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Sapphire Bookchild

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
There's a lot about sort of teenagery relationships here on HNZ but nothing about the slow discovery of boys. I want Sapphire here to start sort of liking boys when she enters Hogwarts and then start to pick at that world for a little bit. I'm not sure if any boy will actually come out and like Sapph because of her little 'illness' but I think it would be fun to see her peek around corners at a boy she doesn't know she likes. If you think you would be interested in something like this PM me :D
I'll have a new first year boy, Daniel Harper... he's really sweet. We could RP them together and see how it goes. I'm not sure about relationship right now cause he's to young but maybe in the future, or heck...maybe it'll work out where them being boyfriend and girlfriend makes sense...
Casper could be a crush, but I'm not sure if he'll like Sapphire. Let's just see. :D
He's a snob, but he's really kind too.
And he's supposed to be popular when he goes to Hogwarts.
I have a first year boy you could rp with. His name is Logan Blackwood and he is sweet kind and caring. He cant have a relationship with her because he already has a girl friend at the moment but she could have a crush on him and what ever
Logan I can see being her first 'Older crush' but they would have to meet during brake or when she gets sorted.

Daniel I can see Sapph getting together with in her third or fourth year after being friends with him for a while.

Casper would be perfect for Sapphire to start stalking :p I can see Sapphire watching him from across the room after having him talk to her just once :p
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