Josephine Arora

Prim | HS Slytherin Graduate | Fashionable | Nurse
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Angel)
11/2019 (42)
Set after this

Josephine levitated the stretcher with the girl into the hospital wing, moving her to one of the beds with ease. "You can take a seat over there, Mr. Kingsley." She said, nodding to the team captain. She honestly would have preferred to take care of her patient alone, but understood that as the captain of the team, he probably felt responsible for her, and she knew that the best way to keep him feeling at ease was to have him around. It would also help Miss Woodlock to have someone she knew when she regained consciousness. Josephine looked her over once again, taking her time. "There are no broken bones," she said, mostly for the benefit of her one-person audience, "might be concussed but we won't know that yet." She then pointed her wand at the girl. "Rennervate." She said softly, watching her closely to make sure she regained consciousness. There were a few cuts she had to clean, and a few bruises to tend to, but it was most important now to see how the girl was faring. "Miss Woodlock?" She asked softly.
Jacob dropped into the seat, his lanky frame sprawled in the seat. Though he quickly moved into a different position, his elbows coming to his knees and his head dropping onto his hands. He was nervous. In all the time Lizzie had captained, he couldn't remember anyone needing a hospital trip outside of games. He was a terrible captain. Jacob switched positions again, his back coming to rest on the back of the chair as he listened to the nurse. He wanted to offer more help but was afraid to make things worse especially when she woke Sierra up.
"Mmrfff" came out of Sierra's mouth, as her eyes slowly opened and flickered around the room. Her head was aching the most, a small sound of ringing in her ears. "Where - I am where?" Sierra asked, trying to push herself to sit up but feeling a pounding in her head so she quickly lay back down. "Oooooooouch."
Josephine placed a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder, keeping her from sitting up too much. "Don't overexert yourself." She said in a firm voice. "You're in the hospital wing. You had a little accident while training Quidditch." She told her, frowning slightly at the girl as she exclaimed in pain. "Could you tell me where it hurts?" She asked, looking her over for any injuries she ma have missed before. "Do you remember what happened?" She added.
Sierra didn't know what the words over exit yourself meant, but she stayed lying down anyway, feeling the ladies hand on her shoulder. The Hospital Wing made sense because she was very sore but she had no idea why. Had someone magicked away her memory? The lady said she had an accident while training and Sierra tried to remember what happened but all she could remember was chasing the snitch with Willow. "My head." Sierra said, feeling tears spring to her eyes. She couldn't even remember the last time she cried! "My - my shoulder." She also added but it wasn't as sore as her head was right now. "I was chasing the snitch." Sierra said to the lady, wincing as she moved to wipe the tears from her face. "I don't feel well."
Jacob felt awful, even more awful when he saw Sierra begin to cry and spoke about not feeling well. The teenager knew, of course, that quidditch involved injuries but it was different when it was someone you know, someone who played on a team with you. Jacob slid off the seat tired of feeling useless. He walked over slowly, tentatively, not sure if Sierra would even want him around. "It's ok, Sierra. The nurse is gonna help you feel better" he stated, his gaze falling on the woman and hoping she could.
Josephine gently placed her hand on the girls'arm, trying to reassure her. "It's going to be okay, I don't think anything is broken." She said quietly. "I'll give you a potion for the pain in a moment." She sighed. "You have to be careful while playing Quidditch, it can be a very dangerous sport. Especially for seekers." She cautioned, as over the years she had seen plenty of them in the hospital wing after matches. She turned and poured a vial into a glass, handing it back to her. "You can drink this and it'll dull the pain for a bit. I would like to keep you here in case you have a concussion." She said, then glanced at the boy. "You can stay for a little while, if you two want to chat." She said to the boy. "She's going to be alright." She added to reassure him a bit.

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