
Solstice Eve

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OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
It was freezing outside, and Solstice really wasn't used to it yet. When she had been with her mother and the clan traveling they had generally been in warm places and she had forgotten how cold school could be. She had on warm clothes. She had worn layers to go out and she was still freezing. But she was to far away to run in and get a heavier coat so she kept walking, she didn't want to go back just yet. She had always liked it better outside, it was the way she had been raised. She fingered the locket her dad had given her. It always made her smile and it gave her the drive to keep going. She knew her way around the school well now, and knew a place where she liked to go and think, but as she drew closer to her space she saw someone was already there.
Maximilian decided to take a break from working. He has spent most of winter tuck away into a corner of his room and now he finally, after the past few months of only going out for food and classes, feels the need to strech his legs and go otuside. Being the small guy he is, average height really but skinny, he knew better then go out in the snow without having atleast a sweater and two coats on with his scarf and gloves. Heading out the main enterance his lungs were filled with the stiff air of winter, and some snow. Continuing on he made his way over to a place he had found to be a great place to think a few years back before he had gotten into clothes making.
Solstice looked over the intruder. He was a boy about her age she guessed. He seemed lost in thought and she wondered if she should just leave. But for the sake of her best friend Nobody, whom was always bugging her to be more social. She walked over to him. She didn't really know other kids who went to her school, but she had friends all around the world from traveling so much on break. "Hi." Was the best she could come up with but she figured it would have to do because she had already said it, so all she could do was hope he was friendly.

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