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Seraphina My

Angsty Gurl™ | Traveling | Drama Radio Show Host ⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Vine Wand, 11 ¼ in, Acromantula Web Core
21 (7/2040)
Seraphina sat on a bench, alone, in the gardens, staring at a small bush that was directly in front of her. She noticed how the leaves were tightly curling inward toward the branches, allowing for an almost springlike effect. She admired the vibrant green that allowed it to stand out among the colorful flowers even though most folks would view it as the "ordinary one." The Gryffindor was unsure how she had ended up in the gardens staring at a plant, but nevertheless, staring at a plant she was. She looked around to see if anyone was coming nearby and then slid herself on the ground in front of the bush. Placing a square of cloth on her lap, she started to carefully pluck the small leaves off the bush and place them on the fabric. She wanted to take the leaves and save them for when her roommates were being incredibly trying. No one wants to find leaves in between their sheets before they fall asleep.
Veronica was sitting in the garden, she hated to admit that but sometimes the Slytherin common room was just too dark and not airy enough for her so she sometimes escaped to the gardens to breathe some fresh air and catch some sun.
She was sitting in a bench when she noticed another girl, who was considerably far, looking around and acting suspicious, like she didn't want to be detected. Obviously this spiked Veronica's interest especially after the girl slid herself in front of a bush, clearly if the girl was checking out for lurkers she hadn't done a good job because the Slytherin girl had seen that.
Veronica decided to get up and walk towards the girl, walk towards the bush that she hid behind of. She arrived just to see the other girl picking leaves, that wasn't strange at all. "What did that bush even do to you?" she asked almost in an amused tone seeing the girl picking its leaves.
Seraphina looked up as she heard somebody approach but didn't bother to hide her activity. She figured if someone wanted to rat her out, they were going to do it anyway. She shrugged and went back to pick off leaves. "It just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time, I suppose," she said to the girl and looked at her small pile. She wasn't sure if she should wanted to just place the leaves in Blake's bed or go all out for all her roommates. The curtain incident was still fresh in her mind, and she just hated living with those girls. "Would you like to help, or are you just going to stare?" she asked the girl matter of factly. If the girl was going to tell on her, she figured she wouldn't have come over here in the first place. Then again, she was always surprised by the students here. They had their priorities weird.
Veronica looked at the other girl who she couldn't believe was askeing her to help with picking leaves. Veronica obviously wasn't doing it, she didn't get her hands dirty instead she would find someone to get their hands dirty for her. Instead of answering the other girl's question she just ignored it and started asking questions of her own "What is even that for? A potion? I don't remember that being a potion ingredient but...potion classes were extremely boring so I might have fallen asleep on that part" she said a little bit indifferent. She wasn't sure what the leaves were for and depending on what they were for she would decide if she wanted in or not.
Seraphina shook her head at the girl. "No. It's not for potions or a class," she said, finishing enough leaves that she thought would do. "But it is for a group project, I guess," she said with a smirk and pulled the corners of the fabric together to make a little pouch, tying it at the top. It was about about the size of softball, and she thought about adding some flowers in since the girls were so worried about making things look 'pretty.' She spotted some purple flowers that looked like a good addition to her collection and walked over to the section they were planted. "My roommates are annoying. So, I'm giving them a gift," she said, beginning to cut off the tops of a few hebe plants.
Annoying roommates, something Veronica knew all about. Her roommates weren't particularly bad but after their little dorm get together Veronica knew that Giselle was out for blood which Veronica could help but find cute, Giselle's determination was a cute thing to see especially when everyone knew that her anti-quidditch protests wouldn't lead anywhere. "A gift huh? What did they do?" she asked out of curiosity. Veronica always liked to have the inside scoop on everything, be informed of everything that was happening but never actually participate in anything. She liked to feel like a spectator, a spectator that had enough information to take anyone down if needed. "You can always do like one of my roommates that punched another one of my roommates and gave her a bloody nose" the Slytherin girl said knowing that it wouldn't be very wise, but she was in the mood for chaos.
Seraphina raised her eyebrows when the girl asked what had influenced her decision to pursue property damage. She gave a small laugh as she continued her task. "Let's just say they're not being great roommates, and I don't feel comfortable in there," she said playfully. The latter was true ever since they decided to redecorate, but she also just felt like she couldn't be herself in her own room. Everything was too cheery, and she just wanted to silence sometimes. She quickly looked up at the girl when she told her about her own roommate debacle. "Really? That would be one way to handle things," she said with a slight laugh as she finished another bundle of leaves and tied it shut. She stood up and wiped her hands on her pants. "Well, if you're a part of this now, do you have a suggestion about where I might find some aloe plants?" Dry leaves just didn't seem enough for her payback.
Veronica laughed, it was honestly extremely amusing to see this girl plan a revenge against her roommates. She did not know if they deserved it, or if they did, but for all Veronica cared this girl could do whatever she pleased.
The Slytherin girl looked at the other "Well, the best place to find plants is either the Wild Patch or the Herbology greenhouse" she told the other girl. "Of course the safest bet is the wild patch, you can just say you signed up for the club" she added "But my personal favourite would be stealing it from the greenhouse, kinda adds some adrenaline to the thing" she stated. She would probably never do it, maybe 'never' was a word a tad strong. If the circumstances were right, if aloe was an essential part of her plan and if she need to plot the biggest revenge plan ever she would certainly steal the aloe from the greenhouse. Of course she wouldn't be dumb enough to get caught.
Seraphina crossed her arms approvingly at the girl and titled her chin up, staring curiously. She was so used to the other students around her being goody-two shoes or causing trouble against her that seeing someone willing to assist in her escapades was startling. "What's your name?" she asked, continuing to stare at the girl after she offered advice on acuqiring aloe. It seemed like a plausible plan - stealing from the greenhouse. However, it would be better if she didn't attempt the task by herself and used someone like this girl as a lookout. "And are you offering to help wreck my roommates beds?" she asked, smirking at the girl. It was the first time Seraphina felt even remotely comfortable with someone at Hogwarts. She knew that her mother wouldn't approve of how such a friendship began, if it even were to get to a friendship point, but that made it all the more appealing.
Veronica wasn't sure whether to trust this girl or not, she had already revealed some not so legal plans of stealing from the greenhouse so maybe this girl was just something that wanted to tell on her, that's why she wanted to know her name. Veronica was used to do everything meticulously, calculating every step, so she thought of something to answer her, the only people that knew her real name were his brother, Lily, Liusaidh and Brooke and for some reason this didn't seemed the kind of person that Lily would befriend, and knowing the other Slytherin girls or at least get along well enough with them seemed unlikely so she just said "Well, if I told you I'd have to kill you" she told with a grin and a teasing tone "Call me Monica, Monica Posh" she told the other girl. As far as she knew there was no Monica Posh in the school.
Veronica smirked at the girl "In case you didn't notice I can't really enter whatever house you are on" Veronica said as she was sure the girl wasn't a Slytherin. "Besides, I don't really see what's in it for me. But since I'm feeling generous, if you want to go to the greenhouse I can go with you but I'll stay outside guarding the door" she told the girl, obviously she wasn't dumb enough to go inside the greenhouse, besides, with her persuasion powers she was a more valuable asset outside distracting anyone who could want to get inside the glass building.
Seraphina was surprised that the girl had made up a seemingly fake name. She thought it was a slightly smart move but at the same time, it marked her down a peg. She frowned and then thought of her own fake name, but she wasn't going to give it to the girl unless she asked for it. She nodded at "Monica" and placed her leave collections in her bag, placing it on her shoulder. "You're correct, but you can still help if you're bored." She smirked when the girl asked what her benefit in participating would be. She didn't have much to offer, especially since it seemed they were in different houses. She leaned against a small tree and eyed the girl. "Well, what do you want, then?" she asked matter-of-factly. She could make a deal seeing as the girl was right. Seraphina would need someone to help her get into the greenhouse without getting caught.

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