Could be months

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Jessame Rose Trewelly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
:cry: I'm leaving on a jetplane :cry:

Okay, it's officially November here in South Korea. Has been for about 59 minutes now. I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo this month (writing a novel (50,000 words) in 30 days), so while I will be checking in from time to time, I won't be around a great deal.

On the 23rd of November, I am leaving South Korea and visiting my friends in Hong Kong for about a week. From there I will probably go to the Philippines to finish my book, try diving and meet up with some other friends. After that, it's Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, baby. There may or may not be a trip to Thailand as well, and depending on how time and money go, I might head down through Malaysia and Singapore to Indonesia, East Timor and Australia before heading home (to NZ).

The original plan was to be home in time for Christmas, but there's too much travelling to do for that, and most of my family won't be in town until February anyway, so the longest I will be away is three months: and I will definitely be back in the swing of things in February, I promise. However, it's more likely to be January some time, I think.

So, if you've got any plots that involve Jessame Rose Trewelly, Beaumont Karhunlappi, Ekky the house elf or Ksaafa Lowart, be aware I'm not gonna be around for a while.

I will miss you guys and will definitely be thinking of you. You can't get rid of me this easily, I will be back!

:wub: and :hug:

and global :hug: -age,

Have fun travelling :)

I am sooo envious right now, I luv planes! (don't be scared, its just some wierd addiction to flying) In fact, I just crashed one on a flight simulator (well that gives me confidence for my flight training not)

:woot: WOW, sounds like some awesome fun!!!

Have a great time, and will see you back in a couple of month's or so... (good thing we can't get rid of you easily)

Emi's gonna miss Ekky ;)

And of course, I'll miss you :ummmm: (can't wait to hear about it when your back!)

Have fun!

Em x
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