Daisy Chains

Charlotte Lurken

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Charlotte had been enjoying her time at Hogwarts New Zealand so far. It was already a few weeks in to her first term here and she had yet to make many friends and this was something Charlotte was determined to change before she at least went home for the holidays. She had of course been hanging out with her older brother which was all well and good but this wasn't home and Peter, a seventh year, didn't want to hang about with his younger sister much - plus he was far too busy to see her as much as she would have liked. Of course she was doing her own things too, she had joined a few clubs and she had even been accepted on to the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as one of their newest chasers. She was one of the youngest on the team and as the first game approached she started to get more and more excited albeit nervous.

In an attempt to take her mind off the upcoming game she decided to take a stroll outside. It was such a lovely day and she had been so focused on getting used to the castle on the inside and classes and everything that the only time she really spent outside was going to the odd class and to and from Quidditch practice. The gardens were huge her and it reminded her of back home where they had a large garden that lead into a forest at the back of their home where she and Peter used to play Quidditch. Kicking off her shoes she sat down on the grass on a small slope. The whole place was so serene and peaceful and the feel of the warm grass on her bare feet made her feel relaxed and feel very much like home. Looking around she saw a small patch of daisy's and got the over whelming urge to make a daisy chain, something she hadn't done in a long time. Flipping over on to her stomach she proceed to pick the daisy's for her chain while swinging her legs softly in the air.
Everything about the castle was great on so many levels. Mason Greene loved it all. He made friends too! Everything was perfect! Mason wanted to make lots of friends. His best friend was his brother, but his brother had another best friend. So, he needed to get to work finding one of his own. It cannot be too hard, right? Maybe he would find one soon! He wondered what he could do today. Going outside seemed really appealing right now. As soon as he got outside, everything looked more perfect than anything else. Wow, the outdoors! He had been out here before when he dropped in on the Snow twins, but that was an incident he did not like to remember. He was embarrassed! Sometimes, it sucked to trip over air and run into walls. That was the person he was. He walked around before he found that he was heading into the gardens. He had yet to explore here! Well, shame for the gardens for not looking more appealing earlier!

Eventually, he wondered deep enough into the gardens when he saw a pretty girl in hte gardens too, sitting on the slope and on the grass. Mason then noticed who she was. He did not know much about Quidditch, but she was the newest chaser! That meant that she was famous! He did not know her name, but he would get to know her. Nothing was stopping him. He power walked over to her, but before he could sit down next to her, he stumbled and fell right on his face, in front of the girl. He muttered, "Not again." He sat up and he looked at the first year before he smiled, "Hi! I know you are in Quidditch! Not that I know what it is, but I thought you could use some company!" At least they were both laying on their stomach now. Granted, his was by accident, but it was still something. Mason was overly friendly, and he wanted to give everyone a chance to have some fun. Mason brought that and laughs to everyone he met, mainly because he tripped or something, but regardless.
Charlotte felt so much at ease, possibly for the first time at Hogwarts so far. Not to get her wrong, she was loving the place already and found it easy to considerate it to be like home to her, but being in nature was where she felt like she truly belonged and on a day like to day, Charlotte found it hard not to be at peace with herself. Even the thoughts about how she really didn't have any friends to hang about with out here in the lovely outdoors didn't get her, nothing could get her down here and now. Even though having a few friends to make daisy chains with wouldn't go a miss she knew she would maybe have to learn to be her own friend every once and a while because people had their own lives here and would always be doing something. Even if she did make some friends she knew it wouldn't be possible to hang out with them 24/7 and that was something that Peter had told her that she would find as she went through her years here. She wondered what she would do next year when Peter wouldn't be here as he would be graduating in a few months - something in itself which was crazy to think about. He was the only person she really knew and then he would be gone. That was mainly why she was so determined to try and make some friends, because she didn't want to become a complete loner once Peter had left.

With her mind in full swing she suddenly lost track of everything she was thinking about when someone fell, face first, in front of her. She quickly sat up as she let out a little squeal of mild terror, she was so peaceful up until then, someone falling down in front of her was not what she was expecting to happen today. She tried to hold her laughter as the boy was up almost as quickly as he was down and started talking to her. He seemed quite the happy person, something Charlotte didn't mind in the slightest. She was quite surprised that the boy seemed to recognise her from the Quidditch team. She was only new and didn't feel like she was all that noticeable one the pitch with all of the older and more experienced players around her. Smiling, letting out some of her laugh in a soft chuckle. "Well I could definitely use some company." She said as she softly fell back on to the grass to continue her daisy chains. It wasn't until she was in close proximity with the boy again that she recognised him. "Hey you're in my classes. I'm Charlotte. What's your name?" She said with excitement in her voice, finally, the chance to properly talk to someone in her house and her year that actually wanted to talk to her.
The girl said that she could definitely use some company. Good! Mason was glad to hear that, even though he just embarrassed himself right in front of her. It was something that he didn't want to do, but he managed. He was just glad that he might be able to make a new friend. He really wanted to have a lot of friends, and thought that this would be the best thing for him. "Great! Thanks for letting me stick around despite my little incident. I don't know why, but I trip over everything. It is like I am jinxed or something." He had no idea that there was a trip jinx, but truth be told, he was not jinxed at all. He was just clumsy as ever. He liked to make up excuses as to why he was the way he was, but then again, he was pretty happy with himself. He liked that. He really did. He was one of the most optimistic boy that someone could ever meet, now that he had a home! He didn't talk about it much though. Matt told him that people will use it against him, so he just said that he had a happy home like, and he believed it. He adored the home life that he had.

Her name was Charlotte. That was a pretty name. It really suited her! They were in the same classes, so she was a first year like him, and a Hufflepuff. Wait, of course she was, she was the chaser! How silly of him! "I'm Mason. I have a twin brother that is in Gryffindor and a second year, but his name is Matt. It is easy to confuse the two of us. I didn't make the cut off date otherwise I would have been a second year too." She was making some sort of chain of flowers, and he wondered how she was doing that. He wondered if she would teach him how to make those chains. It wouldn't be too hard, right? It could actually be really fun! "Hey, can you teach me how to make those chains of flowers? I can maybe give one to my brother's friend, Belladonna, but make her think it was Matt." That would be really funny to do, so maybe she would be able to teach him. He was a good student, for the most part that is.
Charlotte sat upright with her legs crossed in front of her so she could still continue with her daisy chains but be able to give the boy some attention. After all it was the least she could do, he was saving her from complete boredom sitting here all on her own. Charlotte did not do well being a loner, she needed to have people around her when she didn't want to be on her own - even when she wanted to be on her own she liked to have company. Charlottle guessed the boy was joking about being jinxed, she didn't know but about magic but even if he had been jinxed, surely it would have worn off after a certain period of time - which must be a large period of time if he had indeed tripped over everything. "Oh no!" she said feigning shock. "Maybe we could get a nurse or Professor to reverse the jinx." she said with a small laugh, hoping to convey the point that she was indeed joking and not being serious - unless he was being serious then that would be a whole other situation to deal with. "Really you are doing me a favour though. I'm so bored and I haven't met many people here yet. And maybe you won't hurt yourself with you sitting." She suggested, hoping that he wouldn't because she didn't think she could carry him if he had to go to the hospital wing.

Charlotte thought it was a bit strange that the boy went straight into talking about his brother seeing as she hasn't asked about family or siblings or anything but she wasn't going to scoff any companionship at this point. Although her happy face turned sad for a moment as Mason talked about how he and his brother were separated. She was separated from her brother but that was by multiple years, not mere minutes or hours - whatever the case would have been. "Aw Mason, I'm sorry, that must be awful. My brother is in Gryffindor too, but he is in seventh year, it's not like he's my twin or anything." she explained with a small shrug. "His name is Peter. He's the Gryffindor keeper." When Mason asked if she could teach him how to make the daisy chains, she brightened up again and gladly agreed. "Sure it's simple." she said as she picked up a few daisys and set down her own chain so she could start Mason a new one. "So you pinch a small hole new the bottom of the stem. Then you put another daisy through that and pull it through as far as you want and repeat. Now you try." she said as she passed him over the new chain she started for him, wondering if he would be able to pick it up.
Mason started to laugh some, knowing that he needed some time to get over the whole clumsiness thing. He wished that he could but he did not know how he could. Something about him just loved to trip, and trip a lot. He did not know what he could about it! Maybe he was jinxed? That would be something that could explain everything. "You know, I think I will go ask Professor Kingston!" laughed the Hufflepuff boy. He wondered if he could ever regain the balance in his legs. It is possible that he never would. "I haven't met a lot either, but the more friends, the better the experience here will be!" He was very optimistic about his time here, and thought that everything would turn out for the best. It seemed like the girl also had a brother in Gryffindor, but he was not a twin. "Wow, we both have brothers in Gryffindorm that is so cool! And he plays Quidditch too? My brother is just an alternate!" That was all that they could expect at that year. Now she was going to show him how to make a chain of daisies. He took a careful note, and he started to make them with Charlotte. He smiled and got to work, while making sure that he was going to keep a friend with her. She seemed really cool, and even more now that he had a crowd of daisies.

OOCOut of Character:
I wrapped this up to make room for new RPs in the new years. ^_^

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