Closed Come Dance

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Naveen Khatri

professional worrier 🌿proceed with caution
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2049 (13)
Naveen liked dances for the most part. He liked getting dressed up and he liked that even though he saw the great hall every day, tonight it was special. The magical snow did a lot of the work, making the space feel like a different planet on this warm summer night. The one thing he didn't really care for was the whole nonsense about finding a date, as if it really effected ones enjoyment of the night. But tonight he did have a date. He glanced toward Ivy and wasn't sure what to do. After the incident at the lake they had started to hang out more and going to the Yule Ball together just made sense. Naveen wiped his sweaty palms on his jacket and looked around the room. "Do you want to get something to drink?" he asked. "Or eat?" His eyes eventually fell on the dance floor and he shrugged. "Or dance?"
at first glance Ivy and naveen seemed like a weird combination to be friends. Naveen was shy and quiet and cautious where as Ivy was outgoing and outspoken and reckless. yet somehow they had become friends balencing each other out. they had known each other for years from their time in scouts becoming griends under the craft table bonding over beads and paintings. but they hadnt been close until this semester where her stumbling in the lake had drawn them together again.
tonight was the yule ball and she was looking forward to it. she had a date, even if it wasnt a Date date. maybe it still could be. though her brother said people had to know it was a Date Date beforehand for it to count. she also had a dress that she was very excited to wear. a shimmering blue green that made her think of fish and mermaids and with peacock faithers adding details to the shoulders she had to love it. she had considered saving it for later when she did have a Date date but at the rate she was growing and changng shape she wasnt sure it was even going to fit her in february.
they walked around the hall together she was always blown away by how beautiful the decorations were and how it felt like they were in the forest. she looked around to see if she could see her aunt. she bet she would like them. she looked back to Naveen as he spoke. he seemed nervous which wasnt a suprise. he often was. "they all sound good" she said her eyes scooting over to the dance floor and the ice skating behind it which was where she usually spent time during the ball though usually her dress wasnt as long as tonights. "maybe start with adrink then try the dance floor" she said. not wanting to drag him there straight away but wanting to dance at some stage.
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Naveen was about to be overwhelmed by choices but he was glad Ivy was willing to come up with a plan. With that sorted he could feel himself relax a bit and he nodded at her. "Yeah that sounds good." With a smile he offered his arm to her so they could walk over to the drinks together. It was a gesture that felt right when you were with a date even though he didn't think it was an actual date, or was it? He felt a brief moment of panic before taking a deep breath. He slammed the door to that train of thought quickly, if he had to over think whatever this was he could do it later, and he likely would. When they got to the drinks he was grateful for the task and he busied himself with pouring one for each of them. "Here you are." he said kindly. "Oh, and if I didn't mention before you dress is so cool."
Ivy took naveens arm as he led her over to the drinks. A wide smile on her face. She guessed this was what it felt like to go to the ball with a friend. Or with a date. It was nice.
she waved at a couple of her class mates as they passed who were looking amazing in their ball outfits. And soon they had reacjed the drinks table and naveen was handing her a drink tuank you she said Taking a sip. The fruity fizz tasting sparkly on her tongue.
thank you she said again as he complimented her dress preening slightly like the peacock whose feathers and colours adorned it. You are looking very smart too.[/b] she said. A few moments passed quietly between them as they both drank some of their drinks. ”what are you doing over the holidays? she asked.
Naveen sipped his drink and was a little surprised when Ivy complimented his outfit. He didn't think he was particularly well dressed in his suit. Besides he was already starting to outgrow it, the sleeves and the hem of his pants were a little short when he had gotten the suit right before leaving for school. His dad would probably be annoyed but it wasn't like he could help how fast he grew. "Thanks." he said finally and was a little shy about it. So he was was glad when she brought up a neutral topic. "Not to much. Probably going to spend most of it in the garden and hanging out with my family." he shrugged. "I think we're going to my grandparent's for Christmas with the whole family which will be...." he trailed off trying to think of a way to properly explain what it was like to be in a house full of Khatris. "...loud."
Ivy listened as naveen described his holiday. It sounded fun though she had a feeling when he said he would be spending it in the garden it was a slightly different use of time than her garden time which was, as much as she tried to be cool at school, spent climbing trees or making Dens or flying or playing with whatever animals were around which between her brother aunt and mum was usually something fun. that sounds like fun. she said. The loud not seeming as intimidating to her as it was to him.
I am mostly chilling at home. I will spend some time with my sister and stay with my brothers for a bit. They just got a new house and I have my own bedroom there. And they are hosting Christmas. So it should be fun she said. Looking forward to seeing how they had done it up. From the old place it had been on the pictures. With cas in charge she was sure it would be great.
Naveen gave a slight shrug and made an uncertain noise when Ivy said his holiday sounded fun. He was excited for his time at home at least, and his family was nice if not a little intense. But every time they got together their casual chatting turned to nearly shouting as they fought to be heard over one another. Ivy could probably hold her own in that situation better than he could. He listened as she told them about her plans and he nodded along. "Wow that's cool." he said when she mentioned having a room at her brother's place. Sometimes he wondered what it'd be like to have more than just his sister around. It sounded a little overwhelming if he was being honest. But he was pretty sure he had enough cousins to make up for it. With the small talk out of the way a silence fell over them and he started to sweat a little and he pulled at his collar. "Did you still want to dance?" he asked even if he was doubtful she would have changed her mind already.
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