🌹 Rose Giving Confused after class.

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
Hugo had been wandering the castle. Up and down more stairs than he had ever done in a day. Classes were over for the day so people would have scattered to all corners of the school. He still had a lot of people in his list. Names he didn’t know people he wouldn’t be able to recognise in a crowd. Why didn’t people have name badges on today. That would have helped so much. He had checked the brotherhood room just in case anyone was in there but no neither of the boys he had to deliver to were in there he made it out into the corridor and leant against the wall in an alcove sinking to the floor holding his remaining roses and notes in front of him trying to think of a logical way to find people. How would the protagonist of the books he loved find people, a way that didn’t involve talking to animals or magic maps which he didn’t have.

@Xinyi Huang
Xinyi was on his way back to the dorms when he saw a young boy looking rather upset. He hesitated, before approaching and kneeling down in front of the boy. "Hello," He greeted gently, a slight smile curling up his lips. "Are you alright?"
Hugo looked up as he heard someone approach him and ask if he was okay. He inhaled. yes. I just don’t know who anyone else on my list is. And don’t know where to find them he said. looking at the boy who was kneeling in front of him. "Do you know any of these people?" he asked turning the list to show him. "i already found professor borisyuk, Charlie and Kiara, but don't know Gregory, xinyl and Caleb" he said noteven knowing what year or house they were in had him looking blind.
Xinyi smiled softly. "Well, I'm Xinyi, so that's one less," He offered easily. "I'm pretty sure Caleb is a slytherin, if it's Caleb Thorne, and if you're after Gregory Friend, he's a hufflepuff." He offered, remembering how he'd noted the boys last name and taken note of it- that was definitely a fun name to have.
Hugo looked up at the boy really? he asked hope in his voice. Though if the boy wasn't Xinyi he was unlikely to change his mind that easily. he listened as the boy told him which houses people were in. which made it a little easier for him to look for them. one slytherin, and one hufflepuff. "yes those are the two, Gregory friend and Caleb there" he said. "If you really are Xinyi, i have a rose for you, and it's a red one" he said. holding out the flower and corresponding note to him.

Love you, Xin ❤️ ~Soren

@Soren Gates
Xinyi smiled, taking the rose and glancing at the note. Soren. He chuckled, slipping it into his bag. "Thank you," He told the boy, standing and offering out his hand to help him up. "Have you tried a yearbook?" He asked. "They should have some in the library. If you have the face of who you're looking for, it could help you find them," He offered.

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