Open Dark Red Dress

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Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (14)
Friday needed to do better about getting herself a date to these dances, surely, it was just a matter of flirting with someone enough for them to ask her. She didn't know why it would really take more than that. The Gryffindor hadn't found a date and thus was attending alone. She had a dark red dress, with a matching blazer, an outfit she though was very cool, and much better than some of the floor length gowns she was looking at. She moved in the hall, towards the snacks, picking one of the snacks up and looking out over the dance floor, trying to see if she could spot either someone alone or someone she knew.
Santiago wasn't sure what he was doing here. School dances were always awkward and they just seemed to be getting worse. He didn't want to deal with the possibility of seeing June and the fact that Eloise was back made everything worse. But he still showed up. Not wanting to be a coward, or not wanting to be left behind. He wasn't sure which. So when he saw Friday he felt a sense of relief and joined her at the snack table. "Looking for someone?" he asked as he stepped up beside her. "Or just judging people's dancing?"
Friday wasn't alone too long, though she hadn't spotted him, and as he asked, she knew she would never tell him about what she had been doing which was looking for anyone that she could spend the time with. "Judging, come on," she replied quickly, doing a brief scan of the dancefloor before not subtly pointing at a young pair of students dancing completely off tempo and in such a crazed fashion. "Look at that," she said.
Santiago laughed. "I should have known." he said before crossing his arms over his chest. He looked to where she was pointing and it didn't disappoint. A couple was dancing rather frantically compared to the music that was playing. He knew she was pointing them out to mock them but there was something that kept him from playing along exactly. "Are you jealous? Do you want to ask to join them?" he teased instead. "I'm sure they'll let you if you say please."
Friday didn't meet his gaze as he asked if she was jealous. She certainly didn't want him to think that she was. Certainly not of that couple who were dancing so wildly and terribly, but a part of her was jealous of the fact they were dancing, perhaps they had come as a date. "Oh please," she retorted. "If I wanted to dance, I would just dance, I don't need to join others," she lied, since she wouldn't just dance herself, but she had to at least pretend. "I bet you dance as terribly as they do,"
Santiago smirked. "So you don't want to dance?" he asked as if he was trying to clarify her point. She was insisting quite strongly that she wasn't jealous and that she didn't want to dance but he noticed that she wasn't looking at him. "Why do you say that?" he replied, with some mock offense. "Do you want to see for yourself?" he asked with a bit of a challenge in his voice.
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