Come on take a Vow

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Hadan Blake

Well-Known Member
I'm looking for love...Nah! Sorry about that, I keed to I keel xD

-back to the point-

Anyways if everyone haven't been up to date with Hadan and Kasey Blake. Yes I said it Kasey Blake. Were getting married :frantics:

How did came about? Well we didn't rp but we were secretly dating and no one knew about it cause Kasey was like no don't tell no one! But Hadan was like why must I hide my love for you forever. Kasey bit her lip and quirk her eyebrow. That's when Hadan was like Kasey Carla will you be my valentine forever? So Kasey was like OMG! And Hadan was like huh? Kasey stood speechless. Hadan was like anyday woman. -chuckles so Kasey was *Le gasp* Hadan shook his head and wonder why are woman so difficult?? But I love her so much!! He thought to himself,,, so finally after hours later Kasey said
Yes!! But it was a scream than a yes, poor Hadan he like deaft right now but he's likes YEAH!! I gots my love hearts ♥


Anyways I know Hadan and Kasey has friends and Family. Were mostly family so friends post! That means Ashley etc...Arts... Well you get were I'm going with this please post :p LOL
Its going to be on Brightstone weekend, Dalmoir will probably be attending, I might have Marlana regain her memory back she can't miss her sister wedding :hug:
Its going to be set up soon. I'm just waiting for my ghost priestess to get accept it.

Here my sort of List!
Savana Blake and parents (I'm rping them both with Hadan)
Ashley Cooper and Family or friends
Arts and her Family (doesn't have to be everyone)
Maya and probably Woody Green
Jake and Irene
God I'm not going down the list -on standby-
Grande with a Friend if he wants to
Melodie and Abathyn with Marlana (surprise)
Izaak can go (again if he wants to)
Jon and Zehava (acck)

Well you get what I'm going with

Its not a lot but it is lol I'm just not very organising.
I want more of Kasey friends there so the setup will be simple, one or two post for each character the most so the broom and bride can post the rest of the ceremony. Along with my priestess.
If any else wants to go just post here!
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