Open Creeping Sensation

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Nicole Fisk

💮 Gladrag's Asst. 💮 Your Average Witch 💮
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Ajax)
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2037 (26)
Open after Daphne posts with Emma

Nicole tried to resist the urge to brush phantom cobwebs from her hair, smoothing down her dress instead to keep her hands busy. She'd spent so long coiling her hair just so she wasn't going to let herself ruin it, even if the setting potion she'd smoothed through it would hopefully hold if she did. "Merlin's knickers why are there so many bloody spiders this year!" She yelped, unable to stop herself gripping Emma's arm when a spider dropped from above, retreating well above their heads but not before scaring the daylights out of Nicole. She'd been so looking forward to showing off how cool and sophisticated her costume was this year and now she was jumping at every movement overhead instead.
Emma was pretty happy with her costume, even if it was kind of annoying to drag the microphone with her everywhere. But next to Nicole in gorgeous dress, Emma wasn't sure she even stood out. That was kind of a bummer. Emma giggled when Nicole jumped at the spider coming down from above, lighting her wand to get a better look at it. "C'mon, they're not even realistic." She teased, though she wasn't entirely sure what real acromantulas looked like. She hadn't ever seen one in the forest, unfortunately. "But if they were real they'd have plenty of space to hide in your dress... or hair..." She teased with a grin.
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Nicole frowned at Emma as she teased her, waving a hand in her face to dismiss her with a huff (and if it doubled at dispelling the lingering feeling of spiderwebs around them, all the better). "Oh shut up," she said hotly, swatting at Emma again for good measure. "At least we both look good," she huffed, pausing to admire both their red dresses, even if the voice at the back of her head said it was a bad look that the two of them half matched in red. It was fine. They looked great. "If you're so unbothered by all the spiders then.. I dare you to stick your hand in there," Nicole said, willing to call Emma's bluff as she motioned to a bowl on one of the nearby snack table filled with spiders. They were probably fake spiders, Nicole wasn't sure if they were even enchanted to move, though either way you couldn't pay her to stand anywhere near them but since Emma was clearly so nonplussed.
Emma couldn't help giggling at Nicole's reaction. She held up her hands defensively. "Hey, sorry. I was just teasing." She told her, but she wasn't really that sorry. It was nice to get under Brooke's skin sometimes, as she usually seemed so composed. Emma raised her eyebrows when Nicole dared her to put her hand in a bowl of spiders. It gave her a moment of pause, but she told herself they were fake. "Of course, no big deal." Emma said lightly, putting her hand in. She immediately grimaced, a shudder going through her as the spiders wriggled. They were fake, they were fake. She pulled her hand out after a few moments, trying to pretend her skin wasn't crawling. "N-no big deal." She said, wiping her hand on her dress.
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