Open Costumes are for Losers

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Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (13)
Enoch didn't get the point of halloween, he had decided the competition was too stiff and therefore rigged against him, and had decided to not bother with a costume. Though he was still at the feast itself. He arrived at the room, just dressed in muggle clothes and glancing around. He didn't want to dance, or get snacks so headed for the mirror fun house, where he could at least so a little something before heading off, after declaring it boring. Enoch just had nothing better to do, and felt like he should be visible, he had scored in the game, and that might not have helped them win, as he wasn't a seeker, but it had been something.
Tempest was pretty proud of her costume. It was simple, but she thought it made her look very fashionable. As she walked around the dance by herself, she decided to venture into the mirrors, not really enjoying running into things. The Slytherin rubbed her nose as she found her way out, almost running into an actual person. It took her a moment to decipher if he was real. "Erm, sorry," she muttered, adjusting her dress and hoping her hair still looked okay.

ooc: I read it as if he was already out of the mirrors, but if I misunderstood, let me know!
Enoch had had enough of the mirrors and had been walking out, when someone walked right into him. He was sent a couple of steps back but remained on his feet. "Did you not see me?" he asked, quietly, a little annoyed but not wanting to make it a big deal. Enoch glanced at her, she was in his house, older but not by much.
Tempest readjusted the flower in her hair as she looked at the boy. She'd seen him around, but she really didn't pay attention to most people. "It was an accident," she responded snarkily, crossing her arms
Enoch rolled his eyes a little at her response. Of course. "Sure, okay," he said, though it was clear he didn't really believe her. "I was leaving anyway, this place sucks,"
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