Crazy fweenz

Lyra Sato

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
With a huge Totoro doll, Lyra skipped along the corridor. "The power of the moon and the star!!!" Lyra jumped as high as she could with a fake pink wand with a small star in the middle of it. She got it when she was seven from her father as her birthday present and at that time, she knew nothing about the wizarding world. All she knew was sailor moon and magical Doremi. And she used to be a big fan of those animes, but since she was in school, she couldn't keep up with the new animes which made her sad. She used to be one of those who sat in front of the TV for hours watching different kinds of anime or even the same film over and over again for the whole week. She was crazy about it and this explained why she dyed her hair blue, she wanted to look like one of those characters in the movie.

Walking toward the great lawn with a huge Totoro doll carried by her was hard. Lyra was small and the doll was bigger than her, she wanted to play with it. The blue haired girl haven't seen her best friend Kotaro kun, that's why she was all alone with her Totoro doll. As soon as she reach the great lawn, Lyra threw the doll to the ground as she sat down and took a deep breath. Soon, a smile appear on her face as she pointed her fake wand toward Totoro.
"Totoro... Should I call you Totoro chan or kun?" She said, at that time she was a little confused on what gender Totoro was. "Now! If you see the bald guy with small nose holes named..." She paused trying to remember "Well let's just say He who must not be named, you have to fart pick this wand and ask the stars to give you power! And poof!! He'll be drinking the tea with you!" Lyra said being stupid. The girl then walk toward Totoro and sat right in front of the doll. "Knock- knock" She said. "Whose there?" She said in high pitch pretending that she was Totoro. "You know!" The girl said in normal voice before speaking in high pitch "You know who?" Realizing that you know who could be referred to someone, the girl laughed and rolled on her tummy as she hugged the huge doll closely.
Hyacit was out in the lawn for some fresh air. She was bored in the library watching everyone reading. She lay on the dry grass ground and whistled as the wind made her hair tangled and her skirt flew. She laughed,good thing that the others hadn't seen that. She was startled and sat at once when she heard someone laughing. She thought that she was alone in the area and wondered if she was just imagining it or some fairies was playing that she couldn't seen. Hyacin was relieved with the thought. She always wanted to experience an out of the world "thing" .. so being a with was a very great adventure for her.

She stopped whistling to hear the laughing and the talking very clear.Hyacin laughed as the "unknown' laughed. She was fond of laughing. When she decided to look for the source,she stood up shaking off the grass on her blouse and skirt and a small twig on her hair. When she saw the laughing girl,she stopped,the blue-haired girl was so small and playing with a doll. Hyacin stared at her and was relieved to see that in a world of maturity there's still someone who didn't leaved her youth behind. She half-walking half-skipping toward the girl,hands in the back, " Hey! I'm Hyacin. could I be your company?" she asked formally.
Lyra was quite surprised that someone came toward her and actually talk to her. Some people thought that she was too crazy and too wild except for his brother and of course his best friend Kotaro kun. The girl smiled immediately and stood up walking toward the girl who was apparently taller than her. "Konnichiwa" She smiled and bowed "I'm Saki Sato" She paused and placed a finger on her mouth "But... That's my Japanese name, you can call me Lyra if you want. My passport name is Lyra instead of Saki... Sadly" She said not knowing if the girl was a pureblood or not "I don't know if you know what passport is but it's an awesome thing!" Lyra loved showing off her passport but one thing that she hated from that passport... Her picture... Her hair was pink, and she did look good in pink but she was over it, she was obsessed with Misha san, a character from an anime called Pita Ten and she wanted to look like her so she dyed her hair pink.

"This is Totoro, if you're an anime lover then you should know what it is"
Lyra jumped and hugged her doll. It was so big and soft, she lay in top of the big doll and closed her eyes. "Totoro kun you're so cute!" She squeaked as she hugged it tightly. "I see you're a Hufflepuff? Do you know Kotaro kun? I think he's a Hufflepuff... If I'm not mistaken" Even though Lyra was 11, she was acting like she was 9. She was completely innocent, childish, and happy. Other people could rarely see her cry. Well... Not really... She did cry because she accidentally ripped on her Totoro bag. Well once! Or twice... Or more... "Are you enjoying your daaaay??" She smiled asking Hyacin.
Hyacin smiled widely when the laughing girl named Lyra approached her. She put her both hands at her back and talked to Lyra who's a lot shorted than her. "Konnichiwa!" Hyacin smiled widely when the girl asked if Hyacin knew what a passport is, "of course! I'm a half-blood but I'm raised in the muggle word.In fact, I have one too!" Hyacin exclaimed. Hyacin jumped and clapped her hands when she saw totoro, "Yeah! I know what it is." she said heartedly. Hyacin giggled when Lyra hugged totoro and was tempted to hugged it,too. "Hmm, Kotaro? sorry to disappoint but I really don't know him" she said simply, Hyacin smiled back to Lyra, " Yes! very! I'm really enjoying my day when I saw you and heard you laughing!" she said
Lyra was happy that the girl was raised muggle way as well. Lyra was a muggleborn, she knew nothing about magic before she came here, this explained why she knew A LOT about muggles including their habits, cartoons, films, etc. "That's too bad" She was referring to Hyacin not knowing who Kotaro was. The blue haired girl was a little disappointed that her new friend didn't know who he was, if she did then Lyra would set up a prank. "No class? Or skipping like me?" In fact, Lyra hadn't attend any class for a week, she was always with her big doll playing all by herself. She had no mood of learning and she wasn't about to do what she dislike. "I like Summer more than winter" Lyra said with her Canadian accent, she was born and raised in Canada. That was why she didn't have a heavy Japanese accent like her other new Japanese friends in Hogwarts.
[b]"Hmm .. " Hyacin ponder Lyra's question if she's skipping class. "we don't have classes today." she said. "so , you're skipping? that's too .. admirable!" she exclaimed. "I skipped some of my classes as well.Sometimes, Skipping is healthy." Hyacin said. Hyacin smiled and nodded when Lyra like summer as well, "That's great! I love summer too.For me, cold is ... uncomfortable" she said with a giggle. "Are you waiting for someone? or you were all by yourself?"[/b]
Lyra stared at the huge doll and lean on it, it was so big and fluffy that was the reason why this doll was her favorite. "I don't like classes especially DADA, that professor really scared me, I dreamt of he... Who must not be named. And he was bald and ohhh my gawd or Merlin for you he had bad teeth!!!" Lyra said seriously, she was scared of his teeth more than his power. Lyra buried her face to the doll as she remember Voldemort's face, he was too scary for her. "I am not taking that class, no way! I wish I'm in muggle school tho... I've been there and it's fun! The teachers are stupid, well... Some but still!" She laughed happily as she mocked the teachers in muggle school. "I'm here all by myself with Totoro kun" She hugged her doll "Totoro chan... Aishiteru (I love you)" She smiled as she hugged the doll, shutting her eyes.
Autumn tried to enjoy the atmosphere of autumn season. Everything turned into a completely wonderful, like her name. She loves it. His feet took her toward the Great Lawn. Her eyes caught sight of two girls. Who are they? Do they also intend to enjoy autumn air ? Autumn moved towards them and realized that she had met them in one place but did not speak with them. Stared from their face, they wouldn't be Ravenclaw because Autumn knows all Ravenclaws.

"Hey ..." Autumn greeted. She smiled at both of them.
Hyacin watched Lyra placidly. Lyra hates DADA which made Hyacin disappointed with the subject because she thought everybody loves it. She nodded as Lyra talked showing that she is listening. Hyacin was smiling when Lyra mentioned He-Who-Must-Be-Named everyone was afraid of her and she wonders if he really have a great power to scare these people. She patted Lyra's back to comfort her while giggling, "his teeth?'re afraid because of his teeth? Oh well, that's fine. It's a relief that totoro is there to be with you." she said smiling widely. Hyacin laughed as Lyra mocked the muggle school teachers. In Hyacin's former school, the teachers are very strict. As she watched Lyra hugging her doll, someone approached them, "uhm, hey! " Hyacin said standing up and smiling.
Just then, a Ravenclaw came, if only a Slytherin was there then it would be a "Full house!" Lyra shouted happily and walk toward the girl. "Hi!" She smile happily showing her white teeth as she left her Totoro doll on the ground and stood beside her. "Are you here to play with us?" Having new friends was her favorite part, she loved hanging out with other people. If only Kotaro chan was here then it would be more fun. Perhaps he would show up? Perhaps not... "Totoro can't do anything, sadly. He's a big lifeless doll" Lyra laughed out loud and dropped her self to the ground. She used to do that with Kei kun but sadly he wasn't here, but perhaps he would go there next year? Or in two years?

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