Open Dance With Me?

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Eurydice Nightray

sweet • i want it, i'll have it • spoiled
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
OOCOut of Character:
Open after Dan

Eurydice had been looking forward to the Yule Ball ever since she’d found out about it. She loved going to balls and dressing up, and this was her chance. The only downer for today had been Jonah, who was still somehow miserable. She had no clue why, but she’d thrown an outfit at him and told him to just come down to the ball and stop being so depressing. A good party would cheer her up sometimes, so she hopes it would cheer her cousin up too. Now that she was here though, she was standing outside of the Great Hall waiting for her friend. They’d sort of agreed to go together. Well, Eurydice had told him that he could come with her if he wanted. She wasn’t sure if it meant that he would definitely be escorting her or if someone had asked him and he’d changed his mind. Her brothers always said that it’s boys who asked girls to dances so Eury wasn’t really sure if it still works since it was seeming that she asked him. Still, she waited patiently just outside of the Great Hall in her dress, watching the festivities longingly. What if she missed him coming in? Or what if he’d went in earlier? Maybe she should just go in? She wished she’d planned this a little better.
If asked earlier in the school year William would have said he would have wanted to go to the Yule ball with Demi. But ever since truth or dare they hadn't spoken much. He didn't know where he stood with her, if she heard about him kissing Eurydice after she had left the room then it would explain the cold shoulder. For the time being he wanted to focus on having fun with the people who were still actively his friends, so he agreed to go to the ball with Eurydice when she sort of asked him. He put on what he considered to be a fun suit and made his way down to the entrance hall to meet the Hufflepuff. He found her waiting by the door in her dress and smiled when he saw her. "Hey Eury, you look great in your dress,"
Eurydice almost considered going inside once she’d caught sight of her brother standing inside. She was sure he wouldn’t mind keeping her company until William arrived, until it looked like she didn’t have to as she heard him. She breathed a sigh of relief before turning to him and being pleasantly surprised that they matched. A big smile made its way to her face at the compliment. She did feel particularly nice about her outfit tonight since she’d spent a good long while getting ready. “Thank you!” she said happily. “Your suit looks really fun and it looks amazing on you!” she gestures to all the flowers in his suit. They really did match with the purples and the flowers. It would be no question they were coming together once they walk in. She walks up to his side and holds on to his arm, much like how she usually does when she walks with him and she doesn’t want to get left behind, but she was a little more careful now so she wouldn’t mess up his suit. “What do you wanna do first?”
William looked down at his suit with a smile when Eurydice complimented, he was pretty happy with his outfit and was glad to hear that she thought it looked good on him. "Thank you, and we kinda match so that's cool," He starts to lead her into the great hall once she takes hold of his arm, something she did a lot of that he found he had started to enjoy. "We could dance, unless you wanted to get a drink or something?" People danced at balls right? It seemed like the kind of thing they should be doing since they were there together.
Hinata was just passing by with her companion when she noticed Eurydice with a boy. They were so cute. She waved at her cousin before turning her attention back to Terror.
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Eurydice was glad that William thought that them matching was cool too. She smiles when he leads her in to the Great Hall which looked absolutely amazing. She made sure to wave at her brother and Hina-nee before turning her attention back to William. She looked at him like he’d just offered her the moon when he suggested they dance. “Really? You’d dance with me?” she says excitedly, trying very hard not to drag him to the dance floor in case he wanted to change his mind. She’d thought that she’d only get to dance tonight if Kael-nii decided to spend time with her, but a dance with William would be even better. “I’d like to dance please,” she decides to admit. It couldn’t hurt to since he was her best friend. And best friends do things for each other right?
William was surprised at how surprised Eurydice was that he wanted to dance. Was it that unusual for someone to dance? Or had she not expected that from a boy? “Of course I want to dance with you, why wouldn’t I?” He laughed as she led him gently towards the dance floor showing how excited she was to dance. She was cute when she smiled so why wouldn’t he wanted to do things that made her smile?
Eurydice smiled even brighter when William didn’t change his mind and instead laughed at her admission. She was giddy with excitement. The Great Hall was beautiful, she felt pretty, she was at a ball, and she had a friend that wanted to spend time with her - dance with her! It was perfect! “Boys back home don’t like dancing with me,” she says with a shrug as they made their way towards the dance floor. The Nightray Ball would be happening just a couple of days after she gets home and that was attended mostly by Nightrays and purebloods back home. The boys there weren’t nice like William so she was sure that this one would be the most fun ball she would have until next year. As soon as they got to the dance floor, she stopped at the outskirts just to enjoy the music for a little bit. Besides there was a bit of people and she didn’t want to get separated from William.
William was no stranger to dancing, it was encouraged at his family's Christmas party and while he didn't particularly enjoy having to dance with his cousins, he didn't particularly dislike dancing. He figured dancing with someone like Eurydice would be a lot more enjoyable, the fact it made her so happy was a bonus. "They're missing out," He smiled at her as he led her out onto the dancefloor, he wasn't sure what kind of dancing they would end up doing but he was sure they would have fun all the same.
When Eurydice had sort of asked William to come with her to the Yule Ball, she really didn’t expect that he would make her this happy. She wasn’t expecting that she’d get to dance at all, she was kind of prepared to just eat and drink and go around the room in case he wanted to spend time with his friends. She was sort of hoping she’d get a dance out of Kael-nii, and maybe Elio-nii. Boys her own age at home didn’t like dancing, and they liked spending time with her even less. This was probably the first that someone was willing to enjoy a ball with her - to have her enjoy a ball too. “You’re the best,” she said pulling him as she plants a kiss on his cheek. She hopes he doesn’t mind, but it was the only thing she could think of to show him how much she appreciates this. The song was upbeat and it wasn’t a very formal affair, so Eury figures that they could just dance however they wanted, so she moves in front of him and takes both his hands in hers and just dances. Swaying, and jumping and swinging and giggling. Even spinning them at one point and twirling on her own. It was amazing. William was amazing.
William smiled at her words but when she pulled him closer to plant a kiss on his cheek he blushed. They had done more in the privacy of the truth or dare game, but this was public and not because of a dare, it felt different. "I just want you to have a good time," He smiled at her. He was having fun himself, and that only increased as they began to dance, the song was upbeat with a quick tempo so their dancing was light hearted and fun, he twirled her around which made her dress look great as she moved. William enjoyed seeing the beaming smile on her face as she enjoyed every move she made. "Has anyone told you you're really cute when you're having fun?"
Eurydice was definitely having the best time. She didn’t think the large smile on her face could disappear, and the laughter bubbling up within her as he twirls her around was definitely his doing. She didn’t think she’d had this much fun at a ball in forever. Even as the song changed, she didn’t falter once in her movements. Well, at least until William called her “really cute”. That had her tripping on her own feet though thankfully she regained her balance. She could feel herself burning red from the unexpected compliment. It wasn’t the first time she’d been called cute but it was certainly a first for a boy her age to do so - especially one that wasn’t her cousin, not that her cousins ever called her cute. How was she supposed to answer that?! T-Thank I mean thank you!” she said. This was probably the first time that she found herself flustered in Hogwarts and certainly in front of William. “You’re one of the nicest people I know. And I’m really glad you came with me tonight.”
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