Open Dancing Fun

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Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (13)
Callie couldn't help the excitement she felt over this dance, over all of the dances. She didn't ever had a date - so far - to them, and just liked the fun which could be had. She had put on a pretty though perhaps not too formal outfit and was absolutely ready for the dance. She had plans to drink sugar drinks, eat sugary food and just really enjoy herself. So far she was just at the first stage, getting herself to the drinks and finding a sugar drink for her to drink.
Teddy wondered if the hassle surrounding the Valentine's Ball was worth it. Students had splurged on outfits and been stressing over dates, and for what? What was the point? To him, it was just another occasion for a to have some fun and hang out with friends but he didn't take on any romantic pressures that came with the valentine's title.

When he arrived he went ver to the refreshment table first, noticing a girl from his year there. They didn't really cross paths much, but he figured she might be friendly. "Hey," he greeted, his voice carrying a relaxed tone. Glancing at the spread of refreshments, he added, "Anything good on offer?" It was partly a query to himself, but mostly an invitation for conversation with the girl beside him.
Callie glanced at the boy, he was familiar but almost certainly not in her house. She nodded. "Oh plenty," she told him. "Depends on what takes your fancy, I think these are nice, but I've got a bit of a sweet tooth," she told him.
Teddy nodded, observing the sweets the girl had picked out. "Oh, I see that," he responded with a smile. "Chocolate frogs are my favourite, but I've given up collecting the cards," he admitted, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. Collecting chocolate frogs had been a hobby of his before coming to Hogwarts but he was a teenager now considered himself too grown up for wizard cards.
Callie gave a little giggle and then nodded. "Oh! That's what people did with them," she said, since she had always thought they were odd things to have with chocolate, but had never been one for them, the moving chocolate freaking her out just a little. "How many did you have before you stopped collecting?"
Teddy paused, mentally counting the number of cards he owned, something he hadn't really considered before. "Um, I guess around 30?" he estimated, feeling a bit uncertain. "It might not sound like much, but my parents weren't keen on me earing loads of chocolate. And I used to trade a few common cards for one of the better ones. Quality over quantity, you know?" he explained, unsure if the girl was genuinely interested in his chocolate frog cards.
"30 is still a lot," Callie told him, seeing that he was uncertain and trying to excuse it. "I grew up with muggles and they have trading cards without the chocolate and I wasn't allowed any of those," she told him, trying to help him feel a bit better if he really was concerned about not having as many in a collection as others might. "Wanna dance?"
"No chocolate? But that's the best bit!" Teddy remarked, collecting wizard cards without the chocolate seemed like an unnecessary expense. He nodded in agreement to the offer of a dance, noting the upbeat music playing in the background. "Sure, but if they switch to any mushy love songs, I'm outta there," he declared, establishing his stance against slow dancing.
Callie gave a little nod of agreement. "Right?" she said. She had never been into the cards other students had gathered, largely because she wasn't sure of the incentive for doing it. She nodded at the upbeat music and nodded in agreement. "Slow dancing is boring," it was the type of dancing she knew best, but only because she'd learn how to dance in that ballroom style rather than anything more modern or upbeat.
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