Coming Home

Cameron Kingsley

Former Minister for Magic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status

Cameron apparated directly outside of the house he now shared with Marleigh Hayes. He loved the girl he knew was inside of their home. She was just about as wonderful as it got. Cameron had some rather interesting news that he had not yet shared with his love. Kiera had made him promise not to tell about their engagement until the secret wedding was over. Much to his dismay, Kiera had said Marleigh wasn't allowed to accopany him to the Christmas wedding.

Now, however, he was allowed to tell her about the engagement and invite her to the second wedding. He didn't like the fact that Kiera was married so young. He thought she was dumb for marrying at such a young age. Cameron walked into the house, looking for Marliegh.
The house was filled with the wonderful aroma of pot roast and apple pie. Marleigh had worked all day at preparing a nice home cooked meal for her sweetheart seeing as how the two of them had been so busy with work and other such nonsense as of late, she figured it would be nice for the two of them to sit down and enjoy a nice evening at home alone with a nice meal. She flitted about the kitchen finishing up the last few side items for their dinner, singing out loud since she didn't know that she was no longer at home alone.
Cameron could hear Marleigh singing as he entered the house. Her voice sounded like the angel she was. He walked silently though the house towards her voice, coming from the kitchen. He could smell the delicious smell of home cooked food. God, he loved her. He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Hey babe." he said, kissing her cheek.
Marleigh screamed and dropped the plates that she was holding in her hands, sending them to the ground with a loud crash. "Dammit," she muttered under her breath as she turned to face Cameron. "That, mister, is going to cost you," she said snarkily as she snaked her arms up around his neck, kissing him lightly on the lips. "So now that you've scared the every loving crap out of was your day," Marleigh asked her love.
Cameron chuckled as Marleigh dropped the plates in her hands. He was amused as she uttered a curse word then proceeded to threaten him. He kissed her back a bit more enthusiastically than the situation required. He grinned. "Don't worry. I can fix it." he said pulling his wand. Cam quickly fixed the broken dishes then sent them to the counter. He pocketed his wand and wrapped his arms back around Marleigh. "See no harm done." he said confidently. "My day was pretty good." he said, not being able to say much about his job as an Unspeakable. "I do however, have some interesting news to tell you." he said with a smile.
"Ah, a man who can fix things...see that's why I keep you around," she said laughing as he kissed her back. Marleigh knew good and well that there were certain things about Cam's days at work that he couldn't possibly share with her and she was okay with that. Her ears perked when he said he has some interesting news for her. "Oh really? And just what would that happen to be," she asked full of curiosity as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
Cameron grinned at Marleigh as she teased him. He leaned down to kiss her once more. She was just too adorable for him to keep his hands off of her. He pulled back, only to tell her what he knew. "Well love, you know I have a sister, Kiera, who is a seventh year at Hogwarts New Zealand right?" he said, pausing to take a breath. "Kiera is engaged to be married at the end of August to James Potter." he said, waiting for her reaction.
Marleigh just stood there for a minute, not really processing what he just told her. "Engaged? Engaged? Oh God, she's only seventeen Cameron, she can't be engaged," she started, feeling that it was much to young to possibly even consider getting married and then she considered the name of Kiera's fiance. "Potter? As in he's related to Harry Potter?" Marleigh tried to stop and think about it rationally, but the idea of being engaged at the tender age of seventeen just made her head spin. "Is she sure this is what she wants?"
Cam watched Marleigh carefully wondering what she would make of this. As she began to freak out just a bit, he held her closer. He did not understand how Kiera could be so ready for marriage when he wasn't even close. Sure, he loved Marleigh but marriage was a big commitment that he didn't think his little sister was ready for. "Yes, she is engaged." he said dryly. His tone making it obvious that he wasn't please. Cameron nodded his head at his girlfriend. "He is the oldest child of the Harry Potter. I really don't think she knows what she is getting into." he told Marleigh honestly. "She thinks this is exactly what she wants but I'm not so sure. I saw the two of them together over Christmas and there is no doubt that he loves and adores her. I just hope it will be enough. The press is always all over the Potters and James has a reputation for being a bit of a bad boy." he said, having done some research on the boy. Kiera was used to dealing the the occasional muggle press but never on the scale that James, and now Kiera, had to deal with.
Marleigh just shook her head. She herself was very close to twenty and she knew that there was no way in hell that she was ready to get married. Kiera was still a could she possibly be ready to wed? "If she's sure...then...I guess I should be happy for her, but I just can't see how anyone would be ready to get married at such a young age," she said looking up at Cam. She knew that she loved him with all she had, but was definitely not ready to marry him...she had so much that she wanted to do with her life first and marriage wasn't high on her list of priorities. "Sorry, I guess you were expecting me to be a bit more enthused at the's just marriage is's scary to think about I guess," she said regretfully.
Cameron shook his head. He agreed with her completely. He wasn't exactly enthusiastic when his sister had told him the news. "I don't know either babe but once Kiera gets an idea in her head, she's nearly impossible to convince that its a bad idea." he said shaking his head. His sister was stubborn and pigheaded but he loved her. "Trust me, I wasn't thrilled when I heard the news either. I just hope James treats her right." he said, clenching his teeth. "But since I'm her brother, it means you and I get to go to the wedding of the year." he said with a crooked grin. The press would be all over this wedding.
"So she's stubborn? Gee, I wonder where on earth she could possibly get that from," Marleigh teased, poking him in the sides with her fingers. When he grinned her heart melted, the same way it did everytime he smiled. "Wedding of the year you say? What in the world shall I possibly ever wear...I guess it's a good thing that I have a few months to throw something together," Marleigh replied laughing as she released herself from his grasp and began flitting back around the kitchen once again. "Please tell me you brought home an appetite," she said looking back at him hopefully, seeing as how she'd prepared way too much food and they'd probably be eating pot roast for week.
Cameron laughed outloud as Marleigh poked him in the sides. "Hey! Cut that out! You don't want to mess with me missy!" he said before grabbing her around her thighs and tossing her over his shoulder. It was something that he knew annoyed his sisters and would probably irritate Marleigh. "I'm sure you will find something beautiful to wear to the wedding. Just make sure you don't outshine Kiera or she might get a little upset with you. Though its really not your fault your so appealing." he teased her before setting her back on her feet. His stomach growled as she mentioned food. He flashed her a crooked smile. "You know I always bring home my appetite." Cam said.
"Oh for the sweet love of all that's good...would you put me down," Marleigh said laughing as she popped him hard on his butt. When he finally sat her back down she heard his stomach grumble loudly and she smirked at him. "Good, because we're going to be eating this meal for the next week...I think I made way too much," she said a bit sheepishly as she leaned down and pulled the pie out of the oven. Marleigh quickly set the table, making sure that every last thing was perfect. Removing her apron she sat down and looked at Cam. "Soups on!" She grinned brightly at him, still in awe that he was all hers.
Cameron grinned at her as she said dinner was ready. He walked to their kitchen table and sat down. He waited patiently as she got everything ready. "What's for dinner honey?" he asked her. Cam's curiosity was interested as she said soups on. He couldn't wait to see what she made.
"Pot roast, mashed potatoes, cabbage, steamed broccoli, and biscuits," Marleigh replied as she finally finished setting everything on the table and took her own seat. "Oh and we have apple pie for dessert...with vanilla ice cream." A sneaky grin crept up on her face and she said, "I was going to have ice cream sundaes, but I figured the chocolate sauce and whipped cream could be put to better another dessert...later this evening maybe." Marleigh winked at him suggestivly across the table as she slid her bare foot slightly up the leg of his pants playfully.
Cameron listened as Marleigh listed off the foods as she put them on the table. He smiled at her, still marveled by the fact that she was all he could ever hope for. Eventually, he intended to make her his bride. That day was far in the future though. Cam laughed as Marleigh suggested a much better use for the dessert supplies. "I think you might have thought of something very delicious to do with those items." he said, giving her a a crooked smile. "Though if you don't stop tempting me, we might not get through this dinner." he told her in a scolding tone.
"I slaved over a hot stove all day and not the easy way either," she said pointing at her wand, "The good old fashioned way. So you'll eat every last bite or you sir...will not be getting any dessert for the rest of the week." Marleigh playfully stuck her tongue out at him before turning her attention to the plate in front of her. "So how was your day at work," she asked, though she knew full and well that she'd get a very vague response from him, seeing as how his work was very classified and whatnot.

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