Crush at First Sight

Katerina Montereal

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Afternoon came in a fine weather on Saturday. There was no unusual thing happened but still the same as Katerina spent all her days in Hogwarts. It was getting more okay as she enjoyed her time making friends even though there were time she talks in a bossy or clever voice, but she didn't noticed that she's improving her attitude well and well as the time goes further. All the days was becoming clear to her than the previous years she had spent in the Muggle School. Perhaps, the students in Hogwarts really understand her and accept who she really is. It was quite flattering for her and it was very unexpected than she had thought the last few weeks.

No one of Katerina's friends noticed that she went to the Rosebush. She just dashed along the corridors which seemly that she wouldn't be able to call. She was almost like a rabbit, almost like a playful one as she ran through the doorway and finally reached the grounds. Panting, she decided to go to the rosebush.

She was sitting now on a grassy ground sketching the whole place of the rosebush area. Katerina's brown hair suddenly transformed into a blonde one as the sun strikes. Her light skin turned out to be pale this time and her cheeks gone pink. She usually transformed everytime she's under the sun and looked like an angel. But it was uncanny that she quite hate the sun... and this time, she just forgive that she could stay for an hour because she thinks that she's getting sick from staying in the shadows. She hadn't felt a complete warm feeling in a couple of weeks and she can feel that she's getting weaker.

Katerina had almost finished her sketch, so she decided to take a rest when she noticed that her pencil rolled and slithered from her sketch pad and rolled near the rosebush. Katrina stood up, coming towards the rosebush. She crouched slowly and found out that her pencil had entered the shrouded area of the bush, so reached out a hand to get it.
Lionel had spent all of his time taking pictures in the Lakefront. He was already on his way to go back to the castle when he had finally finished, but getting back inside, however, was quite boring for him. He was thinking if he had to go back in his common room and do his homeworks. But he just suddenly remembered that he had already finished doing it. What if he can share some jokes and punchlines with his friends? Lionel think twice of it but the thought made him paused for awhile. He had always been doing that and this time, he wanted to be alone for some thing that he really wanted to do all by himself. All he wanted to do was to bond with his interest on taking pictures of sceneries.

Lionel was the only child of the family. But being the only child really pushed him to seek lots of friends as many as he wanted to. Making friends really made him company and being a loner was a complete opposite to him. He had remembered when he was been sorting by the Sorting Hat. At Lionel’s very first thought, he was going to be sorted in Hufflepuff because of his friendly attitude. But his mind was on Gryffindor and maybe, he really deserves to be with the dauntless ones. He walked away and started to wander around the Hogwarts Grounds. This time, he was attracted by the garden.

He took a shot of it as he clicked the button of his camera. He’s going to give the photo to his mother once he got home next year. His mother loves the sceneries of the garden and he knew that his dear mother would be delighted to see it. Lionel looked around again but it seems that he wanted to take a rest. He go under tree in the area were the rosebush were, and sat. He starred at the sky as the clouds reflected on his pair of gray blue eyes when he suddenly heard a rustling noise on the nearest rosebush. He was thinking that it might be a cat or something that maybe a toad. Maybe there’s a student making some hide and seek with his or her pet. But the rustling noise took long. Lionel looked around, there was no student making hide and seek nor searching for his or her pet. He stood up and gone towards the bush.

There was a pencil stuck inside it and it seems that there was a student trying to reach for it but hardly to get it. Lionel crouched and saw a hand reaching the pencil. It seems it needs help so he lowered his body on the ground and looked through the bush and saw a girl. “Um, excuse me, do you need help?” he asked friendly, ready to take the pencil to give it to her.
As Katerina was about to reach her pencil, she saw a boy next to the bush. She suddenly let out a loud scream as she stood up and stumble on the ground. Everybody was looking at her. Her face turned pink. After a few seconds, she realized that the boy looks like asking if she wanted a help. The little lass stood up furiously and yelled in an annoying expression. "You scared me! You really made me -" and then she stopped. Finding the pale boy was cute and handsome. She suddenly gone speechless. She starred at him and almost forgot her pencil. "Um, er... sorry, I-I'm just shocked. Sorry If I yelled." she apologized quickly, hoping that she didn't offended the pale boy.

She looked around, the other students were still looking at her and this one really made her feel conscious. Did she act in an inappropriate way? Katerina suddenly felt sorry to herself. She shouldn't have yelled at the boy. He was just asking if he can help her. Her heart suddenly gave a lurch.
Lionel suddenly struck when the girl screamed to loudly and then he accidentally shouted too at the same time. He had no idea that he's going to make this girl surprised. He thought that it would be helpful but now, he can consider this one not quite helpful. He had already scared the girl without even daring or trying. He stepped backward in a few steps and starred. The little lad expected that the girl would run away and leave him without giving him a chance to apologize but instead, the girl suddenly became quite furious about what he had done and yelled. Lionel thought that the girl wouldn't like what he had done, making her shock really made her mad. He thought that the girl would yell all over again but she quickly stopped and apologized. Him too, he felt suddenly a weird lurch from his intestines as he found the girl cute. "I'm should the one who have to say sorry." he said admitting himself wrong, "I-I'm sorry that I scared you. I didn't mean it." he apologized sincerely. After all, Lionel wasn't offended. After a few seconds, he realized that he was holding the girl's pencil. He had almost forgotten it and had never realized lately that he had got it from the bush. "Oh, by the way, here's your pencil." and as he gave back the pencil he noticed the badge on the girl's uniform. A blue crest with a sew of an eagle. And to a quick response, he knew that this girl was a Ravenclaw. "Oh, you're Ravenclaw." he began interestingly, "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure, is it?" he said smiling friendly. "Are you also a first year?"
There was a silence on Katerina. She was relieved that the boy wasn't offended when she yelled at him. Katerina was happy that he didn't even walked away and it was so nice of him that he was admitting his fault too. Not all people are like that and she really appreciates the boy's explanation. "Thank you." she said shyly as she reached her pencil. Katerina didn't give a smile but gave a curve like smile on her lips without making her eyes smile. After all she's quite uncomfortable on having conversation with boys because all the boys in her previous school were a little bit mean to her.

"Um, yes. I'm a first year." Katerina said with a slight nod, smiling friendly back to the boy. She was very proud of being sorted in Ravenclaw. The house for whom who loves knowledge and books and Katerina was always been like that because of being very curious. She do loves the motto and it really inspires her in everything when it's all about 'cleverness and wisdom'. "And you? 'Their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart'." she said in a clever tone but in a friendly way, looking at from the boy's Gryffindor Badge to his gray blue eyes. "Well, I guess you're a first year too." she guessed, hoping that she's correct.
"Yeah." said Lionel going red. The cuteness of this girl really made him blush, he could feel his ear smoking, but still had managed to smile at the girl. There's a feeling that he wanted to make friends with her or better than that -- best friend. All of his life, his best friends were always boys because he knew that hanging out with them was more than happy and funny, and they always ride for jokes than the girls around him. Girls were always be his 'close friend' because once he make friends with those girls, somebody might think that he had crush on them so better to stay 'close' than 'best'. But it's different now, for this Ravenclaw girl.

"By the way, my name's Lionel, Lionel Elsworth. What's your name?" he asked friendly as the leaves started to rustle through the afternoon air.
"My name's Katerina. Katerina Montereal." Katerina said introducing herself as the wind swept her curly brown hair. It was quite breezy now when she suddenly looked at Lionel's camera. It was sort of an old fashioned one which used from 90's in the Wizarding World and she was fascinated with it. "Nice camera." she hailed. "Do you like photography?" she asked. Wondering if Lionel was also a fan of some things that are all about art. Art was Katerina's favorite thing to do. She loves sketching, making handmade crafts, and also photography, however she needs to be more better in taking pictures. "My uncle have a Muggle Camera. But the pictures in the Muggle World doesn't even move. I think pictures here in the Wizarding World is more wonderful." she explained.
"My name's Kater
Lionel noticed that Katerina's full name wasn't from New Zealand nor a British name. As he noticed, the surname, "Montereal" seemed to be Spanish. He suddenly became curious. "Are you a Spanish?" he asked, not sure if he's right. Katerina seemed to be more British because of her looks and accent. Then Lionel looked at his camera. "Oh, this." he said smiling, "Er... Thanks. Well, actually I'm only influenced with my Mom and Dad. They do love photography. Capturing the beautiful views of landscapes. So, yeah. I like photography. Not like -- I love it." he added proudly, sitting now under the nearest tree. The camera wasn't just an old fashioned and vintage. It was already antique which was used and passed by the Elsworths and Lionel was the newest Elsworth who have it now. "Really? Have you been in the Muggle World?" he asked interestingly. Actually, Lionel had never been in the Muggle World. Only his grandparents and his father have visited. They told that the Muggle's place was wonderful and it was full of interesting things. And his only wish was to step his foot on that place someday.

"Well, I think you love sketching." he said, looking at the Katerina's drawing which he finds it so wonderful. "My Dad was also good at sketching. Sketching portraits, landscapes, cities in the Muggle World, and anything. Anyway, I see that you're really good at sketching. It's wonderful."
Katerina's nationality was quite mixed. She's more on British even though her surname was Spanish. Her mother was surely pure British, but her father was mixed British, Spanish, and French. After all, Katerina had learned Spanish when she was only four and French at five , however she talks a lot of English. "Yes. Well Mixed Spanish and French actually. But I'm more on British." she explained. "All the mixes are from my father side while the side of my mother is pure British." Then she sat beside Lionel after a few seconds just as Lionel sat down. The sun was now hiding beneath the clouds when Katerina put the drawing on the ground in front of her. "Yes, I have been. I lived there since I was 1 year old. Wizarding World had been my place for vacation." she said while looking from the clouds and then to Lionel. She could feel that Lionel was really a friendly person.

"Oh, Thanks." she thanked as she blushed. She couldn't believe that Lionel would love her drawing. And of course, he was the first boy who hailed and liked her sketch. It was really unbelievable for her. "Anyway, my Dad loves sketching too. Are your parents are artists and photographers?"

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