consider this a warning

Joshua Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Joshua began his long climb up the stairs to the common room. He was going to meet Tyson. He had to properly explain to him what would happen if morgan was ever upset because of him. He still diddnt like the fact that they were together and was going to be right behind her when something went wrong. This boy had no idea what he had got himself involved in.

Finally he reached the top of the stairs. Josh let out a sigh of relife and then walked into his common room. He scowled as he saw the boy he was about to talk to. He walked over and squared up so that the boy knew that he meant buisness. All right you, talk."
Tys prepared himself as he waited for Joshua in the common room. As he appeared Tys looked at him, straight faced. He wasn't going to be scared of him this time around. He just wanted to finish this conversation as quickly as possible. Joshua told him to talk, so he did. "I love Morgan, I'll never break her heart, as Mark will tell you, I'm too much of a suck up to do that..." As Joshua began to square him up, Tys looked him in the eye, then scowled at him. He really didn't like him, but he had to find some sort of agreement with him, for Morgan's sake.
Joshua frowned and folded his arms across his chest. This boy was a joke, if Josh thought he was too much of a suck up then he woulnt have asked ask to look after her. See why couldnt she choose him, Josh acctually liked Mark. " You no they say love comes quickly but your a flaming joke you no that kid. But i dont care what you say or how good you think you are. One wrong word is all its going to take for your nose to break and imagine what else i could break with two wrong words." Josh smiled alittle but then remained serious. " And i have already spoken to Mark about the matter."
"As I said, I love Morgan, can we agree to get on with our lives, no broken noses...and I don't think I'm good at all..." As Josh mentioned that he had spoken to Mark, Tys started thinking like mad. "What have you said to Mark? He's my mate."
Joshua scowled at the boy. " You need to watch who you are talking to kiddo, and like i said one wrong word." He smiled crookedly at him and walked over to him and patted him on the cheeck a few times. " Well now thats thats out of the way lets sit down." Josh walked over to the sofa and lay down on it so that tyson couldnt sit on it. " Talk about yourself."
Tys grabbed a chair from nearby then sat on it after Josh prevented him from sitting on the sofa. "Me? There isn't much to say about know everything there is to know...Tyson, 13, going out with your sister, Morgan, go to Durmstrang, best mate is Mark...what about you?" He gave a fake smile pointed towards Joshua, then looked away, and scowled in secret.
Josh shrugged. " Im sure Morgan has told you everything. You no my name you no my school and you no how old i am so there we go." He smiled. " Yeah Mark is a good guy, very trust worthy and i can count on him for alot of things. Sham Morgan diddnt choose him, he knows what to say and when." Josh looked away from him and smiled then closed his eyes. and Mark was kind of cute, but obveously too young.
Tys laughed a little. "Well I'm afraid I'm going out with Morgan, because, incase you've forgotten, she chose me." Tys smiled at Josh.
Tys looked over to where Josh had looked away from him. "What you looking at?" Tys giggled a little.
Josh giggled. " You dont think you were her first choice do you, ha thats so cute." He smiled then looked at him. " I wasnt looking at anything, thanks for the interest." The fact that this boy though that he was his little sisters first choice was so funny. She never usually went for wimps.
Tys laughed. "I obviously wasn't her first choice, I know that much Josh." Tys knew that other boys including Mark had tried to go out with her, Mark hadn't told him that, but he knew Mark well, and Morgan would be the sort of girl to fall for Mark too easily. He had that charm about him that made all the girls love him.
Josh shook his head. " No i meant that YOU wernt HER first choice she had a crush on some else and its only because he turned her down that she settled for you." He laughed, this kis was so dumb
Tys smiled then laughed. Josh had just found a different way of teeling him exactly what he had just told Josh...How Strange. he thought. But Tys listened to what he had to say anyway, then replied with a short, but simple answer. "Yes Josh, I know..."
Josh looked at him. "But did you know that she still facies him, and you are still not the real one that she wants." He smiled
Tys had guessed who he was on about then got up off his chair and stood, leaning over, and looking down at Josh, who was led on the sofa. "You mean Mark don't you, she likes Mark doesn't she?" He said remaining fairly calm. Mark wouldn't betray their friendship like that, they were practically brothers.
josh kept a strait face. "Now why would that be the first name that you think off. I mean you can trust him and he would never betray that trust by kissing her would he Tyson." Josh smiled then stood up so that the boy was not looking down at him. " Just think about it why dont you." He walked to the other end of the room and turned to look at Tyson with a smile on his face
Tys stood and walked towards Josh. "I so hope you're not saying what I'm thinking Josh." He said grabbing hold of Josh's shirt with one hand then pulling it towards him. The second Tys made that action he regretted it. Josh was older than him, and stronger than him, but something made him keep his hand there. His love for Morgan maybe.
Josh frowned and picked the boy up and threw him again the wall so hard that he made a crack in the wall. "Dont ever touch me again ok. If you carnt keep your girlfriend undercontroll its your own stupid fault." He threww him acroos the room. "And as a matter of fact i am saying what your thinking." Although what this boy thinks of probably extended to prett fluffy things and bright colours
Josh rolled his eyes. "What an infant." He walked over to him and picked him and took him upstairs laid him under the covers with his head on the pillow so that he looked asleep. " Oh Tyson, choose your friends better buddy boy." He walked off back down stairs and waited for him to come back around
After a minute or two, Tys awoke form his unconsiousness, but still felt a little drowsy and very dizzy. He got up out of his bed, then instantly felt the pain from being chucked across the room by Josh. "OWWW." He shouted. "JOSH, WHERE ARE YOU?" Tys wandered down the stairs, although he limped most of the way, he had landed on his leg earlier on and it was hurting him. When he spotted Josh at the bottom of the stairs, Tys felt like punching him in the face, and was just about to, when he collapsed into Josh's arms, from the pain of walking.
Josh smiled as he heard Tyson. Although was shocked when he was suddenly in his arms. " Wow, arent you a charmer. Not even kenny fell into my arms." He laughed thenpushed the kidd off him and sat him in the stair. Josh stood up away from him. " So thats just a small taste of what will happen if you touch me again and an even smaller taste of what will happen if you hurt Morgan." He turned to look at him. " Although i think she would have moved on soon anyway."
Tys held his leg in pain, as he was placed on the staircase. He looked up at Josh, and stuttered as he spoke, because he was struggling to breathe, walking on his bad leg had made him badly out of breath. "Why don't you just go away Josh, leave Mine and Morgan's relationship alone, and get out of my life." He said, before taking in lots of deep breathes in attempt to try and calm himself down. The pain in his leg was beginning to numb now, but it still hurt like crazy, and he still felt dizzy, and drowsy from being unconsious.
Josh smiled. " What a dumb thing to say. Morgan is my little sister there for she is my life and as you are in it you are in mine so get used to it." It was an obveous answer. " You no when we met today i diddnt plan for this you no. I planned to wanr you to be good to morgan then i planned to mak peace and have a little laugh with you. So dont make out as if im the bad guy because im a really good guy when you get to no me."
Tys thought about his reply to Josh, if it wasn't worded correctly, he could make himself sound like a complete and utter idiot"Okay, yeah, maybe that was a stupid thing to say, but why don't you prove your, 'nice guy image,' to me, by helping me up, then leaving me alone?...Is that reasonable enough for you?" Tys thought that it was reasonable enough, considering the amount of pain that Josh had just caused him.
Josh smile then shook his head. " The helping up i will do but im not letting you out off my sight." He walked over to him and held his hand out ready to haul him up once he took hold of it. " Anyway where would you be with out my scaryness to make you wee yourself." He smield kindly a him. He decided that now was when he was going to be 'nice' to him or at least try or pretend

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