Daily Prophet Paper Issue 1

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Erica Matthews

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15 Inches Oak with dragonheartstring
Daily Prophet Accepts Interns
Daily Prophet Interns
By: Erica Matthews​
If your interesting in the exciting world of journalism and your a 5th year entering their 6th year or a 6th year entering your 7th year at Hogwarts apply now at the Daily Prophet. We have five internships opened for those wishing to get a head start in getting a career outside school. The Daily Prophet has a history of bringing out the truth and interesting stories to the entire magical community. As an intern you'll be working alongside a Daily Prophet reporter as they mentor you and help you write your very own story that will be published in it's own special section of the prophet. Interns have a higher chance of getting a job at the Prophet once they've officially graduated.

Even if your not interested in working for the prophet but simply thinking about it, working as an intern will help get you a leg up in the world. You'll be able to meet and greet with some of the magical world's most influential people that will help you get the job that you are truly meant for.

Applications will be accepted untill June, You must turn in a quick bio and reason for why you want wish to be an intern as well as a list of the current courses you are taking in School. All Applications should be turned in to Erica Matthews. So apply today and take the first steps in the world of adulthood and working!
Article 2
Hag's Association Petition Ministry, Denied!
By: Lucas Goulding​

Last Week, Uthra Wartwender head of the New Zealand Association of Hags petitioned the ministry for magic on making the act of eating children legal. This petitions has been brought before the ministry four other times by Miss. Wartwender and each time has met with an immediate and crushing defeat, however Miss. Wartwender still has high hopes that eventually the petition will be approved. Miss. Wartwender was sentenced to life in Azkaban several years ago under suspicion of child eating when four young children went missing after entering Bleak Street over twenty years ago. Miss. Wartwender's lawyer as well as the Hags Association maintain that she was set up and was not responsible for the children's disapearence.

The ministry was unable to prove that Miss. Wartwender was responsible for the act and after ten years she was released. The act of eating children in the Hag culture is not new and has been around for centuries. Hags themselves tend to live together in places they feel comfortable in and are highly watched over. Most recently a Miss. Lurga Tinsil was sentence to life in Azkaban after a sting operation set up by the ministry found that her 'candy shop' was merely a cover so that she could kidnap children and bake them in the oven that lied in the the back. Bleak Street itself is said to house more then twenty Hags, the most famous of them is of course Miss. Wartwender who recently released the very contraversal book '1000 ways to cook and eat a ten year old'.

This book has not been released in the open market however has done very well throughout the world amongst hags. Miss. Wartwnder was available for comment and stated:

"If children didn't want to be eaten then they wouldn't be around us!"

"It's like having a bunch of sweet delicious and fresh cakes running around and telling you not to gobble them up!"

It has long been believed in the Hag culture that eating a child would increase their youth and beauty however there is not evidence to support such a claim. The hag culture is very tightnit however and little to no outsiders are ever granted an inside look. The ministry however stands by their decision mentioning that

"while she continues to bring up this petition she has rarely added anything to it, that would even remotely help it get approved!"

Miss Wartwender is currently celebrating her 89th Birthday next week and says she would've loved to have had a blond girl baked into a cake for her birthday. She is currently writing a sequal to her book titled '900 ways to bake a 9 year old' Both the ministry and the Daily Prophet urge children to stay away from areas that are inhabited by Hags. While the ministry does watch and try to protect the areas from 'child stewing' as it's called, they remind everyone that it such occurances still happen. Currently the most populated area in New Zeland is Bleak Street which has been put up for reccomendation as an offlimits area for all underage wizards for the second time, however this reccomendation is said to be denied as it takes away from the parental rights.
Article :cry:
Puddlemere United stomped Holy Head Harpies
Reported by: Fatima Alfred​

Texas – Zack Dwason, chaser of Puddlemere United score 5 times. Making the score 50 to 0 against the all girls team, Holy Head Harpies. Puddlemere United’s coach, Edward Finnes, was seen smiling at the top bunk with the commentator and other ministry of magic officials of Texas.

Making their win, Cynthia Sammuels, chaser of Puddlemere United gave another tremendous score 3 times in a row. Leading those 80 to 0, Puddlemere United’s chasers are fast that the Holy Head Harpies chaser didn’t have the chance to score.

“The practice of our team was hard and we didn’t expect to win because some of us didn’t get a nights rest, because they are nervous.” Told Zack Dwason, chaser and captain of Puddlemere United in a press conference after the game.

It was just sad that Malena Rogers, seeker of Holy Head Harpies was brushed off by a bludger while getting the snitch. Some of the Holy Head Harpies fans said it was illegal, but we all know that beaters had to do that. Jeela Martin, beater of Puddlemere United just smiled to the Holy Head Harpies fans and walk, head bowed.

Puddlemere United is going to fly next month at Japan and will try to take the Emperor’s cup. The spoke person of Holy Head Harpies said that the teams are going to take a vacation in an island in Indonesia, and maybe resume practice on the first week of June.

The first lost of Holy Head Harpies was shocked to their fans, but the members of this all girls team will make sure to take their revenge.

Next Match: Puddlemere United VS Japan
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Upcoming Match: Holy Head Harpies VS New Zealand
Location: New Zealand
Article 4

The Daily Obituaries
by Ophelia McArthy​

Patrick Obrien, died at age 31 believed to have been murdered in the dark Alleys of Bleak Street. This murder is under investigation, Patrick Obrien was famous for his time as a Professional Quidditch player for Ireland as Captain. His position was Chaser and he lead his team to a World Cup Victory in 2018, afterwards he retired from the game to work as a healer. He leaves behind a few relatives including a sister and four neices and nephews, he will be greatly missed.

Luxen Silverback, died at age 32 believed to have perished along with coleague in Bleak Street Fire which consumed his shop, the shop was mysteriously rebuilt before the day. Famous as both a potioneer and charms expert Luxen Silverback has worked in the magical arts for over a decade inventing new items and potions that have helped push forth the magical community. He is currently pending acknowledgement in the Most Extradinary Potioneers Asscociation. Born in New Zealand Luxen Silverback went to school at Hogwarts Scotland, afterwards he went on to travel the world. Sentence to Azkaban for a few years he returned as a reformed citizen. He leaves behind a wife and three children.

Morganna Le'Creigh, Died at age 30 believed to have perished along with coleague in Bleak Street Fire which cosumed the shop. A famous writer like her Grandmother whom died a year prior Miss Le'Creigh has written several books on Femnism that many witches held in high esteem. Homeschooled Morganna Le'Creigh was the last in her family, her mansion in London is said to be up for auction for charity as she had no will.

If a loved one you know has died please contact Erica Matthews of the Daily Prophet and she will get back to you with information needed to put in an official obituary.
Article 5
Ministry Galleon Prize Contest: A hard working man had won
Reported by: Katherine Bishops​

London – A simple and hard working utility man worker at the ministry of magic in London had won 10,000 Galleons.

Jeffrey Pin-Yung, 42, Married, had smile on his face when he had find out that he won. He just entered for fun and didn’t imagine that he would win the contest.

His wife, Mary Ann and their five children’s where happy for him. “It would be a big help for my family. Maybe I should treat them a nice vacation and buy my children some new school stuffs.” Said Jeffrey in an interview after the money was been given.

The family is now packing for their trip to South Korea where the worker was born and raised until he knew he was a wizard.
Article 6:

Fun Facts
Common Magical House Plants that make your home more Magical!
By: Maria Baggins​

Today we will be looking at Five extradinary plants that have been known to surprise both guests and loved ones. These plants are not too rare and may even contain some practical uses that you might want to have. Many of our readers have asked for more information on plants that would make the home seem less muggle like while not taking away from the natural beauty that is truly theirs. So after much research and practice I have found that the followings plants would make an excellent and interesting addition to you home. Some of these plants are truly remarkable and if you don't already have them I certainly reccomend that you get them otherwise you may found yourself the laughing stock of the local gardening club!

Flitterbloom- Many witches and wizards enjoy having a bit of Devil's Snare added into their gardens, not just for it's wild like looks but as a safeguards. This idea while an intriguing fad was quickly removed as many people were suffering from the dangers of keeping such a plant themselves. So I reccomend having some Flitterbloom instead, This plant contains the same look as the Devil's Snare but without the danger. It's wild look and quick growth will definately add a bit more energy to your gardens, It is also good for the gardener who simply loves to mess with plants since if not looked after everyday can easily grow out of hand and house gnomes.

Flutterby Bush- A favorite amongst witches and wizards this bush was grown mostly outside the houses of those particulary shy, this bush quivers and shakes almost all the time however as an added treat butterflies simply love to hide in them. The flutterby bush is quite the beauty when added to your garden and would definately be a delight to behold when it's filled with butterflys. It has also been known to atract pixies and doxies as they seem to grow a cotton like covering during the winters. This plant is rather resiliant in it's ability to live and does not need too much looking after.

Honking Daffodil- The Honking Daffodil has been used as clevor doorknockers for decades. Many witches and wizards simply love having them rather then the traditional knockers as they honk when people or animals get too close to them. These plants are very adorable when they are still small and growing as rather then the loud honks they make when fully mature they make cute little squeeking noises that children simple adore playing in. Honking Daffodils are rather easy to look after since if they don't have enough water or manure they simply keep honking untill they get it. They come in many bright colors and can have many color spells placed on them to give your garden a musical and whimsical look.

Puffapod- Puffapods grow in the ground and are rather difficult to take care of as they need just the right amount of dragondung, water and sunlight. If not then the fat pink pods will turn brown and skinny. When fully matured however these pods are a delightfull treat for any proud house owner and are marvelous to have during dinner parties. Guests absolutely love going outside for a good old fashion Puffapod Dropping! When dropped and raised correctly the Puffapod bursts into a gorgeous flower that guests can take home as a souvenier. If the plant is dropped while in a worse condition then it may turn into something less wonderfull, such as a dead weed or in rare cases poison Ivy!

Emerald Roses- Last but not least is one of the worlds newest plants straight from London. The Emerald Rose took a decade to create as it holds many magical properties. They are rather difficult to grow and require poison rather then water, the Emerald Rose in full bloom shines as though someone has placed green glitter all over a regular rose. They are also perfect for the lovers in doubt as they contain an interesting built in test inside! If two lovers are holding the plant and are pricked, should they not truely love each other then they both die. The Emerald Rose Garden is recommended only for those that are single or in absolute love and have time on their hands.
Article 7:

Gossip Collumn

Minster for Magic: Love With a Twist!
By: Cynthia Vandervoort​

As many of you know the ministry has a new addition to it's workforce. The new Deputy Minister for Magic is named Joel Backman and many people have high hopes that with his experiences many of the problems we face will be a thing of yesturday. Joel Backman was appointed by the Minister For Magic Gellert Coote for his leadership abilities as well as his high praise from many people, However sources close to the minister say that perhaps it wasn't his good resume that got Joel Backman the job but instead his good looks!

Yes, you heard it here first, The minister for magic apparently has been having a love affair with his new deputy!

Sources close to both the minister and the deputy have reported seeing them arm and arm and having nightly dinners together.

"They go into each other's offices for hours at a time and nobody knows when the're coming out!"- Says an anonomous source close to the minister.

Apparently at times they don't even go home and instead stay at the ministry together for the entire night, having their secretaries bring fresh robes for them in the mornings. Anyone who's seen the elderly Coote would know that the man is getting on in years and perhaps he's tired of the same old power hungry women throwing themselves at him, perhaps he's looking for someone else to fill the void in his life.

"Oh yeah, the minister has been more lively then ever now that Mr. Backman is working at the ministry seems like he has a spring in his step!"- Says a source close to the Minister.

Is this true love you ask? Well according to a source close to Deputy Minister Backman this may be just a plot for him to gain the Minister's chair. According to a source very close to Minister Backman, he's often seen with potions in his office. The source that wishes to remained anonomous for job reasons mentions seeing what appears to be a few bottles of love potion kept in the third drawer of his desk. Perhaps Minister Coote hasn't lost his thing with the ladies and has instead been forced into a life of love slavery on Cloud Nine with Backman. I'm sure the ministry will want to do a full inquiry just to determine whether a romantic relationship is occuring between the two ministers and if it's concentual or simply love drunk.

I will be sure to continue updating you, the people as this exciting story unfolds!
Article 8:

Adventurous day. Do you feel like having an adventure? Well today, you're more likely to have an adventure when you go on a short journey. No need to go very far, just someplace you've wanted to go before, yet never been. Today is also a good day to surprise a close friend with news or a small gift.

Different strokes for different folks. Today, more people around you will differ in their beliefs from yours. Rather than clash with all of them, listen respectfully to their opinions. Then only if absolutely necessary, try explaining your position. Great day to expose yourself to other points of view.

Shiny happy person. Today your individuality will really shine. So for the best day possible, try showing off the qualities that make you different and unique. That could involve wearing your favorite clothes, sharing your hobbies and collections, or even telling others your most unique desires.

Take time for both. Today you'll have dual needs. On one hand, you'll want to take part in social activities. And at the same time, you'll need some time alone. Fortunately, you can and should do both! Today plan time with others, and also try to find someplace quiet where you can spend an hour alone.

People power. To feel your best today, spend more time socializing with others. Attending a party would fit the bill perfectly! But, that's not the only solution. You can also go to any crowded public place where you can mingle with lots of people. Great day to go to a popular restaurant, movie theater or store.

Out in front. Today your leadership skills are stronger than usual. So much so, that you should put yourself into situations where you can take a greater leadership role. You'll find you're especially effective when you get out in front and lead others by example. Great day to invite friends to join you.

Make up your mind! Today spending too long making decisions won't benefit you. In fact, it could cause you some unnecessary grief. That's because today you'll tend to overanalyze your options. The simple solution to this problem is to make decisions more quickly, especially on unimportant matters.

Can you avoid money? Today you may want to try! That's because today your judgment regarding the use of money is at below normal levels. Try putting off any major purchases or investments. You'll also want to avoid advising others how to spend their money. Tomorrow things will be back to normal.

Relationship elevator going up. Today you'll want to spend more time with someone you find special. That's because today the stage is set for your relationships to improve and mature. If possible, try planning something unique with that someone special. And don't let outside influences interrupt your time together.

Better shape. Great day to focus on bettering your health. That's because today your health and physical wellbeing are in stronger focus. To help achieve the best results today, try to focus mostly on eating healthy foods, and on getting enough rest for your body to rebuild its natural defenses.

The language of love. Today romance is a much greater possibility! So what can you do to improve your chances? You needn't say a word. That's because today your nonverbal signals are the key to improving your chances of making a love connection. When meeting people today, let your eyes and smile express your true intentions.

Back to the simple things. Today, simplicity is your key to having the most successful and satisfying day. That means you'll want to avoid situations that seem overly complex. Instead, choose to do things in the simplest manner possible. It's also a great day to focus your time on favorite places, activities and people.
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