Professor Grace Holland

Mother | Caring | Flying Instructor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Dominik)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
2/2027 (35)
After cleaning up the Quidditch pitch, Grace sent the Hufflepuff back to his common room and took Mr. Elric with her to the castle. She picked up the other students from the hospital wing, where a nurse had checked them over, and took them with her as she searched for their heads of house. She remembered Cyndi and Kalif tended to patrol in the corridor where she had her office around this time, and was relieved to see the two of them together. "Professor Kingsley, Professor Styx." She said, marching the students up to them. "I have a few students here from your houses, who I caught in a very strange situation at the Quidditch pitch." She glanced at the students. "Do you both have a moment to discuss it?"
Professor Kalif Styx, despite the Gryffindor Head of House no longer his step-daughter-in-law (very short lived as it turned out), patrolled with the rival house from time to time. She was not an idiot, so he could tolerate her company for some time. However, what he did not expect was Professor Holland to stop the two of them, addressing them both. Immediately, his cold demeanor turned cold, almost annoyed. Strange situations meant that there was someone that acted out of line. "I do," stated Professor Styx, though he would not speak for the Gryffindor Head of House.
Sapphire wasn't really sure if her presence would be necessary, but she followed along with the Professor anyway. She had actually seen the whole thing, and the Slytherin kid was trying to sweet-talk his way out of it. She'd seen his type before, thinking if he could be suave he could get his way out of anything. It annoyed her, but not enough for him to straight out call him an idiot. The other two she was unsure about since she hated fighting but respected the need to protect each other. Still, they'd been fighting. And on the pitch. She hated when people brought that to the pitch, it was where she had chosen to escape that kind of thing. She stood behind the rest of the group, waiting quietly to see if she was needed.
Stanislaw didn't think that it was fair that Professor Holland was taking them to see their Head of House, as he had done nothing wrong on the Pitch - was defending his friends really that bad? He didn't think so. Angry and pouting, the boy still wanted to attack Luxen for trying to hurt his friends. Hissing something in Polish to Allie about how unfair this was, Stanislaw shot daggers at the Slytherin boy.
Edward stood quiet sheepishly as this was all his fault and therefore all of the punishment should have fallen on him. He didn't want to be the reason Gryffindor kept losing House Points and yet that seemed to be exactly what kept happening. Several times he had tried to speak up but every time he opened his mouth in front of all of these authority figures he found his mouth dry and empty and so closed it. He wondered if perhaps he was going to get expelled for accidentally stealing the Quidditch supplies.
Luxen would have to face the consequences of his little prank but couldn't help feeling like they were blowing his part out of proportion. If they were trying to be Quidditch players than shouldn't they be able to dodge bludgers that might pop out of nowhere. It was annoying that because the other two were crazy, they all had to be dragged from the pitch, to the hospital, and now to meet with their heads of houses. He noticed Stan shooting him looks and simply smirked in response. He tried to keep his smirk so that none of the Professors would see, especially his own head of house.
Patrolling with Kalif was always amusing. He saw the world in such a different light, and even though she'd never admit it to him, he'd been responsible for helping her be not quite so naive about things. There were times when people weren't looking out for her best interests, and Kalif had been a major factor in her learning that though he, surprisingly, had never been a culprit himself. Kalif was honorable, in his own very strange, dark way. The woman nodded at the flying professor, her eyes roaming to all of the students present. There was quite a gang of them. She was quite curious to hear this 'discussion.'
Allie was less mad now that she was sure that Stanis was alright. Her ribs still ached a bit but it was getting better. She just wished she'd been able to punch him before the Slytherin girl had pulled her off of him. She looped her arm through Stanis's, irritated and needing the reassurance.
Grace was definitely lucky to catch the two heads of house together, and hopefully this could be resolved quickly. She considered her words carefully. "It's a bit of a complex situation, and I didn't see it all. Sapphire here might fill in a bit, as she was there and stopped it from escalating." She explained. "From what I understand, Mr. Elric attempted to hold a Quidditch practice for first years, using school Quidditch supplies without supervision or permission. But he was only playing with the quaffle, when Mr. Silverback unleashed the bludgers as well. The bludger hit Miss Beckett, and that caused a fight between these two." She pointed between Luxen and Stanislaw. "At which point, Mr. Silverback used a stunning spell. Miss Beckett attempted to retaliate, but the fight was then broken up." She nodded at Sapphire. "Did I miss anything in my explanation?"
Sapphire kept her hands in her pockets. "Sounds about accurate," She nodded. "I just want to add that this one," She nodded at Luxen, "Is trying to play it off as a well-intentioned thing with the bludgers, but the way he went about it and the look on his face when he tried to bolt as soon as he hit one at the girl, I'm pretty sure it was more malicious than he wants to admit." She had met a lot of kids like him, ones that thought they could act innocent and sweet talk their way out of anything, but she didn't think Styx was the type to be fooled by pretty words.
Needless to say, Kalif was not pleased as he listened to Holland explain what happened. At first, it sounded more like his student wasn’t breaking as many rules as the Gryffindors, but when Sapphire added to it, he could tell that she was telling the truth. Kalif folded his arms across his chest, and his onyx eyes landed on Silverback, “Explain yourself.”
"They pretty much explained it Professor Styx, Elric stole the Quidditch Supplies and tried to get the first years to practice. I played a trick and was attacked for it so defended myself the only way I knew how" Luxen said simply but with respect for his Head of House. He wasn't sure what else there was to add except "I apologized, but it seems that's not worth anything" Luxen said as his head turned towards the Prefect slightly. Despite how the Prefect may have wanted to portray everything that had happened, they were all in fact guilty of something.

Luxen didn't know why his intentions before, during, and after were being scrutinized more than any of the others but it didn't really matter to him at the moment. He was in fact telling the truth as much as anyone else was and that was all he could do at this point. If they wanted to punish him more harshly than the three Gryffindor's than so be it, Luxen would have seven years to make the other three pay for any punishment given to him and he would make sure to do so.
The professor listened as the flying instructor explained what had taken place with Sapphire jumping in with some additional information. She knew her son was friends with Sapphire and wondered just how much trouble she might have kept her son out of. Jacob, like most of the other Gryffindors, valued adventure over many things including following rules. As Professor Styx asked for his student to explain his involvement, Professor Kingsley looked to her students. That there were so many of them had alarmed her at first but she was less concerned now. "Mr. Elric, were you not aware you needed permission to do what you were doing?" She asked quietly.
Grace listened as the prefect added some details, and was glad when Professor Styx turned to the young Slytherin. His explanation was a little lackluster in Grace's eyes, especially when he talked about an apology. But it was Professor Styx' business now. Professor Kingsley turned to Mr. Elric, and Grace spoke up when he didn't answer immediately. "I do believe he was unaware." She said, glancing at him for confirmation. "And... I offered to help him with a similar idea in the future, as supervision."
Stanislaw took a deep breath while he listened to the others speak, trying to smile at Allie when she linked her arm through his whilst also trying his best to calm down. He had never felt such a hatred for a person before as he did right now for Luxen. Another part of him was ashamed for getting into trouble again, as had caused Professor Kingsley enough trouble already, but this time it was justified, right? He did it to protect his friends and not to actively cause trouble. ''Will we... eh... get detention?'' the Gryffindor asked the professors, looking up at the three of them. Really the only one who deserved detention was Luxen for hurting his friends.

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