Consideration doesn't flow here

Alexa Venturino

Well-Known Member
Alexa walked around the school of Beaubations unsure of what to do. Her brother had run off and she was only there because of him. She already knew the snobby french weren't a people she wanted to be around, and she didn't understand why her brother did. He wasn't at all a snob unlike Jace, now he was the snob of the family. Ringing her hands nervously she ducked into a corridor as students flowed by passing her her without even seeing her. Alexa smiled to herself, her lessons with Andrew were paying off really well, things were becoming more and more clear and she was more ready to take the oath now then ever. Of course she had to finish school which for her meant staying in New Zealand and going to the Hogwarts school there while her brothers got to go tot he other schools. Her parents finally decieded to seperate them which the triplets needed time away from each other but she didn't see why she was stuck at Hogwarts. Sighing she leaned against the wall looking out into the crowded place wondering where Dyfan had gone off to. Being forced to visit his school of choice was nothing she had been looking forward and now her life seemed even more miserable having to wait around for him watching the students enjoy themshelves.
Amelia was wandering around the school. She didn't have a lesson and was watching happily as other students did. It was nice to be free for a bit and she was supposed to be revising for her exams but she couldn't be bothered. There were none of her friends in view so she was wandering around aimlessly. Catching sight of a girl walking around she strolled over, whether to be nice to this girl or not, she hadn't decided yet. "Hi." She said plainly. "Are you ok?" This was the obvious question to ask but she made a point of not really caring either way.
Alexa turned at the sound of a voice. A girl stood near her, obivously the girl went to the school. She rolled her eyes slightly before turning the face the girl fully. "Do I look like I'm okay? I'm prefectly fine except the fact my brother has disappeared to somewhere in the school with your headmaster and left me here in this horride place," she said completely upset about her brother. Her mean words about the school weren't really true, she did think of the people as mostly snobbish but the school looked like a wonderful place and there was sure to be non-french people around somewhere.
Amelia jumped at the reply. "Well, if you tink that it is 'orrid, then get out." She said strongly, her french accent burning through her words. "Who is your brother?" She asked, flipping her hair and wondering if she had met him at all. "And on the subject, who are you?" She added, eyeing up the girl with an obvious dislike.
Alexa looked at the girl like she was stupid or something. "I wouldn't even be here in the first place but my Mother forced me to come with my brother," she stated tempted to roll her eyes. French, she thought in that sterotypicially way. "My brother is my brother and I'm his sister, thats all you need to know," she said laughing in her head at the girl. She was getting realy sick of having to wait for Dyfan that she was tempted to find the portkey and leave him here.
Amelia laughed harshly. "Clever answer." She stated in a bored voice. "Well, if you will excuse me. Or even if you won't, i have to be going. Au revoir." She said quickly and got ready to leave. English She thought to herself as she got up. They have NO dignity or sense of pride. Smirking at the girl, she put her hand on her wand, ready to protect her back if she needed to leave.

Having no where to go, she hovered around the girl, hoping that she would leave first annoyed. Or that Amy would meet the 'brother.'
Alexa almost laughed at the girl as she saw the small movement she made to hold her wand. Andrew's lessons really payed off she learned alot more about the small movements people made and even could get inside of people's thoughts by their actions. "Have fun," she said crossing her arms infront of her leaning against the wall. She didn't look at the girl for a few moments before she finally decided to look at her. "Well, aren't you going to leave if you have such an important places to go to and oh so wonderful people to see," she stating with a fake nice tone. Rolling her eyes she turned from the girl and wondered what was so nice about the school that Dyfan had to be taken to see and she couldn't go with them.
Amelia considered this statement for a while and decided to change her tone. "Well, i was. But i will be slated for leaving a visitor alone here, without knowing where to go. Im protecting my own back." She finished, sitting down again she smirked at the girl's attitude. Honestly, she thinks she is soooo big. Doesn't she? She thought to herself, watching the girl carefully.
"Well I actually have a map and been on the oh-so-grand tour. So, I think I'm prefectly fine here by myself," she said with an evil smile. Her wand hovered over he wand wishing she could just send the girl somewhere else or leave all together. What a snob, she thought to herself as she turned from the girl and walked towards the main lobby area where all the students were milling about. She stood at the enterence from the small hallway and the lobby watching as the other stuck-up french walked by. Honestly, doesn't Dyfan see these people and their attitudes?
Amy followed the girl at a distance, her hand actually holding her wand now, just itching to hex the girl. As she was walking, she saw some of her friends (for Amy was very popular in her year group, with being a part-veela) and stopped to talk to them. She was just finishing catching up with them, when she realised that she had lost the girl, so picked up her speed and walked in the direction, looking for her. Finally seeing her, she smiled coldly and pretended that she had missed her. "Oh, hey! Where did you go?" She said with sarcastic optimism.
Alexa looked behind her and noticed the girl talking to some other people and smirked glad to get rid of her. She moved forward into the crowd and went to stand next to the stairs partially trying to hide herself from any of these french eyes that like to pry into everyone's buisness. Sighing she looked up at the protrait of some great wizard fo the past that founded the school.

"Why are you following me?" She partially began to screamed at the girl; completly frustrated with being stalked by a stuck up french girl.
Amelia laughed coldly at this girl's outburst. "'Aven't i said, i 'ave to make sure zat you are up to nothing bad." She exclaimed, her french accent slipping back in. It was her job, as a prefect, she told herself. She noticed the girl looking up at the picture of Joselin Cossu, a founder of Beauxbatons. "I am in his house." She explained, proudly stating this irrelevant fact.
"Obviously you don't know how to listen," she said turning from the girland walking away once again. Walking up the nearby stairs she looked around for her brother, she wanted to get out of the awful place. "Congradulations, now bugger off," she said down to the girl that she had left behind in her dust. Alexa finally found someone who annoyed her more then Jace, which was basically impossible but this girl managed.
Amy raised her eyebrows and smirked at the girl. "Fine then, i will leave you. Come with me and i will take you a short cut to the entrance." She said sarcastically. Leading the girl through a number of doors, she suddenly vanished, leaving her alone in the heart of the school, in the completely wrong direction to the entrance. Watching from behind one of her favourite paintings, Amelia laughed silently at the girl.
Alexa felt herself dragged along down different corridors, she knew this wasn't the way to front enterance and felt the need to laugh at the girl so she did. Once the girl walked away she pulled out the map and quickly found where she was and began to take an even shorter route then retracing her steps. All the way she laugh at the stupidity of the girl who had brought her away from the door. "Obviously she doesn't remember things like when I said I had a map. What a ignorant girl," she said to herself as she walked up to the front door.
Amy cursed silently as the girl made her way back to the entrance. Following her like a shadow, she watched as the girl stood at the front entrance, looking like a lemon. Smirking, she stayed hidden, wanting to see what the girl would do.

(OOC: Sorry for the lame post :p )
Alexa stood in the front entrance feeling eyes on her back. Of course she figured they belonged to the annoying girl that had been bothering her since her brother deserted her in the corridor. Looking around she noticed a few students relaxing giving her side glances. Glaring at them for a brief second she moved over and sat on the window sill where she could see the entire enterance. Her trained eyes picked up movement in the shadows and almost felt like laughing at the dumb french girl.
Amelia guessed that the girl could see her. Gliding away, she appeared back in the front entrance, surrounded by friends whom she had somehow picked up. It was normal for Amy to be popular, what with her good looks and wit. She had her closest friends at her side and whispered something to them. They glanced at the girl and laughed at her. Letting the majority of them go off to their lessons, she waited as her friends hovered at her side. "So, do you want me to take you to find your brother?" She asked, feeling much more secure now that she was surrounded by friends with this girl in-front of her on her own. Of course, she didn't have a clue how skilled this girl was at magic, but she knew that she could perform some quite spectacular hexes and her friends were also very good. Smirking at the girl, she waited to see her reaction.
Alexa glanced at the laughing girls, smirking. She could easily use two of the three unforgivable curses on them all right now and they wouldn't dare mess with her afterwards. Rollling her eyes at the girl she almost started laughing seeing she needed her friends to back her up. "You're pathetic. No I'm to wait here until my brother is done touring the boy dormitories and such. I most certainly don't need you to drag me unwillingly to some random place in the school and dump up again you b***h," she said her eyebrows raising on her temple as in a 'what now' sort of look. Taking a hold of her wand in her robes pocket she watched the girl in front of her. "Don't test me, I'm ahead on schooling having already learned spells you wouldn't even dream of learning in your life time."
Amelia glared at the girl. "Is that a challenge?" She asked, smirking and raising her eyebrows. Her hand had now brought out her wand, and, as she tightened her grip, sparks flew out the end, something that her friends recognised as a warning not to mess with her. Her other hand, the one without the wand, now raised itself slightly, holding back her friends who had also drawn out their wands and held them up protectively. Protego She thought to herself, letting the protective shield appear invisibly in front of her. There was no way that the girl could have known that she had done this, because it wasn't visible and she hadn't even moved or spoken. She wasn't afraid of this girl or what she could do, she just felt it necessary to bring up a protection barrier incase a fight did break out.
With her wand at her side she held open her arms in an invitation. "If you wish it to be," she said with a smirk. She already knew she could easily get this get to start a fight with her and not have the blame fall on her, which wouldn't cause harm to her brother. Plus she would finally get to duel someone other then her two mentors. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her brother desending down the staircase along with the Headmaster, and an idea popped in her head. "Please Amelia! I don't what I did to you, I just wanted a tour of the school while I waited for my brother. Oh Please don't hurt me!" She shouted dropping her wand once her brother and the headmaster were close enough to the group. Her performance was like that of an innocent child.
Amelia raised her eyebrows at the girl. Seeing the headteacher arrive, she got rid of her protection shield as quickly as she conjured it. Smirking at the girl's change of reaction she smiled at the headmistress, who had always liked her and helped her through her school work when she had found it hard. She didn't really like the teacher, but the teacher seemed to like her, and her reputation as a good student stood in front of her now. "Oh, miss. I was just showing this new visitor around the school." She said with her best, winning smile. "Wasn't i girls?" She asked to her friends around her who nodded truthfully at the statement. "You can ask the portraits on the 4th corridor. If you don't believe me." She added, giving a girly giggle as she watched the teacher nod and pass Alexa's comment away. Being a prefect at the school, Amelia seemed to have the upper hand, and it helped that all the teachers liked her because of her charm that came with being a half veela. "Hi." She said to the boy who arrived. "Im Amelia, but please, call me Amy." She said, giggling slightly. "Did you have a nice tour?" She asked, the boy with her full charm going now. When his back was turned, she strolled over to Alexa, her friends still at her side. "You know, you can act well, but in a school where my reputation is spotless, it will be hard for you to accuse me." She said under her breath so that only Alexa could hear her. The head turned again and she smiled. As the professor left, she turned to the boy. "Hi." She repeated, waiting for his reaction.

(OOC: Was the plan for Dyfan to like Amy???? )
Dyfan sighed as he walked down the stairs seeing his sister cornered by a group of students. "This cannot be good," he said to the professor that was with him. They walked down into the group pushing their way through the girls that were standing there. "Alexa, didn't mom tell you to stay out of trouble?" He questioned his sister. He turned to the girl that was talking with the professor who explained what happened, though she seemed truthful there was a twinge of fakeness in her voice that borthered him slightly. "Dyfan," he said before going to have a final chat with the professor before coming back to his sister. He nodded to the girl and put his hands on his sister's shoulders. They had what alot of twins seemed to have, the ability tot alk to each other without talking which was nice in this instance. You okay?
Alexa felt like starting a fist fight with the girl, her anger was getting out of control when she lied tot he teacher. "That is an out right lie! I was waiting were you told me to wait and she went and dragged my unwillingly through the castle to a random spot. Luckily I had the map you gave Dyfan which he had me hold on to and was able to get back here. And then her and her friends decided to corner me here, and I'm so glad you came! They were about to start spitting hexes at me!" She said to the professor who was walking away. The professor turned around and looked between the girls. "You two can figure this out for yourshelves." Alexa growled in her mind at the teacher while she tried to settle herself. Rolling her eyes at the girl she felt protective over her older brother as the girl began to almost flirt with him. With her around no. Pausing a few seconds to gather her thoughts she pushed her brothers hands off of her. Can we leave now?
Amelia looked the new comer up and down. He was fairly ok looking. Raising her eyebrows at the girl, she smirked. "Feel safe now big brothers with you?" She asked, in a cooing voice. "Because the teachers won't hesitate to kick him out if either of you cause any trouble to a pupil." She said, laughing at the situation in which the siblings now found themselves. "Anyway, i had best be going, because i have important people to meet, and i can't be bothered to stay around with scum." She said before laughing coldly and starting to walk away, surrounded by her friends.

(OOC: What is the plan now??)

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