Closed Dangerous Rewards

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (47)
"Right, here we go," Angel said, cycling through his keys as he lead Elizabella over past the main greenhouses and towards the more specified ones they kept in the back. "As promised, we'll go check out the Dangerous Greenhouse, long as you want, just a few ground rules. Well, one ground rule, don't touch anything," he said, moving to unlock the greenhouse before motioning Elizabella in. Technically, he was well aware she was arguably several years too young to be allowed in here, but Angel knew Elizabella was a responsible sort and she hadn't been bitten or eaten by any of the more tame plants in the other greenhouses in her tenure as his assistant, which was more than he could say for himself really, so it couldn't hurt. Plus, he had promised her if she worked hard he'd let her take a peak, and she really had. If only all the younger students Angel had to deal with were as easy going as Elizabella.

"Let's see, over there we have the Devil's Snare, it's a bit hard to see in the dark. The snargaluffs are in the back there, oh and there's some Cobra Lillies blooming right now too," Angel said, pointing at the various plants as they stepped into the dim greenhouse, making sure to close the door behind them.
Finaly the moment arrived for her life and she was with her proffessor and walked together. She was felt a little more nervous. ''I promise, professor and i won't be touch anything'' Bella was curios why is so much rules about devil snare but she was worked so hard and don't wanted ruined the moment with professor.

'' I can't use Lumos spell it will be easy to see? But i think the devil snare hate sunlinght.'' She told professor with warm and nicely words. But she was know that he won't agreed about this.

Angel knew he could trust Elizabella to behave herself but it was still reassuring to hear her promise she'd listen. It was probably a bad idea to let a younger student back here in the first place but Angel was sure it'd be fine as long as he was here. She'd have to be very determined to get herself into any real trouble at least.

"Ah, just let your eyes adjust and you can see it fine, it's true Devil's Snare doesn't like light so casting lumos or something similar will make it recoil. Good if you're in danger, bad if you just want to observe," he explained, motioning Elizabella closer so she could get a good look at the plant in question.
'I realy apriciate proffessor that you will show me devil snare. It is so excited like first time i started" She smiled professor and walked him and looked this place and she was still think about use Lumos spell.

"What we will do, with devil snare, professor?" Bella wanted know what they will do.
"We're just going to observe it," Angel assured her as they stepped closer to look at the plant in the low light. He might have bent a few rules to let Elizabella in here but he wasn't about to go so far as to let a kid actually handle any of the plants. "Happy to answer any questions as well if you have them. About the Devil's Snare or any other plants," he added.

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