Open Comme Les Fleurs

Gemma Thorne

beauxs grad 🦋 social 🦋 lifestyle writer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Fairy Wing Core
05/2039 (24)
Gemma sat in the Beauxbaton's garden and took a deep breath, enjoying the early spring sunshine. It was finally warm enough to go outside and not be miserable, and it had not come a moment too soon for her. She was starting to go stir crazy being trapped in the castle by the cold. It was bad enough that her parent's had decided to spend their holiday in the Alps surrounded by snow, only to return to school and also be surrounded by snow. But today was the day, and she even brought her potions book with her to pretend she was going to do some reading for class. She had found a small patch of grass and laid down resting her arms behind her head with her long forgotten potions book resting on her chest as she closed her eyes.
Élise had found this book about Quidditch in the library and decided to take it outside. There must be a tree that gave enough shade so she could actually read it outside. Her vacation had been great, but she was glad to be back at school. Learning magic had been a lot of fun and the English lessons from Daithi had been great. When she walked outside she spotted a girl she didn't recognize from classes laying in the grass. She didn't need to read this book now. ''Hey, can I join you?'' Élise said. ''I am Élise''
Gemma opened her eyes slowly to find another girl looking down at her. She blinked a few times at took a good look at her. "Sure." she said finally after a second of contemplation. She had been enjoying the quiet but the prospect of a new friend seemed too tempting to pass up. She pat the grass in the space next to her as a sign of welcome. "I'm Gemma." she said as she sat up, volunteering her name even though Elise didn't ask. "Nice to meet you. You're a first year aren't you?" Gemma asked, while she kept her social circle small she did like to keep tabs on everyone she could and she did recognize the girl as one of the newer students.
Élise sat down in the grass next to her and laid the book on her lap. There was no use of reading it right now anyway. The girl introduced herself as Gemma, she didn't recognize then name and she was sure that this girl wasn't in her year. ''I am, yes.'' Élise smiled ''Learning magic has been really awesome so far though.'' She knew she was going to beauxbatons, but actually learning magic had been something else. It was amazing to learn so much and she had learned she loved Quidditch. Flying had giving her a feeling of absolute freedom and she hoped she could join the team when the time would come. ''Have you played Quidditch?'' Élise asked Gemma.
Gemma smiled politely as the other girl sat down and looked at her curiously as she started to talk excitedly. "Oh yeah, it's a blast." she said, trying to sound enthusiastic. Honestly she didn't care much about learning. She didn't have to try very hard to get decent grades, and she left it at that. But Gemma did perk up a bit at the mention of quidditich. "No, but my friend Hugo is on the team." she said proudly. She didn't mention that he was only an alternate but that didn't seem particularly relevant at the moment. "I am considering maybe joining next year." she said and brushed her hair over her shoulder.
Élise wasn't exactly studious nor did she care about grades. She did like to learn new spells and charms. ''I love all the spells and charms, don't care about theory or actually learning much though.'' Élise always has been more of a practical, athletic person rather than studious. ''That is so cool, I am so hoping I can make the team next year too.'' Élise paused ''I don't care if I am going to be an alternate, I just want get experience and maybe make the actual team in a couple years'' She was going to try her best to make the team. ''You should, we could train together'' Élise smiled ''Which position do you want to try out for?'' Élise was sure of wanting to become a beater already. ''I am going all the way for beater'' Élise grinned she loved the action and having a bat to swing bludgers to others sounded so cool.
Gemma smiled as the other girl spoke. "Yeah." she said and leaned back on her hands, tilting her face towards the sun. "It is exciting to learn all of it for the first time." she added with a sigh. She didn't quite feel the same, and it felt more like a chore from her perspective. Nothing really challenged her and Gemma felt like she could be doing more with her time here. But she did perk up slightly when Elise started to talk more about quidditch. "That would be a good idea." she said in response to her comment about training together. She really did need to get some more practice in if she wanted to actually make the team. "Oh really?" she asked and let her head tilt quizzically. "I'm not sure what position I'm going to try out for yet. I think it will depend on what spots are available. But beater" she said, and the more she thought about it she like the sound of it. It was probably a great way to get out frustrations too.

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