Open Dancing All Night

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Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Aurora loved the dances, partly because Aurora loved dancing and parties, there was little better in her mind than a good party. She liked being able to spend time with her sister, she liked the snacks, she liked the drinks, she liked being able to just let loose for a night with zero consequences. She knew this was why adults loved to party, she wondered what it would be like when she was old enough to actually go to parties or whatever else. Aurora was dragged Rosie into the hall and she was holding her hand tightly. "Let's just get straight to dancing," Aurora said, she knew the snacks were fun, she knew the drinks were fun but there would be nothing better than just dancing about with her sister.
Rosie followed Aurora into the great hall. She was equally excited about this, given that she did always love spending time at parties with her sister and this would be a perfect occasion for it too. She loved the dancing and spending time with friends, there was never any reason to not go to the dance and just have fun. Rosie knew that some of the others in their year had started going with people and she felt really happy to spend this time with her. Rosie nodded in agrement as Aurora took them out to the dance floor. She was looking about for Xinyi but couldn't spot him in the hall yet. And he would come join them if he wanted to. With that thought lingering in her mind she turned back to Aurora and just started dancing with her.
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