Closed Crayons and Pencils

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Nell Night

๐Ÿ‡ curious ๐Ÿ‡ annoying ๐Ÿ‡ ๐Ÿ‡ prophet journalist ๐Ÿ‡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jasper) (Pansexual
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
4/2036 (27)
To say things with Jasper had been awkward since the Yule Ball would be an understatement, and Nell couldn't hold back her worries that something was going to go horribly wrong today. She had been looking forward to the date with Jasper ever since getting his rose, but at the same time... what if her own rose had been too forward? What if this didn't mean... what she hoped it would? It was hard not to fidget as she waited outside the Great Hall to meet Jasper, straightening her dress for what felt like the hundredth time. She had made an effort to look nice, especially as this was her last school dance, ever. It felt important, both for her own sake and for Jasper's, and it was impossible to ignore the butterflies roiling in her stomach as she waited for the Slytherin to meet her.
Jasper was nervous, very nervous. His hands were shaking a little even as looked at the note Nell had sent him again. He took a deep breath, then headed towards the Great Hall. He saw Nell waiting there and smiled without really noticing it. She looked nice and almost seemed as nervous as he was. He headed towards her and swallowed nervously, before holding out the note with a shaky smile. "Hey, I believe this is yours." He said softly.

[Written entirely in crayon]

Dear Jasper
Do U Like Me?
[X] Yes
[X] Also Yes
Love, Nell

P.S. I like U
I like u too
Nell couldn't help the nervous shiver that ran through her at the sight of Jasper. There was no running now, time to find out whether her gamble had paid off or not. For better or worse. She took a step towards Jasper as he got closer, giving him a bright, nervous smile. "Oh!" She said as he handed her the note, taking it nervously. Surely if he didn't like her rose he wouldn't have just... told her so in a note, right? She opened it, and couldn't hold back a delighted giggle as she read the message. Looking up at Jasper again, all the things she might say rushed out of her mind, and all Nell could do was lean forward and kiss him, relaxing for the first time in what felt like forever. After struggling for so long, maybe something could just be easy...
Jasper grinned slightly as Nell opened the note, still feeling somewhat nervous about her reaction. But the way she looked at him made him feel more at ease, and almost without thinking about it he leaned in to kiss her as well. He forgot for a moment they were standing near the entrance of the Great Hall, probably blocking the way for a few students. He pulled her close and kissed her, feeling like he could float in the air any moment.
Nell had kissed a lot of people, but kissing Jasper had always felt different, the long stretch of their friendship giving meaning to the action. He was warm and his familiar smell was comforting. It made it hard to pull away, a smile still lingering on her lips as she broke the kiss, not moving further away from Jasper than she had to to speak. "So... are we dating now?" She asked softly, meeting his eyes.
Jasper had completely and utterly forgotten who he was, where he was, and what he was supposed to be doing. The kiss had disoriented him, and he blinked a few times at Nell. "Uh." he said, blinking again. "I mean, do you want to be?" He asked cautiously. He knew Nell wasn't really the dating type necessarily.
The warmth in Nell's heart started to die slightly at Jasper's words, and she gave a small, slightly nervous shrug. Nell had tried to be clear with her note, but clearly it hadn't been clear enough. "I... thought that was obvious." She laughed nervously, stomach twisting with nerves. Had she mistaken this whole thing? The thought that she might yet again have found herself in a situation of liking someone who just didn't see her the same way brought a familiar dread, and she crumpled the note nervously in her hands.
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