Dance, Dance

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
((Takes place in July. I have seen these things crash and burn because no one could keep up so I'm splitting up different forms to make things easier.))

The lights where shining bright. Black lights where the flavor here so that the dance floor would glow on it's own power from all the neon colored tiles and light sticks that had been placed on it. It looked just like the very thing Hoshi Koshiba would think up and bring to life. Music blared from the speakers so loudly that it spread though out half the dance floor before it started to muffle itself. There was direct view of all stages from here. The people on the stage didn't look like people at all from here but like alien beings. The show from the dance floor was as good as the music seeping in. At the moment it seemed to be calling people to come on it and dance like the beings on stage.

Main Stage .::. Side Stages .::. Dance Floor .::. Food Table .::. Dark Corners
Ares held Ariannas hand and led her out on to the dance floor, he had to admit it was set up with a lot of thought. He led Arianna and weaved through the crowd making their way towards the center of the floor. Then he kept his grip on Ari's hand as he started moving to the music encouraging her to follow.
Ari hid a smile, as Ares pulled her throught the crowd. She liked the feeling of her hand in his. Apart from the ecstatic feeling that had taken over, she was still very confused. She was bursting to ask him a million questions, the most important was, where did they stand now? Were they 'going out'? She pushed the questions out of her head, and concentrated on not emarassing herself.
"I'm a terrible dancer" she practically shouted, to be heard over the blasting music. She couldn't help but grin, as she moved awkwardly with him.
Ares laughed as Arianna said she was a terrible dancer "Yeah you are!" he joked before using his other hand to hold her shoulder "No your not!" he said rather loudly leaning in so he could be heard. He spun her around with his hand that was holding hers and continued to dance, deciding he had made the right choice choosing her over Hoshi, because right there, right then, there was no where else he'd rather be. He laughed "I'm a terrible dancer!" he yelled over the music.
Ari rolled her eyes, then giggled as he spun her around
"I suppose that makes us a bad dancing pair" she shouted again
"I can live with that" she said, smiling up at him. She wanted to move in closer to him, but wasn't sure how he'd react. Deciding to push her luck, she moved in a fraction, looking down at their feet, blushing slightly.
Ares laughed at Ari's comment but sort of tensed up as she moved closer. Did she just move closer? he asked himself confused. Or did my brain just let me see what I wanna see? He kept dancing Perhaps someone stepped behind her accidentally nudging her forward he smiled at her Or perhaps she didn't move at all. Realizing he was over thinking the situation he let it go and was once again reminded of how close he and Ari were. He looked at thoughtfully, wondering how she truly felt wondering how the next day would turn out.
Arianna wasn't sure what he was thinking, but looked back up at him, his thoughtful expression mirrored on her face. She was so excited, and slightly dazed at the moment, that it was impossible for her to think of much, except the face in front of her.
"Do you want to grab a drink?" she called. At that moment, somebody from behind pushed her, making her stumble into Ares.
"Sorry!" she apologised, hurriedly, tripping back. She looked around to see who had bumped her, not because she actually wanted to know, but just to look anywhere else but at Ares.

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