Open Cut to the Feeling

Leah Thorne

7th year 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (17)
Leah had wanted to cut her hair for years now. But every time she brought it up or asked her mother about it she was always talked out of it or convinced that it wasn't a good idea. She did like her hair sometimes. It was long and wavy and a golden blonde that always got lighter in the summer. But it was also hot and heavy, and she wanted a change. And this time there was no one to stop her. The semester was nearly over so Leah knew she only had a limited time to get away with her plan. She was fully believing it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission in this case. Besides it was just hair after all. She told herself that over and over again. Repeating it like a mantra.

As much as Leah wanted to do this she was still nervous and her hand wavered ever so slightly as she reached for the scissors. She had chosen the old lavatory to do the chop since there were so many mirrors around. She had considered asking someone to help but she didn't want them to talk her out of this either. With a deep breath, she grabbed the scissors and looked at herself in the mirror. "You can do this." she said sternly and nodded at her reflection. She steadied herself and with one hand grabbed a section of her hair that she was going to start with.
Charlotte loved discovering old and long forgotten places. This was one of them. This was the perfect place to hide from strangers and talk to a ghost from the past, which Hogwarts was known to have quite a few. But she didn't know that before she came here. If there is a ghost there, she will be happy. If not, then she will sit on the cool stone floor and dream, draw, take a nap... The castle was full of wide possibilities.

With silent steps, dressed in a black cloak, despite the heat, she walked like a ghost into a room full of old antiques like mirrors and sinks.
She was not alone. She hid behind the door and heard her dorm mate talking. She had seen this girl countless times, both in the common room and in class. Until now, shyness had prevented her from getting to know Leah better, but not this time. Gryffindor mustered all her strength and crept out of her hiding place, addressing Leah right behind her.
"What are you doing?"
She looked at Leah and the scissors in her hands. There were two options the girl was going to do, and Charlotte was hoping for the least painful option.
Leah had been so focused on her own refection and where her scissors were aimed that she didn't notice the shadowy figure behind her until it spoke. She let out a startled yelp and flinched in surprise. She had thought she was alone and turned around quickly. Thankfully she recognized Charlotte right away and she let out a tense laugh as she realized she had just been scared half to death by one of her roommates. She leaned against one of the sinks and waited for her heart to stop beating so fast. "I was just-" Leah stared and was just about to explain that she was giving herself a hair cut. But when she reached for the piece of hair she had just had in her hand, it was gone. "Oh no." she gasped and turned around to look in the mirror again. In her surprise she had cut that piece of hair with out looking and now there as a chunk of hair that feel sharply against her chin. "I was giving myself a haircut." she finally explained and laughed again. "I guess it's too late to turn back now."
Charlotte was quiet and shadowy indeed, she very often frightened people by sneaking out of the shadows. She still had to learn to be braver and more approachable in order to make friends with people who weren't her family. Her roommate freaked out and laughed, which sounded more like worry than laughter. Charlotte immediately wanted to apologize for making Leah uncomfortable. But it was even worse - Leah had already cut a lock of her hair without realizing it. When the girl gasped, Charlotte walked over and stared at the severed strand.
“I'm sorry for surprising you.” she said, feeling guilty for making her roommate freak out. “If cutting your hair was your plan, there really is no going back.”
When Leah laughed again, she smiled and looked down at her hair waiting to be cut, then glanced at the mirror. It was a big step to cut such long beautiful hair like Leah's. But Charlotte admired her actions.
“If you want, I can help you cut the hair in the back.”
Leah studied her reflection and tried to think of a way to salvage the situation. She was hoping to cut it just above her shoulders but the piece that framed her face was much much shorter and only fell to her chin. Her mother was definably going to kill her now. She shook her head as Charlotte apologized. "Oh it's alright. It was always the plan." she said. The longer she looked at her self the more she liked the shorter cut and she grinned. "I don't think I would have been brave enough to go this short. But I like it." Leah said confidently and grabbed the scissors once more. She did her best to keep things even but she cut and cut without much of a second thought. The weight seemed to lift almost immediately and she let out a giggle when it was mostly done. "Yes, please!" she said and offered the scissors to Charlotte. "I can't quite see the back." Leah said and stood very still as she waited for the other girl.
She thought Leah's new face-framing hair was short enough to be called a bob. It seemed stylish and beautiful. Charlotte was relieved to hear Leah say that everything was alright and that this had always been her plan.
"You are very brave." She managed to say those words to her roommate as Leah grabbed the scissors. And then she watched with wide eyes as the girl cut and cut her hair without hesitation. It really took courage there. What if Charlotte cut her own hair that short? But this was not a story about her.
"Okay, then look straight at the mirror. Here it is!” But Leah was already standing very still, so it was easy for Charlotte to cut her hair in the back. It wasn't difficult. She let the scissors cut the locks and they fell to the floor. "That’s it."
She put the scissors back on the table and a smile appeared on her face for the first time - she liked Leah's new haircut.

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