Dancing with our hands tied

Lyra Potter

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
It had been one week. Exactly one week, and Lyra still refused to think about it. All of her tears were spent, and all that was left behind was emptiness. Felix and Lyra's plans for the new year had been set for weeks now, and Lyra wouldn't dare stand Felix up. If she did, she knew he would come looking for her and be that much harder to get rid of. So, Lyra had dressed in a sleek black dress with her hair twisted up. The brunette stood, waiting, outside the pub where she had said she would meet Felix. She knew he wouldn't have gone inside without her. All she had to do now was wait.
Felix had one mission today. He was going to see the love of his life. He'd been planning it for weeks, it was perfect. He dressed in a dark grey tux, the tie matched his eyes. He shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded to himself as he headed down to where he was to meet Lyra. He couldn't wait to see her. It didn't matter when he'd seen her last, he always missed her when she wasn't with him. He finally caught sight of Lyra and his breath stuck in his throat. That dress. She looked absolutely stunning, but then, she looked beautiful in everything she wore. "Lyra, you always know how to make my breath stop."
Felix looked handsome. He always did, but he never failed to take her breath away when he dressed up like that. It wouldn't change her mind though. Lyra gave Felix a half-smile. It was the best she could muster at the moment. "Thanks." she said, lamely. "Look, Felix, we need to talk." she said, her green eyes looking away from him. Her face was almost expressionless. She couldn't let him see how much she was hurting on the inside.
Felix let his eyes wander over Lyra. He knew she wouldn't mind as he siddled up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her a soft kiss on the temple. "Of course, Babe, what do you want to talk about?" He asked, grinning.
Lyra's will was close to crumbling as he wrapped his arms around her as understanding as he always was. Still, she kept her emotions off of her face. She had made up her mind, and there was nothing anyone could do to change that. She gently untangled his arms from around her waist, taking a step back and looking up at him. "Felix, this....us....it just isn't working out." she said, ripping off the bandaid.
Felix laughed slightly as Lyra spoke. "This is why I love you Lyra, you're so funny." This couldn't be anything other than a joke. They were perfect together, they both knew that. "Shall we go inside, I can't wait to get you home." He had their whole day together planned. This was the day.
"Felix, I'm not joking." Lyra said, shaking her head. She was going back on everything she had promised him. She had promised to love him forever, and while that might be true, he could never know it. This had to end now. Lyra would not end up like her parents. "I don't want to be with you. I don't love you." she said, knowing she was about to shatter his heart, but saying those words anyways. It was the only way to make him let her go.
Felix stepped away from Lyra slightly, frowning. "It was only funny the first time Lyra." he said, not sure what was going on. He'd gone to see Kiera and Carter just two weeks ago. He was looking forward to meeting Lyra's new siblings once they were born. He assumed that hadn't happened yet, given Lyra's attitude. "Did Link put you up to this?"
Lyra rolled her eyes at Felix. She didn't understand why she was having such a difficult time convincing Felix that it really was over. "No. He has no idea." Lyra said truthfully. Her emotions were hidden well as she had a lifetime of training in that department. She was so much like her mother. Too much so. That's why Lyra had to get away from Felix. "I don't understand why this is so difficult for you to understand. I don't love you. It's over. I never want to see you again." she said, doing her best to make him hate her. It would be easier that way.
Felix was confused, he wasn't even sure there was room for any other emotion. He hadn't expected this and to be honest, he wasn't sure he believed it. This wasn't Lyra. Everything they'd been through together and this was what she was saying to him? Falon was never going to believe this. Felix didn't believe it. Hell, Felix was almost sure he was face down in a gutter somewhere, because this had to be a passout nightmare. "Lyra, I-" Her tone gave him pause. "Difficult for me to understand? Lyra! Look at what you're saying! How do you expect me to believe you've done a complete 180 in the space of a week!?" They loved each other, he knew that, even if he couldn't see any expression in her face right now. She looked kind of... bored, actually.
This wasn't easy for Lyra, but she was committed to seeing this through. Yet, she was slipping, and she didn't know how much longer she could take the look on his face as she broke his heart. "What do you want me to say to you?" she asked him, her tone even. "People fall out of love. Things change. I'm too young to be tied down. You aren't what I want anymore." she said, cruelly in a way that had never been a part of her personality before.
Felix could not believe what he was hearing. Was Lyra actually breaking up with him? After all they'd been through? Felix had picked her over his own family and now she was going to make that kind of commitment look like nothing by throwing this all away? "Lyra... please.
Whatever is wrong, let me fix it. I'm sorry if i've somehow upset you..." He wasn't sure what to do. He'd never expected this. Lyra was being cruel, if she didn't want to spend time with him, why did she bother coming at all?
"It's too late. What's happened can't be fixed." Lyra said, tears welling in her eyes, threatening to spill down her face. She couldn't stay here with him. Not when he was looking at her like a wounded puppy. Lyra had to get away. "I'm so sorry, Fee. I wish it could have been different." she said, turning her back to him as she began walking down the street so he couldn't see how much pain this caused her. She turned the corner into an alley with every intention of apparating away from this place to a club where no one would know her name and she could lose herself completely.
"I'll always love you Lyra!" Felix called after her as she left him standing outside, hands in his pockets as he felt the velvet material of the box. He'd never be rid of this ring. He would never give it to anyone else. This ring was all for Lyra.

Felix turned on his heel and ran. He didn't know where he was running to until he collided with his sister. Without even saying a word Felix fell into her and cried.

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