
Zac Kuang

Well-Known Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Zac smiled at the students who passed by, he had been spending his day with a sister of his and of course, he was accompanying her shopping. Even though he was the one who carried all the bags, he didn't mind and he still enjoyed it. As long as he was near his family then he was fine, he hope the twins were in the same school but Durmstrang was far too dangerous for them so perhaps it was either Beauxbaton or Hogwarts. What worried him more was that the two cousins of his was going to come there and he knew that they were nothing like those psychopaths. And what he wanted to do was to protect his family and make sure that they were safe unlike those psychopaths who would beat up their own siblings, that was completely wrong.

Zac then walk toward the common room and slam himself to the couch as he sighed and start staring at the ceiling. He was wondering where Sally was, he was just with her but then she was no where in his sight which was a little odd. He had been thinking about transferring to other school lately but somehow he couldn't make it. He was comfortable in this school and he had a lot of friends there as well even though he wanted to try going to Beauxbaton. Zac closed his eyes and began to sleep on the couch with a sunglasses on his head.
Saria was in a good mood, her mind was, as always, away from her as she walked through Durmstrang. She was happy to be in this new school, but most of all, she was happy to see her cousin again. Zac and Saria hadn't talked since they were... younger, and this was going to be fun. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he saw her. She was wearing a simple outfit, instead of her usual designer jeans and dresses. They were comfortable. She thought the flare jeans made her legs look nice and thing, which was hard to do for her. She saw him, nearly asleep. She came up behind him and blocked his eyes, her own black ones searching the room. "Guess who?" She whispered in a childish tone.
Zac felt soft hands covering his eyes, he knew who the girl was. He placed his fingers on top of hers as he stood up and smiled at his cousin. "Jie jie! (Big sis)" He said as he hugged her and smiled at her kindly. He was glad that she was there but he was worried at the same time. He didn't want her to beaten up to death by those unfriendly students. "How are you doing? Where's Genvieve jie?" He spun himself around trying to find the twin of Saria. Genvieve was always protective and Saria was the cheerful one. Zac got along more with Saria since Genvieve was a little too serious, perhaps their parents had high expectation on her. Zac did ran away once when he was younger, his parents had high expectation too and he couldn't take it any longer so her ran. But a friend of his found him and forced him to go back home. He did what she said and his parents scolded him for running away.
Saria grinned at him. "Xiǎo dìdì!(Big brother, Chinese)" She exclaimed. They didn't refer to each other as Cousins, they never had. it was like they were family, Zac and Saria had always gotten along very well. They were both fun loving and playful. She grinned up at him, her simple heels still kept her at a level 5'3", still much shorter then Zac. Most girls in her family were short, most girls were short though. She grinned like a Cheshire cat when he asked where her sister was. "Gen-Jie is somewhere, studying maybe?" Saria didn't know, she didn't keep track of a lot of things, herself and her cloths, that was about it. She kept her smile wide and hugged his middle part again.
Zac smiled at his cousin, if he wasn't younger than her then he would pat her head in a minute but too bad he was. It was a culture of theirs that younger ones could never touch the older one's head, that was awkward but Oh well... "You know what, Vivian's will be taller than you" He said cheekily, he knew that it wasn't THAT polite but again, his relationship was good and he was close to Saria so he could do that sometimes. "Studying!? She's crazy, I'll have to burn her books later on" He joked and smiled at her.
Saria blushed a little bit. "I'm getting there though!" She said, referring to her height. "It's not my fault, all women in my family are short!" She whined a bit at the end, it was true that they were short. Her mother, and her grandmother were both only a few inches taller then her. She knew she had stopped growing, and she could deal with that. She smiled at him, and stood on tip-toes to pat his head. That's what he got for teasing, and though she called him big brother, he was still younger.
Zac laughed and smirked as he eyes his beloved cousin, Saria. "not Vivian, she's taller than Sally and that's weird" the black haired boy let out a small chuckle as he smiled at her. Vivian was tall, she was going to be taller than her own mother unlike Sally who was a munchkin. Saria and Genvieve weren't that short for Zac but he loved teasing his cousins. "When did you get here?" Zac didn't remember seeing his cousins walking on the big gate in front of Durmstrang. But he was glad that they were there too bad that his younger siblings were in Beauxbatons. he would probably be thrilled if he twins were here in Durmstrang. But je was also worried about their safety here in the school.
"Sally's a little munchkin!" Saria exclaimed with a bit of a laugh. Sally wasn't that much shorter then what Saria was, without heels they were almost the same height. She thought for a minute, always being an absent minded girl. "I can't recall, it wasn't long ago though." She looked at him and nodded. No one in her family was scared by her dark orbs, they may have been pitch black, but she was too sweet to make them look evil. She kept grinning at a boy that she called Little Brother, although he was her younger cousin. He was probably her best friend, and if she made a mistake, she would go to him first. Gen was much to harsh!
It had been a while since Zac heard that his sister was called munchkin. Since he had been away from her for quite a while so he hadn't been able to call her that. "She is" He laughed as he stretched his arms to the air, he was a little tired since he had been spending his days in the village. "So... How are you? You're seeing someone lately?" He nudged her playfully as he winked. Zac knew nothing about Saria these days since he hadn't been able to see her. But he was closer to her than Genvieve and he didn't know why, perhaps it was because the older twin was busy?
She smiled and laughed with him. Zac's laugh was deep, and comforting, where as Saria's was high and cheerful. They were almost like opposites in every department except their attitudes. She listened to him and gave him a playful shove. "Of course!" She exclaimed her answer. "I see lots of boys! I'm seeing one right now." Saria was much to innocent to understand what her cousin meant by 'see'. She hadn't ever thought of someone that way since she was 16. Though Saria herself, couldn't recall everything that had gone on then. As it turned out, though she was innocent of mind, pure of body was another story.
Zac was a little surprised that the cousin of his was seeing someone. Usually it was Genvieve jie who was always with a boy but he was a little surprised that the twin of Genvieve was also seeing someone. "Who? Do I know him?" He asked curiously wanting to know if she was lying or not. "I hope he's not a brat if he is then I'll let Brad deal with him" He winked and laughed, Brad was the brat in the family, he was the only one who would talk back to their parents. But Brad wasn't that bad, he wasn't like those spoiled brat, Brad wasn't rude like them and he was so much nicer than them and he earn his own money. Well... Sometimes... But compare to all the siblings, he was the craziest just like his older sister Sally.
Zac's words confused poor Saria even more. "Of course you know him!" She said with a smile. She laughed a bit. When he had said seeing, she thought he meant seeing; she didn't know he meant romantically. "I see you silly!" She exclaimed with more of a laugh. She paused for a second and listened to him more, his comment on Brad. "I don't get it?" She asked him. Her face tilted slightly, and she bit down on the lower corner of her mouth. That was her confused face, Zac should recognize it by now. It was on her face ninety percent of the time. She giggled more, this time out of confusion, waiting for an explanation.
Zac narrowed his eyes as he eyed his cousin Saria "I know that you're with someone! Tell meeee" He whined wanting to know who was her newest boyfriend. Zac wasn't usually like this, he was only like this with the family, not with friends. "Brad? Hey! He's the brat in the family, you know how good he is" Brad could always get whatever he wanted and he did that without whining but with arguing logically. He was great but he wasn't like those girls who get whatever they wanted without arguing discussing it with their parents. And Brad always had the reason why he wanted that thing, Zac could never figure out why he was that good and how he did that.
Her smile had completely turned into a frown of confusion. "What do you mean by 'with', Zac?" She asked. She had never had a boyfriend to her knowledge. She coudl barely remember the last boy she had even spoken to. Saria moved her hair out of her face. "I know he's a brat, but, i mean, i'm with you right now. What do you mean, I don't understand?" She started to feel a little stupid. What could he possibly mean by with, or see? She sighed a little and plopped down on the chair that was convinently placed behind her.
Zac rolled his eyes and sigh "Never mind" He scratched his head and took a deep breath. "You're slow, no wonder my brother called you a slowpoke" He laughed and threw himself to the couch as he took the pillow beside him and hugged it tightly. The common room was perfect, it wasn't too cold and wasn't too hot, it was warm. "I've heard that Genvieve jie is super busy with the new restaurant? And I know that you are too" He winked "*cough* with boys *cough*" He laughed and buried himself with all of the pillows hoping that Saria wont attack him.
She frowned. He was calling her stupid. She looked down at her lap, her wavy, black locks dropping down over her shoulders. She hated the notion that she was stupid, but Zac didn't know about her condition. She constantly forgot to tell him, and so she frowned and sat quietly. She looked up at the mention of her sisters name, and then nodded a little bit. "Yeah, I guess." She then let her eyes get wide, something clicking in her mind. "I've not been with anyone, not once!" She nearly yelled. She had never even held hands before, that she could remember. Of course, a few years earlier, she had been in a relationship that know one even knew about. Saria didn't even know.
Zac was a little surprised that his cousin almost yell at him. "What are you talking about? You're always around people" The boy said, it seemed that his cousin wasn't playing around, she looked serious and he was scared of offending other people especially his family. "Are... Are you okay?" He was no longer joking around with her, it seemed that there was something that he didn't know about her. Zac had been quite busy and he hadn't been able to be around the family this explained why he knew nothing about his cousins including Saria. He regretted for not being around the family and something was bugging him, he had a vision about the older twin, Genvieve and as much as he hadn't tell anyone about it, not even his favorite sister who knew EVERYTHING about him. Zac pretended that everything would be alright but it was killing him inside.

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