
Samuel Phillips

Part-Veela | Artist | Scrivenshafts Owner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2" Flexible Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
Samuel used to hate waking up in the morning. He almost thought it torture having to drag himself out of bed every day, but for the past few months waking up hadn't been so agonizing. He actually liked getting out of bed for a change, instead of lazily spending all day cooped up in his sheets. The reason why he used to hate mornings couldn't simply be put to laziness no matter how much he wanted it to be. Sure he procrastinated sometimes, just like everybody else. But he knew he wasn't lazy, he had never been and had to accept that he hated mornings because there wasn't anybody to wake up to. It went without saying how much Samuel's life had changed since he met Mari, and being a morning person was merely one thing. Something that would never change however was his need for coffee. Surprisingly this morning he'd woken up before Mari, and somehow managed to make his way to the kitchen without disturbing her sleep. A minor victory since the floorboards had the habit of creaking at the worst of times. Since Mari usually bought him coffee in bed, Samuel planned to do the same now that he'd woken up before her. His content smile faded quickly as he opened his cupboards to find them void of the one thing he was looking for and the only thing preventing him from waking up. He liked almost everything about Mari, even her flaws were endearing but her inability to tell him when they'd run out of coffee would never cease to annoy him. It was his own fault really. He was the one who chose to date someone that loved coffee as much as he did. He should have considered how much they would actually drink. It seemed like so much effort getting dressed and venturing outside this early without any caffeine in his system, but through lethargic stumbling around his apartment Samuel somehow ended up fully dressed and out the door.

The part-veela didn't expect his usual coffee shop to be open so early, though much to his astonishment it was. Further to his surprise the place was also very busy. He thought he knew everything there was to know about France by now, but obviously he didn't know a thing if the sight of a busy cafe at six in the morning surprised him. Samuel left the place half an hour later, a guilt ridden expression on his face while carrying four coffees and a small brown paper bag. It wasn't his fault it took so long to buy coffee, though the urge to apologize to Mari for taking so long forced him into buying her a blueberry muffin. It was a half assed, pointless apology and she of course would have no idea why. But in the very least it kept his guilt from getting worse. He always questioned what Mari saw in him, and why she'd been wasting so much of her time. He pondered this further as he stepped back into his apartment, gently shutting the door as to not wake Mari up. He'd bought them two coffees each, he didn't know about Mari but at this point he needed two or he would end up falling asleep on his feet. Fortunately Mari was still sound asleep when he placed the coffee and muffin on her nightstand. Mari had been growing on him more than he cared to admit, he would have stayed to watch her sleep however he had other things to do like eat half his body weight in peanut butter for breakfast. Creeping on his girlfriend could wait until later.
Amara turned to her right side, hoping to block the bit of sunlight that was peeking out from behind the drawn shades. Sometimes Amara hated the damn sun. Nothing killed a nice peaceful sleep faster than a room full of sunshine, other than the strong and sudden urge of having to go to the bathroom. Amara was far from a morning person. If the blonde could suddenly eliminate the whole morning deal from her day completely, she would in a heartbeat. So when she felt Samuel begin to shuffle and wake up, she didn’t move an inch to wake up with him. Amara didn’t understand how he woke up this early, or why he had decided wake up that early today, but she was going to let him do his thing. They were currently lacking in coffee anyways, so it wasn’t like Amara could bring him a cup of coffee in bed like she usually did. Hopefully he didn’t decide to come back into the room and scold Amara for forgetting to tell him that they were out. Amara was lucky if she remembered what her own address was half of the time, so forgetting to remind Samuel that they were out of coffee was something he was probably going to either learn to accept, or figure out a way to make it work. The sound of the door closing brought Amara to wake up to the point where she actually brought her head up from the plush pillow it had been resting on. Where on earth was he going at this hour? Amara figured he would return home soon, hopefully with some coffee in hand and went back to lying down. It wasn’t long before she was back into a light sleep.

Amara was woken up once more, but this time it was the smell of coffee that did it. One of Amara’s eyes cracked open and quickly spotted Samuel placing a cup of coffee and a muffin on her nightstand, and suddenly the blonde shot up, seemingly happier to be awake than ever. ”You went and got some coffee? I freaking love you right now.” Anyone willing to bring or make coffee for Amara was like a hero in her books. The blonde leaned over and took both the cup and muffin in hand before she crawled out of bed. Before Amara passed by Samuel, she leaned up to give him a moist kiss on the cheek, as a thank you for being such a cool cat. He probably would have been given one on the lips if Amara wasn’t so worried about grossing him out with her rancid morning breath. Amara also wanted to get some of the peanut butter before she and Samuel had to fight to the death for it. ”Are you mad that I forgot to tell you that we were out of coffee again? If so I promise I’ll make it up to you….since you make the trip to get some and all.” Amara adjusted her pajamas. She would be sure to put some clothes on once she had some food in her stomach, and a nice hot showered sounded amazing too. Maybe if Samuel felt like doing something today, they could go out and do something, or just hang out at home. Amara was sure that he would appreciate just about anything.
In the morning Samuel was usually slow. Slow to wake up, slow to get dressed and slow to start his day. Undeniably, he felt so out of place. Things were already so different this morning, but as Mari shot up and awake after he put her coffee down it seemed their roles had completely reversed. Wasn't he supposed to wake up at the smell of coffee? Samuel was startled to say the least, taken aback by her sudden movement and well, awakeness he hardly noticed the break in silence. By the time he finally registered Mari's speech she'd already gotten out of bed, coffee and muffin in hand. Mari was cheerful enough for the both of them, and here he was, somehow still half asleep waiting for his coffee to kick in. If it weren't for the promise of peanut butter later he knew he'd already have fallen back to sleep. Ironically this new 'morning' person hated mornings. "I actually got you two coffees." He replied. "One for now and one for later." Before he had the chance to continue, Mari interrupted with a soft kiss on his cheek. Instantly Samuel's eyes shot to the floor. Whether or not she was trying to tease him was beside the point, it still had the same effect. She was always just so stunning. Even in the morning, make up less and hair disheveled she looked like a model. Alternately it was the most amazing yet torturing thing. Agreeing to 'wait' didn't seem like such a horrible idea in the beginning, however the longer they waited the worse the torture became. He'd continue to endure it all however, as long as Mari was comfortable and happy. That's why he agreed in the first place.

"You should get dressed." Samuel changed the subject. Knowing full well if he didn't put more distance between them the frustration would get worse. He also needed to keep her busy, so he could get the peanut butter. After all, he was the one that woke up first. In Samuel's mind this was grounds for first dibs. Most other mornings Mari had first dibs, since she usually woke up earliest. Even if it was half past six in the morning, he believed it was his turn to indulge. "We're going out for brunch. You have four hours." If anybody knew how long Mari took to get ready, it was him. He liked to take his time in front of the mirror too. Usually they had to be sneaky to steal the mirror first. Of course today was different, Samuel had peanut butter to focus on. It might have been suspicious to give up precious mirror time so easily, but his fatigued mind never considered that option. "So I'll see you later!" He pulled Mari into a quick embrace. Suddenly feeling a lot more energetic, he raced into the kitchen and somehow ended up under the table, scoffing all the peanut butter he could. It would have been a great feeling to finish the entire jar before Mari got back, almost like revenge for drinking all the coffee. Then she would have to go out and buy more. It was the perfect plan.

ooc: i'm sorry :*
Amara was impressed. Samuel knew her enough to buy more than one coffee. Usually Amara had at least three to four cups of coffee a day. When she lived with her parents she was never allowed to have that much coffee, which made Amara wonder whether or not Samuel was a bad influence on her. Not that she minded though, she really liked Samuel. If becoming addicted to coffee was a small price to pay for having the chance to have Samuel in her life. "You know me too well, Sam." Amara brought the liquid to her lips and took a quick chug. Amara considered coffee to be something akin to liquid gold. Not only did it taste amazing, but it also gave her the energy to take on the day. Luckily, she had the next couple of days off. Sometimes her job became very stressful. Amara wanted to be a big league in the fashion industry, but that was proving to be a lot harder than she had ever imagined. Amara was about to ask if he wanted to cuddle with her and waste away the morning hours, but Samuel quickly changed the subject. Lately he had been acting a bit strange, and Amara wondered if it had anything to do with their lack of intimacy. Amara would be willing to talk about that, but she had become pretty keen on not focusing on that sort of stuff. In her opinion it could easily ruin relationship if one wasn't careful.

As soon as Samuel announced that they were going to brunch so she needed to be ready within four hours, Amara began to get ready. It usually took her hours to get ready in the first place, mostly because she was just slow with getting ready. She always had been. After she was dressed, and was about to work on her hair, she realized something. "Oh he better not be...." Amara's thoughts trailed off as she stomped her way into the kitchen. It almost surprised her, but at the same time she almost expected it. "You ate all of the damn peanut butter didn't you? Seriously Samuel, you can't hog the peanut butter all of the time!" Amara tossed the hair brush in his direction, secretly hoping that it wouldn't hit him. Then again, he deserved it for gorging on all of the peanut butter. There was a lot still left in the jar before he got a hold of it. Now Amara would be luck if there was even enough for a small spoonful. Was the whole brunch and coffee thing just a ploy for him to finish it off before she could get to it? How rude!
Alerted to Mari's presence, Samuel hit his head on the table. Not yet ready to admit he'd just been caught red handed he kept the jar behind his back as he stood up. Rubbing the back of his head from the impact, he flashed Mari a sheepish grin. She caught him at the scene of the crime, he had no way of denying he'd just stuffed his face with peanut butter now, though that wouldn't stop him trying to get out of this. He had been selfish this morning, and was ready to admit that at least. On most mornings Mari had enough compassion (or self control) to share some with him. Samuel on the other hand had no self control when it came to peanut butter. He merely shrugged. If he attempted to play everything down, he had a chance of getting out of this lightly. That chance melted away when Mari threw her hairbrush, Samuel barely escaping getting hit by the thing. "Babe, you're overreacting." He lent forward, still trying to play this down further. Sam hadn't yet realized playing it down was a lost cause. Nor did he realize if the roles were reversed, he would be reacting the same. He was too tired and full of peanut butter to figure it out. "See there's still a smidgen left. You can have it." He revealed the near empty jar from behind his back and held it in Mari's direction, offering her the last bit before placing the jar on the counter. Then she couldn't be mad with him, since he made the effort to offer her some, even if there was barely a mouthful left.

"You have a lot of coffee to drink." He still wasn't ready to say sorry, or even admit he'd done something wrong. In the meantime he'd try to reason with Mari, distract her, do anything to avoid admitting out loud he was in the wrong. Part of this was reminding Mari what she had in the hope she'd forget what she didn't have was peanut butter. This was typical of him and a mere side effect from getting his way nearly all the time. He found it difficult to physically say sorry for anything, which is why he avoided it like the plague. He cleared his throat and changed the subject. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" He eyed Mari from head to toe. "If you want to go to the nice place for brunch, your hair definitely won't do." Shaking his head, Samuel stepped forward and placed his hands on Mari's shoulders. He was never the kind of guy to apologize out loud, but made it up for his wrong doings in other ways. "I'm thinking we'll get double helpings of those peanut butter pancakes, I'll buy of course." He whisked her around to face the bedroom door. "The quicker you get ready the quicker we get to have those pancakes, and I don't know about you but I'm starving." He gave her a gentle push forward. What Sam wanted to do was hold Mari, cuddle with her, be affectionate. What he didn't want though, was to undergo the torture that followed along with it. Putting distance between them was the easier option. "Now, go."
Overreacting? Was that really what he had just told her? Amara blinked before she shook her head, momentarily forgetting about the whole peanut butter situation. "Sam, you're never supposed to tell a female that she's overreacting. Don't you know the chaos it can cause?!" Okay, so she was being a little dramatic about it, but it was a true statement for the most part. Amara had seen it first-hand. Telling a girl to calm down and or telling her that she was overreacting was like like asking a woman to release a grenade or fury and nagging. Amara smiled a little bit at the end to show Samuel that she actually kind of found the situation to be rather funny, but the least she could do was warn him. "Don't think that I've forgotten about the whole peanut butter situation though. I'll get you back for that...somehow." Amara was going to be without peanut butter this morning, all because her boyfriend lacked the desire to share it with her. How rude! But, if she had her way, she would get him back only in a matter of time. Once she thought of a plan that consisted of something other than eating her feelings and hiding a jar of peanut butter away for later. Chances were high that Samuel would find it anyways. Shaking her head one more time, Amara retreated to the bathroom to get ready.

The blonde emerged some time later, all beautified and smelling fresh as a daisy. "The fact that you're willing to buy me pancakes may just save you from listening to me later, but seriously. How can you even fit an entire jar of peanut butter inside that skinny body of yours?!" Amara was curious. She could eat a lot of peanut butter herself, but never a full freaking jar! Unless there had already been some missing, but she could have sworn that the last jar had been completely untouched. "Oh well. I'm hungry. Can we go now? Pretty pleaaase? I'm wasting away over here!" Amara pointed as her stomach. Now, she was fairly skinny, but she definitely didn't look as if she were wasting away or anything. But she really was hungry. That muffin had done little to satiate her stomach. Hell, if he wanted to listen in to the scary noises her stomach had begun to make out of protest he would likely be convinced that she wasn't messing around. Amara might have been small, but boy could she eat when she was hungry.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, I know I promised this to you awhile ago. But I got sick, and then school happened. please don't hate me. xD
"You're still holding a grudge for that?" Slightly disorientated, Samuel felt like it had been days since the peanut butter ordeal, but in reality it was only a few hours. He'd just managed to take a nap the entire time and wake up in a stupor. Weirdly, he felt a lot more alert now than he did before. That must have been the coffee, since most of the time sleeping only caused him to feel more tired. "It's a gift, probably." He shrugged and stood up from the couch, adjusting his scarf. He couldn't recall how he ended up falling asleep, but it made sense. Waking up as early as he managed today wasn't his norm, and he needed to catch up on those lost hours of sleep somehow. Choosing to nap while Mari got ready for brunch was perfect timing. "You wouldn't want to get revenge on me because I have a gift, would you?" Consuming mass amounts of peanut butter in one sitting wasn't a gift as much as it was a problem, and he knew it. Peanut butter wasn't the healthiest food in the world, but it was certainly his favorite. He'd eat the stuff for the rest of his life if he could.

Samuel wasn't going to mention it, but he was pretty hungry too. It had been hours since he last ate and although he couldn't feel his stomach rumbling yet, he knew it would start if he didn't eat something soon. He looked up at Mari and smiled. "We can leave just as soon as you answer me one question." By the looks of it, Mari was itching to leave as much as he was. Only difference was, in a moments notice she could walk out the door. She looked completely ready to leave. Samuel on the other hand, needed to know if he looked neat enough first. "Am I presentable right now?" The restaurant they were going to was nice, the kind of place that would turn you away if you were messily dressed, and Sam had just woken up. He felt pretty disheveled right now. If he was honest though, he didn't give a crap what he looked like for once. More than anything he just wanted to leave and make amends for eating the last of the peanut butter. "Actually, never mind. Let's just go." He ran a hand through his hair, attempting to neaten it a little. If worse came to worse he could always use Mari as a cover. She looked elegant enough for the both of them. He walked to her side and intertwined his hand with hers. "Ladies first." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, waiting for her to lead the way.

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