Confessions of a prisoner in Azkaban...

Elizzabeth Dawn LaFay

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Waking up in a strange place was never fun, so when Elizzabeth woke up to find herself in Azkaban you can only imagine the thought's going through her head. 'How did I get here? I don't remember anything. What have I done...' It didn't help that everything was dark. All she could see was the cot beneath her and the bars of her cell. Seeing herself in the striped robes that all prisoners wore filled Elizzabeth with grief. Thinking back everything came back in flashes. Her best friend Josh being pummeled by Angelo. There was nothing else she could have done, Angelo would have killed him if she hadn't of killed him first. She had only been doing what she could to help her friend right? The trial everything going so fast until she got here, to this terrible place. There were dark figure's moving in front of the bars to her cell and Elizzabeth knew what they were. She curled herself as tightly as she could into the corner of her cot and the room and started to cry. She needed Kari, he would help her, he always new what was best. The dementors had obviously noticed her presence and seemed to completely block out all the light that had been coming in before. Rocking back and forth Elizzabeth sobbed, "Kari!" She closed her eye's she couldn't stand to see the dark monsters anymore, "Kari help me!" She cried to no one.
The next day Elizzabeth stood up and cautiously walked to the bars looking for any sign of the dementors. After assuring herself it was okay she griped her wrist and felt a sudden pinch, she looked at them to see rings where the skin was rubbed raw from shackles she figured. She sighed as she sat on the small cot. 'What now?' she thought to herself. There was nothing she could do, there was no escaping from this god forsaken hell hole. All Elizzabeth wanted was to go home, Kari would hold her in his arms and console her. Maybe she would even get help from someone like he had asked her. Anything to get out of this place, she wasn't sure how she was going to bear it here all alone without him. Elizzabeth got back up and shook the bars holding her prisoner. "Let me out!" She shouted. Pushing and slamming the bars nothing happened except maybe some unnecessary bruising on Liz's part. Still holding onto the bars Elizzabeth slide to the dirty floor. "I didn't do anything wrong!" She started to cry again. She knew this was all a mistake, why wouldn't anyone believe her.
The day's were starting to blend together, Elizzabeth wasn't sure how long she had been here. The lighting was always the say, it could have been days. or weeks for all she knew. It wasn't like there was anyone to ask. Elizzabeth had been sleeping most of the time trying to remember, or maybe forget, which one she wasn't sure. Elizzabeth heard a slight popping noise and looked to her left shoulder, but she already knew what she would find. A small fairy like devil sat idly perched on her shoulder. "Forget about me already?" Katherine asked in a condescending tone. Sighing Elizzabeth shook her head, "How could I forget you Katherine, you did come from inside my head." Katherine cackled, "Right well it would be nice to be greeted with anything other than a frown for once. You should be planning out escape, not sleeping and moping around all the time." Katherine said with a wicked grin. "Don't listen to a word she say's Elizzabeth darling, she's just trying to upset you." Liz looked to her right shoulder and sure enough a lovely angel with feathered wings fluttered just above it. "Susan, I was wondering when you were going to show up." Elizzabeth said dully. For far to long Elizzabeth had been plauged with the two alway's trying to tell her what to do. It was almost as if Elizzabeth never got to do anything for herself she was always being persuaded by one or the other. "Just leave me alone!" Elizzabeth swatted at the both of them hitting nothing but air. Lying face down on her cot Elizzabeth covered her ears with her pillow, before falling asleep she heard the two say in chorus, 'We'll be waiting'
She sat down to write a letter that will probably never be sent.
Letter said:

My dearest love, I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. The shatterd pieces I can't get out of my head. I keep praying that I'll wake up and this all be a nightmare so I can lay awake and be held in your arms. I wish you could wait for me, That I can come out and you be there with arms wide open. How can expect that of you. Your such an amazing guy. You deserve some one else. Each night I remember more of what I've done and I feel ashamed. I hate myself more and more with each passing moment. I was adulterous and a murderer. Not only did I kill that man, I killed our future along with it. I miss holding you, and playing with Kala. So many times I wish I could take back everything I said to her. Every time I lashed out with Kathrine deep in my thoughts. If only I could be as good as Susan. I miss you both. Maybe when I get out I can find you. I better not though. I don't want to hurt what ever happiness you find as you put your lives back together.

Forever Yours,


The angel trying to comfort her. Her cries of anguish rang down the hall and the dementors came to feed..
Elizzabeth awoke with a start, she heard a mouse run across the floor and strait out of this god forsaken prison. She sighed no sign of her imperfections anywhere. She smiled for the first time she had been here. She had let out a lot of unneeded emotion last night and she felt as if an enormious berden had been uplifted. Her thoughts drifted her eyes heavy she stood up and stretched letting out a yawn. She found her food that had been left from the night before and shoved it back out the slot just as a gaurd walked by, causing him to fall back. She laughed with a sort of misunderstood smile playing across her chaped lips.
Elizzabeth had been here a while now she had been trying to keep track of how long but it was hard. Every now and then A guard would tell her. The day's were getting better and she could see alot better in the dim lighting. Katherine still lingered but it was getting easyer to block her out. Kari had been right all the time, if only she would have gone to the doctor more often and did what they said, maybe this could have been avoided. It was nice to think about, Susan did come out every once in a while but, Elizzabeth had started to think of her as her consence. She had never thought she had one but it was easyer to think she did. She didn't want to be a crazy murderer but she had those days. She still talked to herself alot and attemted to talk to the guards even though it was against the rules. She continued to right letters, they were carfully placed inbetween her cot. They were sad and pathetic but they helped her so much. She sometimes even thought she was better off here. Sure the food was cr@p and the company didn't talk back but she wasn't making the world a better place out there so, she couldn't hurt anyone here either. She still missed her friends, and Kari and Kala but what could she do. Even if she got out it wasn't like she could just talk to any of them like this never happened. She sighed, it was a lot to deal with but she delt. She sat on her cot and thought of all the good times see had and fell into a peacfull sleep for the first time in a long time.
Elizzabeth awoke from her nap. She had taken to napping several hours a day. It was the best way to past the time. So every morning she got up, then napped, then dug at the floor, then napped, the poked at her 'Lunch', then napped, then screamed at no one in particular, then napped, then poked at her 'Diner', then napped, then woke up just before bed time and went to bed. She spent her whole time in this 7 by 7 by 10 foot cell, with a dirt floor and a small cot. The small toilet in the corner offered no privacy, and she was sure the guards were watching her use it. 'Sickos' she thought to herself.

She stood up and walked over to the cast iron bars that kept her confined. I sense of Claustrophobia set over her and she muffled a scream. The air around her began to grow cold. Her heart sank into the depths of pain. She began to see her breath cloud around her face, her body began to shake, and her teeth began to chatter. The creature floated down the hall, Its long cape billowing around him. She felt all her bad memories coming to the surface, all those fights with Kari, yelling at Kala, and Killing that man. Tears began to stream down her face.

Soon the dementor was facing her, its disgustingly twisted face hidden in its hood. The began a sucking noise and her world went ascew. She fell to her knees and was vaguely aware of a high pitched scream, behind it a deep rich baritone was screaming. She could feel him being ripped away from her. She began to hyperventilate as her sorrows encroached on her. The world tilted even more as she became aware of the ground rushing up to meet her. She cried out for him, "Kari! Kari! Please Kari! I'm so sorry!" She began to weep, the dementor taking the last of her strength. After the pain became to stop she welcomed the numbness that fallowed. Her lids closed and she fell fast asleep, not quiet sure who she was anymore.
Elizzabeth woke on the floor cold and every inch of her ached. She stood up slowly and felt a little bit dizzy still. She could see strait at least. She felt weird though, but she couldn't figure it out. But then she reliezed she was hungary. SHe couldn't remember the last time she was hungary. She looked around. She didn't know what time it was. But she figured it must at least be close to lunch time.

She looked around at the small cell. She missed home, and Kari. That was when she remembered why she had been on the floor in the first place. She shuttered and wrapped her arms around herself. How she missed his arms around her. That was when she reliveded how stupid she was for killing that man. The flashbacks came but the tears brought her out of them. She just wanted to see him. He was what had kept her going in this he11. She could fell his breath on her neck the way he comforted her after the dreams.

The tears streamed steadily her hungar compleatly forgotten. He was the one, he always had been. She just couldn't stand it anymore, let the gaurds stare and laugh. She had to let it out. And she thought of all the things about him. She hoped he would wait for her. SHe knew it was wrong, but she loved him and she didn;t know if she could love antone else. But then she stopped everything and gasped. BUt what if he didn't want her? She was a criminal, he should be scared of her.

That was about the time lunch came. She didn't even give it a second glance before she threw it up against the wall. She started to sob, not the nice silent cry but a childesh sob. She couldn't believe she thought he might wait for her, mayve she was crazy. She cried herself to sleep and didn't wake up again that day. And all she could dream about was him.
Elizzabeth woke up the next several months screaming. She dreamed about Kari and all her old friends, but then the dream would go bad. Dementors would come flying toward us or something else would happen to tear away what little piece of happiness she was clinging to. She wished it could all be the same as it was. She couldn't even remember what sunshine looked like anymore. She missed talking to people. At least when she first got here she had had Susan and Katherine. Even if they were hallucinations they talked back. She couldn't stand the silence. It was unbearable.

Elizzabeth sat down on her 'cot' and heard a soft crinkle. Amused she sat down again and again laughing almost hysterically. She looked under to find the cause and frowned. It was the letter she had written to Kari so long ago. Two lone tears fell from her lashes on to the dingy parchment. She was horrified she had found amusement in destroying the letter. Not that she had known that was what it was but still.

She tried to fix it as much as possible, in the end making it worse. She sat sobbing on her bed clutching the illegible letter to her chest. She knew deep down she was being stupid it was a letter for Merlin's sake. But she couldn't let it go, she was being crazy again. And that was when it hit her she wasn't THAT crazy. She remembered people in Azkaban were supposed to waste away because of the Dementors. But she was still here. She wasn't any crazier now then she was when they through her in. She laughed a somewhat normal laugh. She could still think rational thoughts she wasn't rolling around laughing hysterically.

It was a new hope. One that would keep her going till she got out of this prison. She would not let this be the end of her. She tried to fix her heavily clotted and matted hair. She brushed it with her fingers till she couldn't stand it any longer. She straighten the rags that had once been her clothes and smiled. The first true smile she had had since she was but into this cell to waste away. I'm going to make it she thought. If it's the last thing I do I will come out of this place sane. Well as sane as when I came in, she thought laughing.

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