Open Dance The Night Away

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Joshua Lynch

kiwi 🥝 | sports crazy ⚽️
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
17 (02/2045)
Josh always liked the events that were held at school. He liked to spend time with his friends as well as dancing the night away with the music that would be playing at the events. After Josh got ready for the event, the boy made his way down to the great hall. Once he arrived, he looked around to see if he could see any of his friends, but he couldn't see them at the moment, so he decided to make his way to one of the fountains of punch, grabbing a drink, he then stepped side to side along with the beat of the music as he people watched.
Senna had been enjoying the chaos of delivering roses today but part of her had to admit it had been tiring as well. She had decided to take a quick nap before getting ready which had lead to her being a little late to the dance. That in turn had kept her from being able to walk to the great hall with any of her friends, like Josh or Kyon, which meant she would just have to look for them once she got there. Luckily, she had become better and better and spotting her friends in a crowd of students over the years and quickly made her way over to Josh when she noticed him. "Hi!" Sen beamed at her best friend. "C'mon, you're dancing with me." She added lightly, holding out her hand.
Josh looked around the great hall, enjoying the atmosphere of the place. He was a little disappointed he couldn't see any familiar faces just yet. But it wasn't long before he noticed a familiar face. Josh smiled when he saw his best friend, happy to see a familiar company. "Hey!" Josh greeted his friend cheerfully. He was glad that Senna could join him. He chuckled and grabbed a hold of her held out her hand. "Lead the way, milady," Josh said jokingly with a chuckle.
Senna had decided that there would be no standing to the side during this dance. No conversations over near the snack table, no watching others be all romantic and stuff. None of that. She was going to fully enjoy herself at this dance. She happily dragged Josh over to the dancefloor, ready to dance, but stopped in her tracks when the song changed to a much slower one. She shot him a questioning look before throwing her arms around his neck. They were friends, they were close all the time - they could definitely dance like this without it being weird. Right?
Josh chuckled as Senna dragged him to the dance floor, ready to dance it all out with the current upbeat tune that was playing. However, Josh noticed that the song had changed and the tempo of it was slower than the previous song. He shrugged in response to Senna's questioning look, though he was a bit taken by surprise when Senna wrapped her arms around his neck, a bit unsure what to do at first, but quickly decided to put his hands around her waist, swaying to the beat of the song, hoping that she didn't sense his quick awkwardness. They were friends, and this was totally okay, right? Nothing awkward about it.
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