- Messages
- 330
- OOC First Name
- Ana V.
- Wand
- Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Judy griped on to Trip as if he where a life line. She was compleatly scard of Aleyha for the very reason that she knew that Aleyha could hurt her. When ever she was around her Judy felt like she was back in St. Angelica's school for girls. Judy wanted more than anything to be back under the bench but she had to make due with the safty she felt back there. "Please T,T,Taylor don't start any t,t,troble." She said softly when she heard the mutter. Judy listened to Trip and Aleyha talk but didn't contibut. She didn't really know what to say. If she said the wrong thing she knew that she would be running from Aleyha like she had on the train. She still didn't know what she said but it made the girl grab for her hair. Luckaly Judy knew how to dissaper. Not really but she could be gone so fast that it seemed like she vanished.