Cyndi Weasley

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi Angeline Weasley



Partners in crime:"We have good times."
Best Friends:"What could I do without you?"
Close Friends:"You were there."
Average Friends:"We talk every now and again."
Student Friends:"We waved in the halls."
Work Friends: "We educate the masses together."
Distant Friends:"I don't trust you fully."
Family Friends:"It's almost like we are related."
Protective Over Me:"You won't see me harmed."
Protective Over You:"I won't see you harmed."
Former Enemies:"Who would have known?"


Former Friends:"What happened?"
Acquaintances:"I recognize you."
Name Basis:"I don't know you."
Met Once:"I've seen you before."
Annoyances:"Pest in my eyes."
Professor:"You taught me."
Student: "I teach you."
Mentor:"I look up to you."
Mentee:"I help you."​


Mortal Enemies:"Your death will make me joyous."
Hardcore Enemies:"My hate for you is strong."
Average Enemies:"I'll get you back. Guaranteed."
Rivals:"You will lose to me."
Mutual Dislike:"Stay out of my way."
One Sided Enemy:"I cannot let go of my grudge."​


Final:"You are mine, forever."
Current:"Is this a dream?"
Puppy Love:"Fuzzy feelings."
Flirts/Flings:"Good times, nothing serious."
Past:"Where did it go?"
Like Family:"My brother/sister."
Mutual Crush:"We like each other."
I have a Crush On You:"I smile the moment I see you."
You Have a Crush On Me:"You smile the moment you see me."
I look Up To You:"Be honored."​

Relationship Form said:
(Picture of your character)
(Our relationships pasted here.)
Yourname says:
Cyndi says:

PM me your form and I'll add all the coding info. Thanks :)

Name: Andromeda Fiorelli

Age: 15 yrs

House & Year: Gryffindor 4th Year

Relationship with me: Best Friends, Protective over Me, I look up to You

Our history: We met in the commonroom I think on the first day very briefly but have since met on numerous times mainly on the quidditch pitch. I was a bit scared of you to begin with because of you being a prefect an'all but on our exhibition game you practically saved my life by getting rid of a nasty bludger that kept after me. I haven't forgotten and won't. You are fun and clever and managed to get great cupcakes for our party! (thanks)

Since first year so much has changed, we are now roomies but more than that we are best friends. I trust you completely and think you are possibly one of the coolest girls I have ever had the honour of meeting. We have spent a mad summer together in Ireland where you had a summer romance with my cousin, before we all met up again in Canada at Bruins. This is your last year and I am sorely going to miss you. You are more than just a friend now, you are one of my sisters. I hope we will stay in touch and wish only all the best for you.

Link to your Relationship Thread:
Andromeda's thread
Name: Estrella (Drage) Styx
Age: 19 going on 20
House & Year: Ravenclaw graduate
Relationship with me:
Best Friends
Work Friends
Our history:
I'm proud to call you one of my best friends. We became close during our last few years at the school. By the time we reached NEWT level, we were the only two students taking Ancient Runes. I'm glad that we got to spend so much time together! I miss the days where we chilled in the prefect's common room and read runes for one another. Despite the fact that we were in different houses, the only rivalry we ever had was on the Quidditch pitch. This led to an awesome bet, which, naturally, resulted in you wearing Ravenclaw colors for an entire day. I'm excited that we're back at Hogwarts New Zealand, working together and educating the next generation of students. Cheers to a lasting and great friendship!
RPs we have together:
Arithmancy Homework <--- And we can't even read that one. :(
Link to your Relationship Thread:
Estrella's Relationship Thread

Name: Lily Potter

Age: 13

House & Year: Ravenclaw, 3rd year

Relationship with me:
Student Friends

Our history: We have passed each other in the halls, but never really spoke before this year's Yule Ball. We had a lot of fun hanging out and dancing and just being silly girls, and hopefully we will get the chance to do more soon. Especially since we are both Prefects, we should have the opportunity to see each other more often.

RPs we have together: Hitting the Ball

Link to your Relationship Thread: Lily-ocity!

Name: Isabella Chaos
Age: 12
House & Year: Slytherin, First Year
Relationship with me: Acquaintances, Student friends, Co-workers
Our history: The first time we met was in the Trophy room when the Durmstrang and HS people arrived for the TWT, and it was really crowded in there so we hardly talked. Then later on we built my first snowman together and had a snowball fight with Nina. :D And since we are co-workers I hope to get to know you more soon. :)
RPs we have together: Meeting in the Trophy Room and In the snow!
Link to your Relationship Thread: It's in my siggy & you've already filled it out :)
Name: Mike Goulding
House & Year: Gryffindor third year
Relationship with me: Student Friends, Acquaintances,

Our history: Well I think and presume it was the Quidditch pitch ;) I thought I would try out for beater, but those places were filled out already by you and Bruin. Hopefully we can rp more together, as i think you are pretty cool :)
RPs we have together: will add later
Link to your Relationship Thread: On my sig, and you've already filled it out ;) :) :p

Name: Alex Cullen
Age: 16
House & Year: 6th Hufflepuff
Relationship with me: Friendly Rivals, Average Friends, Student Friends
Our history: We met one day on the lake, and seem to meet there most of the time. Alex certaintly loves beating you at everything he challenges you at. The good times. Mostly, it's just a nod in the corridors at the moment.
RPs we have together: A couple in the Great Hall, Taking a Break, and maybe a few more in the corridors.
Link to your Relationship Thread: Me, me, me.

Name: Lemina Troque
Age: 15
House & Year: Hufflepuff 5th Year
Relationship with me: Name Basis, Prefects, I Look Up to You
Our history: Cyndi seems like a great girl. I don't really know her all too well, but we're both prefects, and she seems like a great person!
RPs we have together: Only en-massage ones. ^_^
Link to your Relationship Thread: In my siggy.​

Name: Kiera Kingsley
House and Year: Gryffindor 6th year
Relationship with me: Close Friends, Student Friends, Roommates
Our History: I can't remember where we met but we have been roommates for a couple of years. We are on the same Quidditch team and I count you as a good friend. It wasn't until this year that we started getting close. I am going to be so sad when you graduate but you promised to keep in touch!
RPs together: You linked them to my bio! I will try and do this later.
Relationship thread: You already signed it! :rofl:​


Name:Maddiie Hollawarth


House & Year:Hufflepuff 7th Year

Relationship with me:Friends, names basic

Our history:All Maddiie has to say about Cyndi is she really admire Cyndi character out of all. The way she carries herself, very strong, but yet friendly what brings out Cyndi character. Maddiie Hopes to still stay in contact with Cyndi once she leave Hogwarts! :p
RPs we have together:Memories
Link to your Relationship Thread: Chazam!
Name: Val Smith
Age: 20
House & Year: attended Drumstrang
Relationship with me: Ex boyfriend
Our history: They met and they dated for a bit and then they broke up because Val could tell she wanted out of the realtionship.
RPs we have together: and [url]] [url]and [url] and ][/url],
Link to your Relationship Thread: don't have one
OOCOut of Character:
Thought Dan should probably do your relationships thing. And I'm bored. Haha. :p So here it is. :)

Dan Adams/16/7th Year Gryffindor.

Professor:"You taught me." (Well kinda in an out of lessons but detentions way. ;) )
Mentor:"I look up to you."
Former Enemies:"Who would have known?"
Dan says: 'To begin with, I thought she was like the other Professor's, but she's not, she listens, and she just gets me. Weasley's alright once you get to know her.'
Cyndi says:

:) :) :)

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