Closed Complicated Relationships

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Professor Kalif Styx realized that his relationship with the Transfiguration professor, the female one, would be more known around the school soon enough. While he sat down at the staff table, holding a goblet in his hand that had his unsweetened tea within it, sipping it. Next to him, sat the Gryffindor Head of House. He was aware of the relationship that she had with his companion. It was her mother-in-law. It was awkward to say the least, but he was actually grateful that she had not spoke to him about it. Kalif sat in absolute silence, while his stare loomed over his Slytherins like a buzzard, waiting for one to die off. Well, not literally for him. The year had not been too dramatic, and no one had pushed his buttons as of yet. So, he seemed a little more relaxed than ever. That is, until someone he really did not want near him came and sat down.
It wasn't uncommon for Cyndi to sit beside Kalif during meals. The two had developed a friendship over the years, so even when he was silent, which was more often than not, she was fine with it. Especially lately as she pondered her own life and the future of it. Under his watchful eye, the Slytherins sat with decorum she wouldnt expect from her Gryffindors on their best day. And truth be told, she wouldn't want to see them like that. She enjoyed their boundless energy on most days. "Kalif, what do you have planned for the holidays? Will I find you on some beach tanning?" she teased lightly as she reached for her drink.
Kalif turned his attention to Professor Kingsley as she asked a question, detecting some tease within her tone. It was not uncommon for her to do so. While he knew that his siblings would have a come back against it about tanning without lines, but anyone who knew Kalif knew that would be the damnedest lie. "Of course not. I plan on going back home to Bulgaria for a while. Since my mother passed, I'm a little concerned for the well being of my father." Well, more like, more concerned for the well being of his other family members. "I assume that your husband and yourself have something planned?"

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