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Tawny Lao

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
So a lot of my really important characters have gotten a bit less active. And most of it is my fault for not putting them out there. So I thought, I wish there was a place to post up the characters needs, maybe a mass PM? Then I remembered, we have this :lol:

So I have quiet a few character's that need some attention. First off is Tawny Lao here.
Tawny is a beautiful, smart, and slightly punkish part Goblin. She hates people who discriminate against half breeds, and can be friendly to everyone! Recently, she was spurned by a guy she had been crushing on, because he turned out to be gay. She will be less likely to trust and talk to a guy, since that was her first crush. If you think that your character is gentle and persuasive enough to get her in his good graces, then amazing! Give me a PM or post here, and we'll talk. And Yes, she is open for a final. If you need any other information, look here. Also, I need people to play Tawny's Family Members, and here they are.. in this spoiler :p
-The Loving Mother-
Name: Sakura Anne Lao
Age: 39
Relation: Mother
Birthday: January 3rd, 1986
Job: Substitute Teacher in muggle schools.​

-The Adoring Father-
Name: Haku Aiko Lao
Age: 42
Relation: Father
Birthday: February 29th, 1983
Job: Tax Attorny for magical beings.


-The Oldest Daughter-
Name:Aiko Rin Lao
Age: 22
Relation: Older Sister
Birthday: March 15th, 2003
Job: Seamstress, with her own buisness making robes for the Tokyo Acadamy of Magic.

-The Oldest Twin-
Name:Tammi Lin Lao
Age: 16
Relation: Oldest of Her Two Twin Sisters
Birthday: May 1st, 2009
Job: None Yet, is currently attending The Tokyo Acadamy of Magic​

-The Youngest Twin-
Name: Tameaka Lin Lao
Age: 16
Relation: Youngest of the Twins
Birthday: May 1st, 2009
Job:A waitress at a muggle bar.​

The next person on my list is Nobody Marsters. Her bio can be found right here, and Nobody is a very special girl. Though I've already got someone for her to go out with, i'm actually looking for something before that. I need a guy who is arrogant, and can't take no for an answer. Someone who wants Nobody, and when she says no maybe he hits her or something, tries to use fear to control her? Something like that. Of course, If I get some friends for her, the boy will not succeed. So I need friends and a man! Basically.

Also, I just posted up Lolli's Plot line and I still need her to have a family, so I'ma slip that link in here.

So just contact me on any of my accounts. And You can post here, and the first poster, once again, will get cookies. Lanaphant, I still remember that you want chocolate chip cookies!
For Nobody- I have lots of male characters but none of them are really arrogant or mean enough to be the man.

But I have Adele Mathews. She's 18 going on 19, and could be a good friend to Nobody. And Adele isn't afraid to stand up to men.
Adele sounds like she'd be perfect for one of the roles of friends. And in light of recent information, she will need lots of those!
Hehe, It's funny that you play the girl getting married to a guy that my character 'Knocked Boots' with! :p
Do you wanna get something started?
Oh course. Are you engaged to someone else? :p

Yes, please. Just PM me teh topic or post it here when done!
Awwww sadly kyouhei isn't available :cry: and valentine angus is too young :cry:
As for tawny I have either Vivian or Brad... They're both nice however Valentine angus is kinda aggressive and short tempered. But he's not good in fighting (like martial art etc).. Pick whichever u want :hug:
i think Tawny would love Brad, in a friendship sense.
And Vivian could be good too!
it's just way too bad that Kyouhei isn't, he'd be perfect :p
I know right :cry:

Yeah sure.. D'u wanna start? Or should I?
Can you, I might be scarce over the next frew days with work and such.
Shopping this weekend...
Yeah sure I can start one later on.. I'm on my phone *^^*
Thank you!!
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