Dark City's of England

Justice Ene Kaos

Well-Known Member
Justice began to make his way through the poorly lit city or London, he had never been here before, but why should that stop him from at least trying it. As he walked up a narrow Alley, he could see the faces of many homeless people laying down and looking up at his tall figure. Just looking at him caused most people great fright, not only because of the clothes he wears but because of the large scar on his face and his jet black eyes. He took a last step out onto the street and he looked around, he was hoping there where no ministry officials around, he hated them, almost as much as he hated Hogwarts.

He looked up at the time it was quarter to one in the morning, it was time for him to get ready to leave for a different time zone, he hated the light and was already accustomed to the shadows. He was like a shadow the way he moved most of the time, silently and never seen. He stopped for a second, he could hear something behind him, it sounded like a foot crunching on the gravel road behind him. He quickly spun around pulling out his wand and aiming it behind him. " Who are you, and why are you following me?" He ordered.
Bana was quite chilly in the spring morning. It wouldn't be long till winter and the days were growing colder. She always forgot to bring a coat or her cloak though. It didn't make sense, because her home town of New Zealand often got very cold. She should have been well prepared since she traveled to Europe a lot, but it was never so. Bana told herself that she liked the cold; she did like the cold, just not being cold. Whatever the case, she was coat-less (again) and lost. Banafrit did honestly have a good sense of direction, but she had tarried too long as she was inclined to do in the markets and had to navigate back to the hotel in the darkness.

Now she found herself in an alleyway that she hoped would cut some time off the journey. Bana held her elbows in each hand close to her body as she watched a dark figure moving ahead of her. The person was tall and cloaked and she could not see their face. Her small white-shoed feet padded quickly down the rocky path, trying to pass the person and reach her destination.

Suddenly they turned.

A wand was being trained on her, and Banafrit's heart gave a jump of fright as she saw what she now realised was a man's face. The scar was quite unnerving. She gathered her wits and spoke, not quite knowing what to retort to first. "What are you doing with your wand out? There are muggles about, you could be seen!" she said, even though her own hand was sliding to her wand tucked into the pants of her overalls. "And I wasn't following you. I was going home." Now her wand was out pointing directly at the cloaked man's chest in a defensive manner. "So, if you'll excuse me..." This would be more embarrassing if I walked off in the wrong direction...
Justice smiled, he knew that even if the homeless people did speak no one would believe a word of it, they where just homeless people, most of whom where insane anyways. He looked the girl over and noticed her wand pointing at his chest, he lowered his hand and raised it towards his neck. " Argghhh, That feels much better now. " He croaked with a sinister smile, most people his smiled repulsed them and made them want to run away, even though he had perfectly white and straight teeth. He noticed she had no coat on, she must have been cold, seeing as he was wearing one as well and his body temperature was always below everyone's. His black eyes penetrated her, soft eyes. " If you where on your way home why would you walk down an Alley way, where all the homeless live?" He asked as he lowed his wand back into the sleeve of his opposite arm.

He couldn't understand some women sometimes, they could be the smartest of people, but most of the time they where completely stupid and acted outrageous. Seeing as a women walking down a street filled with psychopaths that have nothing to lose. Even though he was the one to be feared here, he couldn't see himself harming her tonight.
"It was meant to be a shortcut, but I don't think that's any of your business," said Bana firmly. She had been quick frightened a moment ago and was now irritated with herself, and spoke in a snappish tone. Nevertheless, she stowed her wand back into her pocket and resisted the urge to fold her arms across her chest defensively. The wind whipped around her legs, blowing the leaves into her eyes and she shivered. It was almost like a stand off in the dark night as the two faced each other, one seeming completely unafraid and the other obviously cold and nervous. Bana hadn't a clue that this was where all the homeless people holed up for the night, but now that she looked around she did notice boxes stuffed beside trash cans that housed the city undesirables.

Basically, they were surrounded. Bana almost took a step towards the man across the alleyway, thinking he was a much better choice if she had to choose between a right army of homeless people and one scary wizard. Muggles unnerved her somehow. She could feel his eyes boring into hers, and though her heart was thumping like a jackrabbit she did not look away. There were worse things than a cold stare.

"But while you're here, you couldn't direct me to the Vista Hotel, could you?" One in the morning was pushing it for a nighttime rendezvous.
" I suppose I could take you there." He said as he turned away and shook his head at the homeless people, even though he felt sorry for them, there was something he didn't feel bad about, they could go to the department of housing and get themselves emergency accommodation. But usually they ended up in there and then they leave with half the stuff from the hotel to get money and return to the streets. No wonder he didn't like muggle's that much they where so stupid, except for his mother god bless her soul.

Justice turned back to look at the girl, looking into her eyes. " Im Justice Ene Kaos, by the way." He stated as he saw she began to follow him along the road. It was a fair way to the hotel, but a chat would be good, even though he could apparate them right to the door. He was getting sick of apparating everywhere though, he seemed as though he should take the time and experience life like a muggle for a little while, it might make him feel more proud about being a Wizard.
A flash of both disbelief and foreboding passed over her face as the man she now knew as Justice offered to take her to her hotel. I really have to stop getting lost like this, she thought. I always end up getting helped by strange men. Her brown eyes focused on him and gave him a hard look, weighing him up. Well, he had offered to take her there so he couldn't be that much of a fiend (unless he was only asking so he could kidnap her and do all sorts of unimaginable things to her). I guess I don't have much choice...

Bana wished that he'd stop staring into her eyes like that. She didn't like to meet peoples eyes most of the time, not because she was afraid of them but more that they would be able to tell what she was thinking. She didn't think that she was easily read, but the again, one could never be too careful. "My name is Banafrit Louise," she told him politely but slightly curtly, still not deciding to trust him. "Thank you for your help." She did not hold out her hand for him to shake, still slightly frightened of the dark hooded man. She kept a little bit behind him, not too close but not too far as they walked in the silence. Now it was beginning to snow, and she discreetly sidled closer to him as though it would help her become warm again. They were still in the presence of homeless people, so a warming spell would be out of the question.

All at once a bat screeched to their left, and Banafrit almost leapt out of her skin.
Justice noticed that she didn't have a coat, he wasn't usually a kind one but seeing as he was already doing a kind deed for her why not do another one. He took off his jacket exposing his face. Underneath the jacket he took off he was wearing a hoody. " Here you go." He croaked as he extended his arm out for her to take the jacket off of him. He could tell she was some what afraid of him, most people where. " I'll just let you know, you don't have anything to fear, I'm not going to attack you, I wouldn't lower myself to attack a women." Justice said as he glared at a homeless man until he pulled his newspaper blanket over his head.

sorry it is very lame
"Oh!" said Banafrit, shocked but slightly pleased as he handed her his jacket. "Thank you,". She hadn't been expecting that in the slightest. Perhaps she had misjudged him. The man was a little creepy, but he wasn't too bad looking from what she could see, and he was kind enough to offer her his coat. "Oh, er that's very nice of you then." she reaffirmed his words, slightly relieved. Even so, Bana kept her distance. Justice shouldn't have been offended at her stand-offishness, however. She had always been wary of strangers as she had been conned too many times by unknown foreigners.

"Where are you headed after this?" she asked, partly just to make polite conversation but also curious as to who he was and what he was doing out at that later hour (though it was only a subtle hint. It was none of her business as she very well knew).
" Dont worry about it, it is no problem." He said as he looked at her with a smile on his face, some people did really misjudge him on first meeting people he could be cold and cruel but after a little bit he could soften up and try to make friends with people, but if people got him angry he would quickly react and try his best to kill, or seriously injure. Looking around he could see some more homeless people sitting on the side of the road some with signs asking for money. Justice burrowed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a few pounds. ( English money.) and handed it to the homeless man.

" I don't really know, I sort of just wander around the world. Go where I please. I get to see almost every part of the world every night." He said stopping and waiting for her to catch up to him. " Im extremely sorry about before, pulling my wand out on you and all." He said quietly to her.
"That's alright," said Banafrit amiably. "I ought to say sorry as well, but really it was just self defence. I'm sorry that it looked like I was following you." Somehow every as she said these things, Bana still wondered why he was dressed in such a manner. She supposed that a cloak wasn't such an odd thing to wear, but surely he realised that it made him look ... well, scarier. She thought once again that he was quite good looking, but resolved not to let down her guard.

Basically Bana still had no idea where she was going. The street was getting lighter though, but it didn't ease her worries. She wouldn't go near one of those homeless folk if she was payed. Discreetly she shuffled closer to Justice, away from the edges of the street where the shaggy old men and women flanked them. "Do you think we could find a quiet corner and do a side along aparation?" whispered Banafrit into Justice's ear.
" Yeah I suppose we will come across one shortly other wise we could just do one now and they wouldn't really know what is going on." Justice said with a smile as he looked over at he, she had edged a little bit closer to him and it made him feel less scary to himself, which was a good thing." Don't worry about it, I need to learn to not be on edge all the time."
"Well, I'm hard to scare." said Banafrit with a smile. It might have seemed like she was terribly frightened, but in all honesty it had been completely natural to be feeling like that when meeting a hooded stranger. Justice was actually turning out to be rather ... sweet, in a way. She had noticed him handing the homeless man money, which she would have done herself if she'd had anything. But Bana had also had a few bad experiences with the local bums of several different countries, and she wasn't going near another any time soon, just to be safe.

Presently they came upon a secluded nook a little way off to their left. It was empty of the homeless, and it seemed to be a still populated area as the streetlamps were on and the shop off the their right looked clean. There was one last store before the narrow street opened into a small park, a place that seemed perfect to apparate from."I think this should do, don't you?" Bana inquired, and swiftly stepped beside him to wrap her arm around his, unafraid. "Shall we?"

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