wanted her first date with Etienne to go perfectly. When Sophie made it to his apartment door, she knocked on it softly, hoping he hadn't chickened out and given her the wrong address.
Etienne's entire face lit up as he heard the door. With the flick of a wrist a soft romantic instrumental began to play in the background, and several lightly scented candles around the room lit. He hurried over to the door, opening it and giving Sophie a warm smile. "Ah, mon Cherie, you came," He smiled, reaching for her hands and pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles before leading her back inside.

"I hope you like what I made, Cherie, I put together a broccoli side dish for you to try, but I made something else for dinner anyway. Normally I would have served wine, but instead I've put together some chilled fruit water," he told her, walking back to the kitchen and pulling out the chair for her. He gave her a shy smile. "I read that it's good for pregnancy, I hope you like it." He looked down, brushing his hair behind his ear. "I also, uh, got you a little gift." He told her, motioning to the small box on the table.
Sophie couldn't help the feeling of butterflies in her stomach again as Etienne opened the door to reveal himself. It was nice seeing him again and all of the same feelings were there, which was definitely a relief. She smiled at him. "Of course." she said, allowing him to kiss her hands again. She loved it and there was no doubt in her mind that she really wanted to be there with him. She was looking forward in getting to know him more and just hoped it would all go perfectly.

As Etienne explained to her everything that he had prepared, she felt extremely flattered. "That's good, I love fruit water." Sophie told him truthfully, thinking it was a very kind alternative. As for the broccoli side dish, she wasn't sure how that was going to go, but was positively taken aback by all of the thought he put into it and knew instantly that she had found a good man. When he motioned to the box on the table, Sophie put her hand up to her heart. "You didn't have to do that at all." she said, picking it up from the table. She opened it up to reveal the necklace. "Oh, it's beautiful." The blue snowflake shined back at her in all its glory. "This is all very thoughtful of you Etienne."
Etienne smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple. "The snowflake is beautiful. It's rare, and unique. Just like you." He murmured, smiling and tucking her hair behind her ear before moving to sit across from her. "I made a bit of French cuisine for you, mon cherie," he smiled at her, pouring them both some water before sipping his own and settling in. "Would you like to eat first? Or would you like to sit and talk for a while first?" He asked, motioning to the couch. "I have some music?" He offered, giving her a few choices for the evening.
He kissed her temple, and Sophie tried her best not to let the butterflies overcome her, especially as he then compared her to the necklace in such a heartwarming way. He had prepared some French food for them and Sophie was looking forward to trying it. She felt a bit overwhelmed at all of the options, but after hesitating, she decided it was best she just open up a little to him and try to overcome her shyness. "I'm happy to eat first. I don't want the food getting cold. But I'm also happy to sit and talk while we do." she told him with another smile. "So, do you come to New Zealand a lot? What made you want to come this time?" She hoped her straight-forward question wouldn't make him feel uncomfortable.
Etienne smiled, putting together a few plates and serving her meal before settling with his own. He sipped his drink, considering her question. "I usually visit once or twice a year," he told her. "I've always thought it was a gorgeous country." He explained, taking a bite of his food. "If I'm being really honest, I think I've just been looking for somewhere to settle," he explained, twisting his fork around his food a bit. "We lost our mother recently," he told her, his voice turning soft. "My sister and I... well, it's been tough. We used to come here as a family, but after mother... we drifted apart. She moved here almost as soon as the funeral was over." He stared at his food, poking at it. "I've been... more hesitant. It's... hard, staying in France, but its just been... empty, everywhere I've gone." He peeked up at her, a blush covering his cheeks. "At least... until I met you, that is," he murmured, looking back down to his food.
Sophie listened intently as Etienne explained his reason for visiting New Zealand. She thought for a moment that perhaps she shouldn't have said anything and that her question was probably too intrusive, however he seemed happy to talk to her about it, and she admired how confident he still was as he explained to her the death of his mother. It brought back some feelings, and the girl played with her food for a little bit as she wondered whether or not she should tell him. "I get it." she said, before quickly realising that he probably didn't want to hear that. She hated people trying to compare their lives with hers, but if they were going to get to know each other, Sophie had to tell him. "My father died when I was thirteen. It was a while ago, but um, it still really hurts, and I always think about how he would feel and what he would think, especially with my pregnancy." she told him truthfully. "A year after he died I was diagnosed with depression. I'm still dealing with it." It had been odd saying it out loud, but she was glad that she did as she wasn't sure when there would be a better opportunity.
Etienne smiled softly, insanely pleased as she opened up to him. He offered his hand out to her, giving her his warmest smile. "Thank you for dealing me, Sophie. If ever you need anything from me, mon Cher, I hope you feel comfortable turning to me." He started, his voice soft. "I feel like your father would be proud of you," he told her. "You're very brave to have a baby, Sophie. I feel like the father isn't around?" He asked, curious to know more about her life. "There are a lot of people that wouldn't go through with it." He brushed his hair behind his ear. "Would you like to tell me about your pregnancy?" He asked gently. It was certainly not something he meant to ignore, though he imagined it could be a touchy subject. Still, it was a part of her. A baby was a big thing, and if he wanted to support her properly, he would like to know about her child and what she wanted to do.
Sophie couldn’t help but feel a bit better as Etienne offered his hand out to her. She took it, smiling fondly at him as he told her that her father would be proud of her. Selene said the exact same thing, as well as the part about her being brave. The former Ravenclaw never felt brave, but hearing the words definitely made her feel better and like she wasn't making a massive mistake. It was a wonder how Etienne knew her so well when this was only their second time meeting.

Sophie shrugged at Etienne's question, figuring he was going to ask it sooner or later. Usually it bothered her when people did, but Etienne deserved to know, especially if they were potentially going to be close. “I honestly don’t know who the father is. I guess that makes me sound promiscuous, but I assure you I’m not.” she said a little defensively, not sure how Eteinne would react. “I don’t really want to know who the father is either. I was intoxicated at the time. I know he’s a muggle, but that’s it really.” She paused, eating a little more before continuing. “I didn’t want to tell anyone when I realised I was pregnant, because at the time I thought I had no one to tell. I was still in school in my last year, so I just kept quiet about it. Eventually I told my best friend Selene. She was really supportive and has always been a great friend. I was going to name the baby after my father and her.” she explained. It wasn't the best of stories, and Sophie wondered how she was ever going to tell her daughter about her father when she would inevitably ask. It would be a bridge she would have to cross when the time came. “So, it doesn’t bother you that I’m pregnant, does it?”
Etienne was surprised to find he was relieved that Sophie didn't know who the father was. "Oh, darling, not at all," he reassured her when she mentioned he might think of her. "We all yearn for a bit of attention. I must admit I'm a bit relieved there isn't a father in the picture," he gave her a sheepish grin. "While I would gladly fight for your affections, having a child with you would have certainly given him an advantage over me," he teased, winking playfully. He was glad then for the smaller table, as it allowed him to raise their entwined hands and press a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. He smiled at her question and shook her head. "Sophie, my sweet, I would no sooner change that you are pregnant than I would change the color of your eyes." He promised.

He took a bite of his food then, followed by a sip of his water. "Mon Cher, I do have a few questions for you, however." he told her, trying his best to keep his voice gentle. "I want to support you, and be with you when you want me near," he tried to explain, shifting to take her hand in both of his own. "Are you intending to keep the baby, sweet?" He asked, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

"I fully support any decision you've made, Sophie, you don't need to explain anything to me. I adore you, and I will dote on you, and if you've chosen to have this baby in your life, I will dote on him- her? Them, I will dote on your baby with the same devotion I have for you. I will change diapers, make bottles, stay up late." He smiled shyly. "I wasn't expecting to have a newborn infant in my life right now, but I will be anything you need me to be, Sophie. A daddy, a babysitter, a lover, a- a friend,"

He grimaced just a touch at the last word but tried to hide it. "I will take any role you want me to have, Sophie, I just... I want to know you, and be with you, in whatever way you're comfortable with." He told her. He knew it might be a bit much, but he had always believed in love at first sight, and he honestly believed that fate had brought him to Sophie and his heart already belonged to the beautiful woman in front of him. He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. "Even if I know what I want, Cherie, what you want is more important to me."
Sophie couldn't believe how easy it was to find such a genuine man. She listened to every word as he spoke, feeling her heart warm more and more with every word. The reassurance was definitely what she needed. At his question, she nodded. "Yeah well, I had this conversation with Selene actually. She suggested some ways to take care of the baby if I didn't want to, but I've decided that I do. I'm out of school now so I really think I could do it. I have people behind me, and I've been looking for some jobs to do and have applied for some apartments to move into. It's not born yet, but I have fallen in love with it already. It would be hard to let it go." she explained. If there was one thing Sophie was determined to do it was to be a good mother, whether or not she had to look after it alone. Single mothers were often looked down upon, but for the last 5 years her own mother had been doing it pretty well, so she was sure she could do the same if she was determined enough. "It's a girl." she clarified, clear excitement in her voice. She wanted the girl to grow up with at least one loving parent, and she wanted to give it the best life possible.

Sophie blushed a little as Etienne promised his devotion. Having extra hands would definitely help her, but she didn't want to force Etienne to do it. After all, it wasn't his fault that she was about to have a baby. She wanted to know more about his intentions and about how comfortable he was with making this decision. "I have a question for you, Etienne." she said, wanting to change the subject to him. "What do you want? What is it you are looking for in life?" It was a tough question, as Sophie wasn't even sure how she would answer it herself, but she hoped that Etienne would have some idea.
Etienne smiled warmly. A girl. She would be just as beautiful as her mother. He considered what she asked him, sipping his water and running his thumb gently over her skin. "Honestly?" He mused, looking at a spot in the table and blushing. "I just... Want to have a home again," he told her, his voice gentle. "I know how silly that must sound. I... I'm a peaceful sort of fellow, Sophie." He smiled shyly. "I... Bought this apartment. I'm in the middle of moving in. I'm a music teacher. Piano mostly, but I dabble in some guitar. I've got a few lessons lined up." He lowered his eyes again.

"Mother always used to say I was passionate. My sister says I'm intense. I just... I believe in fate. I believe in love at first sight." He smiled warmly at this, reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear. "My heart is very much yours, Sophie. I believe that I love you. I wish you would move in here, but I know I can't ask that of you. I believe that I want a life with you, that I want to fall asleep with you in my arms every night and sometimes in the middle of the day, and that I want to kiss you sweetly as often as you'll let me." He laughed shyly, looking down at the table and rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll do anything you ask of me, mon Cherie,"
Sophie nodded sympathetically as Etienne told her that he just wanted to have a home again. She understood it well as her home had never felt the same without her father. Since he had died it just felt like a place and the woman was yet to ever find a home again. She was confident that her and Etienne understood each other, and it was definitely something that brought her closer to him. As he mentioned playing some guitar, she looked down at the table with a small frown. "I play some guitar too, but not since my father died, so I'm very rusty." she told him. Her father was the person who encouraged her the most, and without him she just hadn't felt motivated enough to pick it up again. Her guitar at home was definitely very untuned and she didn't think she ever would be able to bring herself to fix it. She admired Etienne's effort though as she thought Piano was a complicated instrument.

Sophie looked up at Etienne as he admitted that he loved her. It was much too soon for Sophie to say that herself, but she really liked the man and felt more feelings towards him than she had ever felt before towards anyone. It was odd having such intense feelings, especially since Etienne seemed to feel the same way, if not more. The girl couldn't help herself as he mentioned it. She leaned across the table, taking his face in her hands and gently pressing her lips against his. They were soft, and Sophie felt as though she was in a daydream. She hadn't ever wanted to pause a moment in her life quite like this one.
Etienne wasn't looking, and he didn't see Sophie leaning over the table until she had turned his face up and kissed him. He gasped, his entire body tensing as an electric shock instantly shot up his spine. Every nerve he had caught fire, and for one brief moment he thought his heart stopped as he stopped breathing. It felt like an eternity, though in reality it was probably only a few seconds that he sat shocked. After a moment, he whimpered, leaning into the kiss and pressing his lips to hers. He wanted to pull her into his lap and hold onto her, but he held himself back, instead sighing softly in content and pressing his forehead to hers. "You're so beautiful, sweet Sophie," he murmured, bringing a hand up and brushing his thumb gently over her jaw.
Sophie was glad that Etienne kissed her back. It was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She pulled away slowly as he complimented her. "And you're so gentle... you make me feel... loved." she told him softly, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Thank you Etienne, for dinner of course, and for understanding. I've never met anyone as nice as you." Sophie wondered how she managed to get so lucky with him. It had been hard trying to find someone who was anywhere near as understanding, and this time she wasn't even looking. The girl ate some more of her food, enjoying it until she felt an aggressive kick in her abdomen. She leaned over the table, trying to shrug it off as she put some more food onto her fork. Soon enough however, it was just followed by another kick, and Sophie groaned as she instinctively dropped the fork onto the table and placed her hand over her stomach. She looked over desperately at Etienne, hoping that this was only a false alarm. "Sorry, the baby is just... kicking." she said, taking a deep breath. "Maybe I just need to go for a bit of a walk." she said, holding onto the table as she attempted to stand.
Etienne smiled warmly at the woman. "Good, good. I'll stay with you as long as you let me," he promised, lifting her hand and pressing a soft kiss to the inside of his wrist. He ate his dinner as she did, content to watch her with a bit of companionable silence. His eyes widened, however, as she dropped her fork and leaned over the table. He was on his feet in a heartbeat, half reaching out to her, concern in his eyes. He moved over to her side in an instant, both hands hovering around her. "We can do that, hold onto me for support, where do you want to go?" He asked, trying not to be overbearing and worrying both about her and worrying that he might be overstepping his bounds.
Sophie was adamant that all she needed was to go for a bit of a walk. She was sure she wasn't in labour yet, as it didn't happen this way in the stories that she had been told. She was sure it would be much more painful and much harder to bare. She held onto Etienne as she took a step forward, but as she did so, another kick in her abdomen caused her to tumble over, and she blushed as she felt herself fall into his arms. However, before she could apologise, the taste of vomit passed through her mouth, pooling all over the man. She felt horrible as she then wiped her mouth, trying her best to hold back the tears which inevitably came. "I-I'm sorry." she stammered, groaning again as she felt another kick. She knew now that the baby was coming soon and she hated that it had to happen now. "I-I think I need to, um, go. I need Rhiannon." She couldn't believe she had put Etienne in this position and had never felt more sorry.
Everything seemed to go in a blur. Sophie stumbled, Etienne caught her. She was in pain, she threw up all over him. He smiled sweetly, and with a flick of his hand his apartment set to cleaning itself. "Shh, shh shh, of course, it's alright," he tried to soothe her, rubbing her back gently. As soon as he knew where she needed to be, he pulled her in close and apparrated her to where she needed to be. It certainly wasn't how he had thought this date would go, but he wasn't upset. Any time with Sophie was good for him. He watched as she was taken away, and found a nearby bathroom so he could clean up himself. He wasn't sure how long this would take, or if she would want him to be there when it was over, but he wasn't going to leave until she told him to. He settled down in the waiting room, feeling oddly anxious, and tried to steel himself. This could take a long while.

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