Closed Crossing That Line

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
Things with Josephine recently had been.. Good. Really good, if Angel was being honest with himself. Good enough that Angel was a little bit scared by it all. And yet, after the school break took away his excuse to pester her at every meal time, Angel had been thrilled to be back in session, even if meant he had to start doing lesson plans and grading all over again. But despite the excitement, the fear was still lingering there.

Angel wasn't good at serious relationships. He never had been, and the fact that he might be here and now, walking into the hospital wing to suggest entering one was possibly just insane. Not as insane as the amount of time he'd spent in front of the fanged geraniums pondering if he could let one maim him just a little as an excuse to go see her, but still close. Gripping the hand he'd nearly shoved into a feral plant not 20 minutes ago tightly in his other hand, Angel stepped into the Hospital wing, relieved things seemed relatively quiet still as he made his way over to the nurses' office in the back. "No one managed to blow themselves up yet?" He asked her with an awkward grin, clearing his throat after the poor joke in an attempt to regain some control. "I uh- How are you?" Angel managed, letting his shoulder knock against the door frame so he could lean there casually for a bit until he felt brave enough to step fully into her office.
Returning to Hogwarts also meant returning to Angel, and Josephine had to admit it was a nice prospect. Just being able to run into him in the hallways or sit together during meals was exciting to her, more exciting than she wanted to admit. He was on her mind a lot lately, and even Ella had noticed a difference in her. Josephine wasn't sure if she was happy with that, as it meant he influenced her. She hadn't felt the way she felt about him in a long time, and hardly ever let anyone close.

Josephine was checking the different potions they kept in the hospital wing after break, making sure none of them were showing signs of aging or going bad. She held a bottle up to the light, squinting at the contents. But at the sound of his familiar voice, Josephine turned around quickly, a bright smile blossoming onto her face as she quickly put the bottle down on the nearest surface. "Not so far." She said with a slightly forced laugh. "No one hurt by any of your plants either?" She asked him in return, though she could tell his next question was more genuine. She wound a strand of her hair around her finger. "I'm doing well... how are you?" She asked him, meeting his gaze after a moment through lowered lashes. Was he here for small talk, or was he building up to something else? The mere idea made Josephine's heart beat faster. It was like she was a teenager all over again.
Angel didn't know what he'd been so worried about, feeling his heart rate pick up just at the sight of her as Josephine turned around. Then he felt the undoubtable soppy grin that appeared on his face and Angel remembered exactly why he was so scared. He'd liked people before, even tried a relationship or two before, but honestly Angel had never let him let his guard down around another person before. Never found himself wanting to let his guard down this much with someone before. And the whole idea terrified him.

"Well, it's still early days, I'm sure the snargaluffs are rearing for a senior student or two to maim," He joked weakly, deciding against mentioning the very bad decision he'd nearly made earlier regarding the fanged geranium. Josephine looked at him and Angel felt his heart skip again, clearing his throat as he tried to think how normal people spoke and flirted. "Good, good. I'm good," He said with as much causality as a freight train. "Say, I was thinking," Angel said, willing himself to grow some nerve. He'd asked out pretty girls before, he could do this, he insisted mentally to himself, trying to ignore how his heart kept telling him he was making the emotional equivalent of stepping off a cliff. "Maybe we could go out some time. Like. Properly go out some time. Away from the castle and all that," He said, just barely remembering to plaster on a charming smile to cover up the vulnerability of the question.
The awkwardness around Angel was easy to see, and Josephine knew that she was likely projecting something similar. She had always been poised and elegant, never letting anything get to her. But somehow, he was getting to her. "If it means you'll come here, I'm not even sure I would mind. Only light maiming, of course." She said, trying for their usual flirty banter. But it was almost performative, like a move she felt like she had to make. What she really wanted was for Angel to get at why he was really here, which he thankfully did. She smiled as he asked her out on a date, her heart giving an embarrassingly girlish flutter. "I would like that." She said, after forcing herself to pause for at least two seconds so she wouldn't sound too eager. "Brightstone? Or did you have something else in mind?" She asked him, wondering if he had thought that far ahead, and if he had picked something impressive to woo her.
Angel let out a small bark of laughter as Josephine bantered back at him, shaking his head and smiling fondly. "Please do not encourage me," He said, though it was more sincere than their usual dynamic allowed. He felt he and Josephine had spent so long playing this little game together, now that Angel was trying to change the rules on them suddenly neither of them knew how to act like normal people. Or at least Angel didn't.

He tucked his hands in his pockets as Josephine agreed to the date, wondering what he'd been so worried about before. Angel faltered at her next question though, suddenly unsure. He'd been so focused on the hurdle of asking her, of what the question meant to him, meant for them, that he hadn't really thought of much else. They could do some fancy dinner, but honestly Angel wouldn't have minded something quiet at home, just the two of them. "Not Brightstone, the idea of running into one of the students plagues me every day," He said gravely. "Just, something for just the two of us. I'm- I love this little game of our but I don't think I want to play forever," He said, leveling her with an intent gaze.
Josephine smiled at the sight of Angel's smile, feeling a fondness for him that went beyond simple attraction. "I won't encourage you. You don't need an excuse to come see me." She said quietly, aiming for a joking tone, but knowing she sounded sincere. Now that she had agreed to go on a date with him, both of them were in new territory. It was clear Angel felt it too, and while there was a part of Josephine that just wanted to close the distance between them and kiss him, she also still felt a little reserved and careful. She had gone on dates before, but nothing that felt this serious in a long time. "I agree." She said when he said Brightstone was a bad idea. As he talked about their little game, Josephine met his gaze and kept it even if there was definitely a part of her that wanted to look away. "I don't either." She said softly, slowly walking closer to him. "Something for just the two of us sounds..." she trailed off as she reached him, hesitating before taking his hand in hers. "It sounds perfect." She said, looking up to meet his gaze again. While there was a part of her that was scared, she sensed Angel felt the same way. She had to let him know that she knew what he meant and was feeling the same way. He couldn't be the only one taking brave steps here.

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