Dancing Mannequins

Taylor Black

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It was warm, surprisingly. Ever since Taylor moved from America to England, it had rained. Taylor liked the rain when you had something to do, but during the day when your bored is very boring. So, when Taylor saw the sun she sprinted outside to go shopping in London. She enjoyed shopping, but for different things like notebooks and pens and rulers and stationery and things like that, instead of clothes and shoes. Taylor walked down the street, as many people walked past and looked at her. Why are they all staring at me? I'm wearing normal clothes. T-shirt, blazer, sneakers and shorts? That's what I wear at home, back in America. Taylor sighed, running her fingers through her dark, curly hair. The one thing that taylor hated was too much attention. It made her go pink and all embarassed.

Taylor looked past the clothes store and stopped at the book store. Taylor loved books and reading and all that. It made her smile, and she walked in. She already had a library at home, but there was something missing from her collection. Taylor picked up a copy of Pride and Predujice. She had borrowed that book of her old best friend, Courtney, and had adored it. She went up to the counter, paid and left, in search of a little cafè to read in.

Taylor spotted a quaint little cafe which seemed quite busy. She walked in, and spotted an empty booth. Sitting down, a waitress walked over to take her order. "Um, coffee please." Taylor opened the bag and opened her book, stroking the front cover. It was a hardback, a traditional book. It hadn't cost much over thirty pounds, but that was fine for Taylor. The coffee landed on the table and taylor took a sip of it, before crossing her legs and getting lost in her book.
So after spending so many years in New Zealand's heat all year round Logan had gotten rather used to the warmth every day, even in the winter's rainy day he could have worn a T-shirt and shorts quite comfertably. So the moved to France, where it was still warm but not like NZ, he had been wearing jeans and shirts. It would take a while before he would be in T-shirts and shorts again. Now being in England for the day he was wearing jeans and a jacket, even with the sun being out. Although he was born in England and spent the most part of his life in the country it was still cold for him now, still it was good for him to be back in his home country. There was no real reason for him being here but he had woken up this morning and felt the need to come.

Now that he was here he didn't know what to do really, he had gone in a few shop and bought a few things here and there, a new pair of shoes and a book, nothing special just something on muggle history. He had gotten into muggle studies when he had been in Hogwarts and had found himself buying various books in history. He would have bought books on advanced magic if he had been in New Zealand but he didn't particularly know where to go here to get that stuff. It was more down to the fact that he wasn't bothered enough to find out and he didn't need anything along those line right now, he had already stocked up.

Deciding that he had done enough shopping for now Logan wanted to get a drink and something to eat and where better than the closest cafe to him. Walking over to the building Logan walked in and saw instantly just how busy it was. Thinking about leaving his stomach gave a rumble in detest. With a sigh he walked over to the counter and ordered his drink, a coke, and some food, a plate of chips. The drink took no time at all and after paying he took a small sip of the cold dark liquid in the glass and looked around for a spot. There wasn't a free spot so now he had to look for someone who looked nice enough to approach. He spotted a girl, who looked around his age give or take. Once the chips arrived he picked up the warm plate and walked over to her. "Dont suppose i could sit with you? Everywhere else is full." He said with a smile. He purposely used the smile he had been told was his cutest, but then again when he was veela there wasn't really an expression he could do which looked imperfect on his face. "Theres chips in it for you." He said with a slightly chuckle as he looked down at the dark haired girl before him.
Prying her attention away from her book, Taylor looked up. She wasn't that good with talking to people, except friends, but she was hopeless with strangers. Taylor looked down. "Um s-sure. Go ahead." Taylor smiled a little bit back at him. It was rude not to. Taylor folded the page in her book, and raised her coffee cup to her lips. Taylor loved coffee, she loved any hot drink. Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, they all came under favourite things in her book. Taylor put the drink down on the table and looked outside. It was still quite sunny but the crowds were blocking the streets from any sights of the ground. It was quite amusing to see, how people were pushed out of shops by crowds and running to get the latest sales.

Taylor slipped her book back inside the plastic bag and looked around. Some characters inside the cafe seemed ok, but there were some bad characters too. Taylor couldn't help but look a little bit. She quickly drew her attention to the newcomer. He's probably around my age. Something about him seems...Veela (?) About him though. He could be. But one can not just ask if they are magical or not...he could be a muggle. Taylor blocked this thought from her mind. She didn't even know his name. That's bad. The young girl half closed her eyes, looking at the ground. "Um, my n-name is Taylor." Taylor's cheeks turned a little pink. She was not used to this.
With a smile Logan took the seat opposite her and sat down, shifting his bags under the table so that they were out of the way Logan looked back up to his new found company. "Thanks, you looked like the only approachable person in here." He said with a chuckle as he looked around briefly. It was so strange for him to see such crowds, he guessed it was just because it was London and he was used to more quiet areas like Swanage and Whangari. He couldn't see himself staying in London for more than a few hours, he hatted crowds. School was bad enough but here it was packed.

As the girl began to talk to him again Logan shifted his concentration to her so that he could hear what she was saying. "Im Logan, thanks for letting me sit here Taylor." He said with another smile. He noted the slight pink tone in her cheeks and laughed quietly to himself. "So do you live around here?" he asked wondering how she could if she did live locally. Surely you wouldn't be able to get a moments piece around here.
Taylor rubbed her eyes. With Zara in the room opposite her, there was no chance of her going to sleep. Zara always talked to herself at night and Taylor could hear it. It kept her up all night. Taylor put her hands in her lap, before looking back up at the boy. He said his name was Logan, right? Or is my hearing going? Taylor shook the thought out her mind. "That's fine. I guess there are some shady characters in here." Taylor shrugged and sipped her hot drink. Her eyes flickered around the room. Yes, there were definitely some shady characters around. Some were hunched over coffee, glaring at people who came through the door, others had that mad look on their faces. It was not a pretty sight.

Taylor drew her attention back to Logan. "Oh, I live in a few places. My family have some homes around the world, but I prefer to stick to my favourite four. I do live here, in London, and also in America, NewZealand and my school. Its a boarding school." Taylor explained, nodding slightly.
Logan watched Taylor looked around, he would have done the same again but he knew people would be looking at him, just like everywhere he went he always had eyes on him. It got rather annoying most of the times always having attention. "I used to live in England, then i went to New Zealand to go school then i moved to France and changed schools. I would say iv traveled a bit because iv been to other places on holidays and such but my family doesn't own more than one house." He said as he picked up a chip and popped it in his mouth. He took a sip of his drink before pushing the plate a little bit closer to Taylor. "Want some?" He asked thinking it polite to share with her seeing as she let him sit down. And seeing as he was not too hungry he could afford to share them with her.
Taylor nodded, listening to everything Logan was saying. "What's your school called?" Taylor laid her hands on the table, sighing and looking out the window. When Logan offered her some chips, she smiled. Taylor gingerly took one and put it in her mouth. "Thanks." she smiled.

However, Taylor couldn't take her eyes off outside. The clouds were going over now.

OOCOut of Character:
Ill be back on later.
Logan thought for a second when Taylor asked him which school he attended. He didn't know if he should answer that but if she was a muggle then she would never have heard of it before. "I go to Beauxbatons." He said slowly, he was sill getting used to not saying Hogwarts. It would probably take him until the last day of school when he would be able to say it easily. He sighed before following her gaze outside, he wondered what seemed to be catching her attention so much. "So what school do you go to?" He asked turning back to her as he spoke. He knew that he would probably not know any muggle school that she attended but it was just keeping the conversation going between the pair.
Taylor smiled when she heard what his school was called. So, he was a wizard. Taylor didn't know there were that many wizards in England, She looked down at the ground, before looking at Logan, biting her lip. "My school is called Durmstrang." taylor looked at her lap, another small smile creeping onto her face. Taylor didn't have really any friends in england. She had only been there a month or so, and hadn't really had time to venture out on the street and run up to some random person and request to be friends, but with a wizard, she could actually have an England friend. Taylor smiled before taking another chip and biting into it. Aren't most Beauxbaton boys Veelas? Taylor pondered the thought for a moment before sighing.

Taylor cautiously looked at logan. "If you don't mind me asking, but are you a part Veela? I don't want to sound rude but you have that look." Taylor put her hands on the table in loose fists.
As she mentioned that her school was Durmstrang Logan smiled slightly. That meant he could put all the effort in pretending to be a muggle aside and just be normal with her. "My brother went to Durmstrang for a bit." He answered back to her. "I used to go to Hogwarts but iv only just transferred so im still getting used to it all." He informed her as he took another chip and popped it in to his mouth. They were actually quite nice, well nice enough anyway. Smiling again Logan looked down and chuckled at her question before looking back up to her. "Yeah i am, hence the reason so many people are looking in my direction." He said gesturing around the room. It was just standard for him when ever he went out to places like these, yes it was annoying for him but he had lived with it his whole life so it was just normal for him.

"So what year are you in?" He asked curiously, she couldn't be too much older than him, a year or so maybe. Then again he could be totally wrong, he had never been too good at guessing people's ages, it was not exactly one of his many talents and it was something he could easily live with.

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