Waking up in a strange place was never fun, so when Elizzabeth woke up to find herself in Azkaban you can only imagine the thought's going through her head. 'How did I get here? I don't remember anything. What have I done...' It didn't help that everything was dark. All she could see was the cot beneath her and the bars of her cell. Seeing herself in the striped robes that all prisoners wore filled Elizzabeth with grief. Thinking back everything came back in flashes. Her best friend Josh being pummeled by Angelo. There was nothing else she could have done, Angelo would have killed him if she hadn't of killed him first. She had only been doing what she could to help her friend right? The trial everything going so fast until she got here, to this terrible place. There were dark figure's moving in front of the bars to her cell and Elizzabeth knew what they were. She curled herself as tightly as she could into the corner of her cot and the room and started to cry. She needed Kari, he would help her, he always new what was best. The dementors had obviously noticed her presence and seemed to completely block out all the light that had been coming in before. Rocking back and forth Elizzabeth sobbed, "Kari!" She closed her eye's she couldn't stand to see the dark monsters anymore, "Kari help me!" She cried to no one.