Come one, Come all.

Judy griped on to Trip as if he where a life line. She was compleatly scard of Aleyha for the very reason that she knew that Aleyha could hurt her. When ever she was around her Judy felt like she was back in St. Angelica's school for girls. Judy wanted more than anything to be back under the bench but she had to make due with the safty she felt back there. "Please T,T,Taylor don't start any t,t,troble." She said softly when she heard the mutter. Judy listened to Trip and Aleyha talk but didn't contibut. She didn't really know what to say. If she said the wrong thing she knew that she would be running from Aleyha like she had on the train. She still didn't know what she said but it made the girl grab for her hair. Luckaly Judy knew how to dissaper. Not really but she could be gone so fast that it seemed like she vanished.
Taylor clenched her teeth for a second then relaxed. "Don't worry Judy, I'll try not to." She muttered once more under her breath, kind of hoping the albino would hear her but keeping the volume down enough that she probably wouldn't. "She's probably just annoyed because Fudge found himself a girlfriend that wasn't her."
Aleyha smiled a bit at Trip, and said with pride, "Yes, Trip. I am a Parselmouth." Although, his nesxt question threw her off guard. Aleyha glanced at the ground, before her eyes clouded with mixed emotions. She shrugged, and answered, "Just an albino girl with a special gift." "I could tell you what type of person she is." Those words rang in her ears, as her red eyes danced with rage. She turned and glared at the girl, Taylor. "I don't recall ever doing anything bad to you, Taylor. You only say that because Brodie said something horrid to you, which I had nothing to do with."

For once, Aleyha appreciated Judy's interference. Like a snake, she heard Taylor mention something about Brodie having a girlfriend. Immediately, she clinched her white teeth together, and her hands formed into fists. Unsure of why she would dare act like that, she managed to calm herself down enough to say, "What makes you think that I care about Brodie's little 'girlfriend'?" She rolled her eyes and sighed. She stared back at the man, and her eyes seemed to give off an apologetic look, however, it could be mistaken for annoyance as well.
Taylor was a little suprised at Aleyha's responce to the girlfried comment. She hadn't realised the parseltongue actually liked Brodie. That reaction kind of gave it away. "Whoa there nelly, no need to get in a huff with me, I'm only the messanger." She held her hands up in mock surrender, while she had considered speaking her thoughts, Judy's plea had entered her mind and, for once, she chose not to cause trouble.
Judy saw Aleyha cleanch her fists and tryed to get away from Trip to get back under the bench to take cover. "Taylor d,d,d,don't y,y,you don't k,k,know what s,s,s,she's capable of!" She said her eyes swiming with tears now. She didn't want to see her friend get hurt and she was starting to lose all sence of self now. She didn't know when she started to give into her fear but it was always so now. Judy knew there was a fight coming she didn't want to preasence violence.
At first Aleyha seemed to be proud of her gift, but then he asked her what type of person she was and she was thrown off guard. Emotions flickered through her eyes and he suddenly realized that she didn't really know what type of person she was.. or at least not fully. Taylor interupted with a mutter and trip glanced back at her, "No need to be like that". He was in the middle of a rivalry between people less then half his age. It was rather confusing on what to say and how to act.

If they where his age he probably would have told them to walk off and if they didn't blow a stream of fire between them or something. but they were kids. This was odd in many more ways then one.
Then the argument seemed to change to a boy named Brodie. "Now hand on just a second" Trip said, getting abit annoyed. His hands seemed to spark and heat up slightly before fading away again. Aleyha gave him an apologetic look that mixed with annoyance.

"If you guys don't stop. you can be the props in my next act... got it?" His threat was hollow and he was sure they would hear it in his voice but he had to do something.
Taylor noticed Judy panic and Trip try to make an empty threat. Though she could tell it was empty she also knew this was getting a bit out of hand. "Sorry, I get carried away with people like her." Her apologies were directed towards Judy and Trip, Judy especially. "I'll stop now, but only if she does aswell." Taylor shot Aleyha a dirty look, she was willing to be rational but only if the other girl was too. Taylor doubted that would happen.
JAmes went and walked onto the sence looking for his sister Judy. "Judy where are you?" He called out as he walked by as he walked by a good size crowd. He was wondering where she was. HE knew how she got when she was alone.
Prodan had just finished speaking with Asparuh, who had left for Bulgaria. His stormy eyes glanced around for his daughter. Sighing, he murmured, "Now where did she go?" He searched up and down the street, streaked with panic. He was about to go to his younger brother's store when he finally spotted Aleyha. He smiled with relief. However, before he rushed to his daughter, he saw a man, and two other girls. One seemed to be crying, while the other girl seemed to be rather irritated or something. Prodan knew of his daughter's attitude problem and rolled his eyes, "Here we go again."

He approached the group, his muscles showing from under his white shirt. He was tall and built. Although, he was shorter than his brothers, but he made up for in his size. Still, he wasn't bigger than Chavdar. He put his hand on his daughter's shoulder, and stared at the only adult, "Afternoon, sir. I hope my daughter hasn't caused any trouble for you." He gave the man a smile, one true. He glanced down at the other girls. Although he had a personality disorder, he seemed perfectly normal thanks to the muggle medications.
Aleyha snapped at Taylor, "I will be reasonable as long as you stop judging people based on the ones they hang out with!" Aleyha was about to attack her, and found Trip's threat meaningless. She heard worse from her family. He seemed harmless to her. However, she felt a hand upon her shoulder. Immediately, she peered up at her dad, and shook her head. Aleyha heard her father speak and she continued to glare at Taylor. "I haven't started anything this time, dad."
Judy smiled weakly at Taylor after laughing at what Trip said. That was when she heard a voice. "JAMES!" She shreaked then ran into the crowd. She found her brown haired brother among the faces. She was also using him as an excuse to get away from everyone. She ran behind her older brother and wraped her arms aroundn his middle from the back. She started to cry into his back. "I'm sorry but I so scared." She sobbed. She knew how James got annoyed with her when she threw herself into histerics.
Taylor was about to remark about how she judged Aleyha by her own actions towards her at the meeting when a well built man walked up to them. Her brow crumpled in confusion until he spoke, her jaw almost dropped. He was talking nicely and yet he managed to have a daughter like that. Before she had time to remark Judy screamed someone's name and ran out from her protection inder the bench. Taylor felt slightly confused.
James shook his head. "Judy wha happened now? Man you need back bone to servive and you know it." He said then hugged his sister. "Please calm down. I'm here now so everything will be ok." He said as he hugged her.
Judy looked up at her brother sniffing. "I used to have one and it was ripped out though my nose." She said though tears. She was calming down now that she was away from what was going on. She looked back at Taylor though the crowd. She hoped that she didn't see the tear stains coming down her cheeks. Judy hated when she threw herself into histerics like this. She wished she where brave again like she used to be and like her family was. "Taylor and Aleyha you know the girl from the train that I was talking about. The one that pulled my hair and said she was going to beat me up along with her friend if I didn't stop shaking? They where going to get into a fight then this guy came and now everything us just confused." She said her eyes wide but still glassy.
"Oh. . . Well there is nothing I can do if it is girls sis. You know I don't hit girls." JAmes said as he kept holding his sister. "Come on let me get you your favorite sweets to help calm you down." He said giving her his brotherly smile.
Judy nodded with a weak smile. That was the good thing about James. He knew her weakness for sweets and how to use it. She looked around then looked back at Taylor who she knew she would be leaving alone here and confused. She ran back to Taylor carfly avoiding Aleyha's eye. "Come with me and James. I know you can't want to be here all alone." She said softly and gave her a hopful smile. With that she lead the way to Honeydukes. She hoped Taylor would join them.
James smiled at his sister as she got happier. He went and followed her to Honey Dukes.
Taylor looked up as Judy ran back, the poor girl had tear stains running down her face. "Sure I'll come with you." She shot Aleyha one last dirty look before following Judy and the boy.

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