Cold Forest, Cold People

Luthor Silverback

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OOC First Name
Luthor stepped on a twig and ignored it as he looked around waiting for her, she was late which was her own personal way of showing that he was not in control of her. It was annoying to the young Silverback as he began twirling his wand between his fingers. Luthor had gotten quite use to this treatment from her though soon things were going to be different. Luthor only had to marry her, if he killed her afterwards than nothing would be affected. She on the other hand would be dead before she even had the chance to think about murdering him. Luthor looked at a tree, it had the look as though some older student might lean against it and relax. Luthor did no such thing as he continued to walk around, he could feel the cold air though he knew that it would be getting warm soon.

There was something wrong with Epiphany. She was starting to see it in herself. It bad been happening for a long time though. She never found things funny, she never felt sad, angry, upset, happy. There was nothing there. It was as if something had broken inside her and she couldn't seem to find the piece that went there. Most of the time she shrugged it off as nothing more than something that would pass. She still smiled and laughed when it was time for her to do so, when it was appropriate for her but if she wasn't required to she didn't. Maybe she was better off because of it. She was Luthor Silverback's betrothed after all even though they didn't talk about it in school. "I hope it's important Luthor." She said as she caught up with the boy. She had her hand tightly around a messenger bag which black and red butterflies printed on it. Her design. The red butterfly was said to be a symbol for death so Epiphany had adopted it just like her sister had adopted the Monarch as her's.
"We need to talk about your sister" Luthor said coldly as he turned towards Epiphany. She's married to a Muggleborn no less and the two of them are being marked for death under my orders" Luthor said with a smirk as he took a step towards Epiphany. "For being related to her I've ordered your death as well, however Alexander and Aunt Lolita have asked me to reconsider" Luthor said as he twirled his wand around in his fingers. "They seem to think that your good for me, that we are actually friends" Luthor said with a harsh laugh that was obviously fake since nobody had ever heard him laugh before. Luthor wasn't even sure he'd ever even laughed before. "So I figured what the heck, I'd let you decide on whether or not your going to just dissapear during Christmas break, if your blood is going to end up on my knife" Luthor said with a brightness in his eyes. Luthor knew that Epiphany wouldn't hold any doubts about whether or not he'd enjoy cutting her throat and gutting her like a pig. "I think you and your sister are both useless, marrying you would be disgusted since your family obviously fancies Mudbloods" Luthor said casually.
Her sister, married to a mudblood? Epiphany looked to the side. She had to think about this one. Epiphany herself had no prejudice against muggle borns. In her opinion if the Dark Lord had found a way to take Hermionie Granger from the Potter boy he would have succeed in his quest for domination. Intelligence was not to be undervalued because of origin. Epiphany had to play this one right or she would be dead. "No Lolita knows that your are going to need me if you are going to keep going with your plan." She said as she circled him then put her arms around him from the back. "You my love are going to be a powerful wizard but you have no social skills. That's where I come in. I thought you realized this." She said into his ear. She knew that making Luthor uncomfortable was not the best idea but she couldn't help it. It was too much fun. "Besides for betraying the Silverbacks I want the honer of killing her myself. If any of you hunt her down she will run but if I go to her she won't see it coming. My sister is surprisingly stupid when it comes to me." She said with a giggle. Epiphany didn't fancy anyone really. Too young maybe or maybe it had something to do with that broken part of her.
Luthor pulled away from the girl and spat on the ground when she said the words 'my love'. He hated that word with a passion and despised anyone who even thought such things. "Don't ever call me that" Luthor said coldly as he pointed his wand at her threateningly. " should kill you now for such a jest, especially since you know how much I hate..." he couldn't finish his sentence. Ever since he was little such thoughts about Love made him feel uncomfortable, not one part of him could understand it and so he came to instantly hate it with such a passion. "You will not get the honor of killing her" Luthor said as he placed his wand down, he couldn't tell if Epiphany really did want to kill her sister but Luthor was not fool enough to leave it by chance. "Instead you are given two jobs, that will save your life" Luthor said simply enough as he began to circle her. "You will bring her to me so that I can kill her" Luthor said with a smirk. "You will also bring me five new followers by Christmas Day, otherwise you will die with your sister" Luthor said simply enough as he finished his circle around her. "They must all be older than us, no first years" Luthor added to make the job more difficult for the stupid girl.
Epiphany laughed as she tossed her curls. There would come a time when he thought with his hormones more than his head like all men but for how Epiphany had to make due with teasing him. She had learned enough from Zazuka when she was thinking properly that know that what girls could do to manipulate the men they where with. Epiphany pouted when Luthor said that she didn't couldn't kill Zazuka. "As always your no fun Luthor. Alright I will make sure Zuka is at your feet when the time comes." She said her face breaking into a smile. The next task made her laugh again. "Make it a real challenge and give me their names. I will gather them in alphabetical order. You really think so little of me? That almost hurts." She said putting her her hand on her chest and putting a sad look on her face. "Almost" She grinned.
Luthor hated the girl so much, she thought she was so smart and yet she knew so little. He took a step forwards and decided to give her something she would regret. "Let's just hope that you don't lose your memory again" Luthor said with a smirk "don't worry about it I'm sure Aunt Lolita would be able to help you, she's already done wonders" Luthor said casually as his eyes looked down at her feet and then up her body towards her head. "It's a real shame she couldn't alter the body, you almost as ugly as your sister" Luthor said as he began to look away from her. "Good thing our marriage isn't based on attraction, though I can't see what my family see's in you" Luthor said speaking truthfully. The marriage was originally meant to be further unification to go with Alexander marrying Zazuka, now that the mudblood lover had cheated on Alexander it didn't make sense. "I will go ahead and allow Alexander to marry Eden since there doesn't seem a purpose for him not too anymore" Luthor said with a smirk. "At least the Koshiba's and the Silverbacks can unite" Luthor said knowing that would get to Epiphany.
Epiphany let the comments slide down her like so many water drops. It was strange, normally a girl or anyone would have taken hits upon their family and looks hard but they meant nothing to the young girl. She was just rather curios as to what would make Luthor say things like that. "She was good looking enough to lead your brother by the nose for a moment in time. The only reason she left is because Alexander got together with that hag banshee queen. Dime store, corner market fake that's what Zazuka called her. Her visions are worth about as much dirt under our shoes and you know it. I'd trap her myself if she didn't have a brat." She said rolling her eyes. If there was one thing Epiphany would not do was kill a child's parents. Well if the child was being wronged then she would more than happily kill the parents but children with good parents needed to grow up with them. That was until they where of age to understand.
"don't fool yourself" Luthor said casually, he was annoyed at the girl's vague attempt to try and speak to him as if he were a fool. "Your sister's only attractive feat was the darkness within and from what I've heard that's all but gone" Luthor said with a smirk. He began thinking about everything that Alexander had written to him. Obviously his older sibling had only given him the information so that he could get away with his own plans to marry Eden, not that Luthor cared. "She's married to a Daily Prophet reporter, I'm sure he's going to be sticking his filthy Mudblood nose in your business, I'm a bit curious as to how you might get around that" Luthor said as he kicked a twig. "Your funny though" Luther said with a smirk as his twisted brain began to turn like clockwork. "I'm sure your brain likes to try and think that it is better than mine and yet it is my influence that makes you a member of Slytherin house" Luther said as his eyes narrowed on the girl. "You are the person that you think you are because of me, because of the Silverback family" Luthor said with a cold sharpness. "If you truly wish to be great than you have to always be by my side, but if you can't stand on your own and do as your ordered than you need only lie down and die" Luthor explained simply enough.
Epiphany crossed her arms. Lolita was always talking about how Luthor being difficult. Not that she minded. If anything gave her anything that felt like joy was seeing Luthor mad. It was as if his feelings could reflect upon her there for she could be angry. Or something like that, she didn't feel it for herself. "Um you seem to have forgotten who your talking to." She said when he mentioned the mudblood reporter boy that her sister had run off with. "Epiphany, loved by all adults as the cutest child in the world. The girl who all parent wishes their child to be. Cleaver, obedient and sweet. This reporter will take on look at me and think nothing of me. The pink tends to throw people off like that." She said putting her hands together then out in front of her to strike an innocent pose. Epiphany was best at deseption, even Luthor had to admit that. She didn't need spells or enchantments when her words could twist the world around her to what she wanted it to be. "Of course I am. You and Auntie Lolita gave me everything I have and Auntie is the one who teaches me everything I know. Thanks to her I will be a witch of power, one that can help you achieve everything you set out to do. As always I'm at your command. But I do like to have fun." She giggled as if they where talking about nothing more than kid stuff.
"Your stupid" Luthor said letting out some air, it was annoying trying to talk with someone that was mentally beneath the ability to actually be afraid. He kicked a rock towards a nearby tree and began feeling bored. It had been a long time since he'd been able to entertain himself, he hoped that when Sigourney arrived she would be able to find some mice for him to cut. "Do you think the staff would notice if one of the house elves found themselves without a head?" Luthor asked as his brain already began working out a way for him to murder one of the putrid things without being found out. He was starting to feel on edge, he needed to cause something or someone pain. He looked at Epiphany, "Do me a favor and bash one of these rocks against your head, it couldn't make you any less annoying" Luthor said simply as the thought of the girl in front of him bleeding from her skull would indeed making him happy.
Epiphany smirked. "No my lord and master I just know you too well to be afraid of you." She said. Epiphany listened to him proclaim that he was bored and wanted to hurt something. "Oh I think the house elves will make a bit of an uproar. They are a bit more uppity here than normal elves because of the freedoms that the Heads give them. I do have something that could keep you entertained though." She said as she searched her bag. She found a jar of beetles and pins. "Grotesque to some people but then again your not some people. And if it won't make me any less annoying then why would you want me hurt myself." She said holding the pins out for him. She didn't really think that that he'd be all to interested in the beetles but the pins might have peak his fancy.
Luthor walked up and grabbed both the pins and the beetles, he began pulling one of each and taking them to a tree. Slowly he tried to gauge on what of part of the beetle would feel the most pain as he placed the pin through the center and slowly began pulling the legs off. "You think your cleaver because Aunt Lolita wishes to make you one of my acolytes" Luthor said turning towards Epiphany. "What will you do when she is no longer around to protect you, or if she finally has enough with your family and decides that your not worth her time?" Luthor asked curiously. "She wouldn't let you live, it would be too illogical, she have to kill you" Luthor said ripping one of the beetles in half. The thought of Epiphany being ripped in half pleased him greatly. "How smart do you'll be then?" Luthor added as he quickly killed another beetle.
Epiphany smiled looking at him with the beetles. It was nessery for him to have something to do that included hurting people. Some thought it rather thugish but then one didn't get to the top without breaking a few bones. Luthor hit on the very thing that Epiphany could not get around. "If it is Lolita's wish to end my life then it is her hands. It is to her that I owe the knowlege that I have gained and it to her that I owe my out look on life." She said with her hands together. If Epiphany showed any kind of respect to it was to Lolita. The dark witch was practicably her goddess and Epiphany would do anything for her. More than likely Lolita had planned it that way. Whatever the case Epiphany was at her whim.

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